

Din sökning på "*" gav 534151 sökträffar

Chapter 3. A Review of Energy Saving Potential and Strategies for Electric Lighting in Future Low Energy Office Buildings

This chapter presents key energy use figures and explores the energy saving potential for electric lighting in office buildings based on a review of relevant literature, with special emphasis on a North European context. The review outlines that an energy intensity of around 10 kWh/m2yr is a realistic target for electric lighting in future low energy office buildings, based on theoretical calculat

Theory and Analysis of Higher-Order Motion Blur Rasterization

A common assumption in motion blur rendering is that the triangle vertices move in straight lines. In this paper, we focus on scenarios where this assumption is no longer valid, such as motion due to fast rotation and other non-linear characteristics. To that end, we present a higher-order representation of vertex motion based on Bézier curves, which allows for more complex motion paths, and we de

On Parameter Estimation and Control of Time-Varying Stochastic Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling kan delas in i två delar. Den första delen behandlar en analys av en vanlig parameter estimations algoritm - Rekursiv Minska Kvadrat (RMK) algoritmen. Denna algoritm används ofta inom tekniska tillämpningar när man vill estimera modeller i realtid. T.ex. kan RMK användas för att finna modeller på hur framtida elförbrukning i Malmö (eller någon annan staThis thesis is about parameter estimation and control of time-varying stochastic systems. It can be divided into two parts. The first part deals with an estimation algorithm commonly used when estimating parameters in time-varying stochastic systems, the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm with forgetting factor. The exact statistical properties for the RLS-estimator with forgetting factor ar

Nu gör vi jul igen

Äter folk fortfarande lutfisk? Varför smyckar så många sina trädgårdar och balkonger med ett överdåd av elekriskt ljus? Vem vill ha nakna tomtar och röda underkläder? Ett fyrtiotal forskare, verksamma vid arkiv, museer och universitetsinstitutioner med etnologisk och kulturvetenskaplig inriktning, ger här inblickar i vår tids jul i Sverige. Utgångspunkten är ett dokumentationsprojekt kring den nut

Integration of computer aided design analysis into the engineering design process for use by engineering designers

When developing products, engineering designers often face the problem that their candidate for a technical solution, ranging from a concept to a detailed design, needs to be analyzed by a design analyst before it is approved or rejected and the engineering designer can continue his/her activities within the product development process. If engineering designers have to send every solution candidat

Sexual conflict and selection on pistil and pollen traits

Popular Abstract in Swedish Konflikter och sexuellt urval under pollenkonkurrens Naturens många fantastiska färger och former har till stor del skapats av det sexuella urvalet, det vill säga selektionstryck som skapas av konkurrens och val, som uppstår till följd av att djur och växter fortplantar sig. Det var Darwin som 1871 presenterade teorin om det sexuella urvalet i ett försök att förklara vThe incidence of sexual selection in plants is today acknowledged, however, just as in animals, evolution and maintenance of mate choice is gravely underexplored. Moreover, the potential for sexual conflicts to occur in plants has only been assessed empirically to a very limited degree. Using the hermaphroditic annual herb Collinsia heterophylla, I looked deeper into the role of pollen-pollen comp

Navigating the world and learning to like it - mobility training through a pervasive game

This paper introduces the idea that location based pervasive games can be used to make mobility training for visually impaired children more fun. The user centred development process which has been carried out in collaboration with both visually impaired children and rehabilitation staff is described and we present a novel game concept which combines locative play, sound traces and a physical catc

Museum Education in the Making of the Region Scania

This paper studies regional museum, archives and arts education commissions of the Region of Scania, reformed in 2009, from a policy analysis perspective. It describes the background, design and implementation of the new policy and analyses its effects. The paper gives detailed information on the complexities of policy tool design and implementation, and discusses it in the light of regional gover

Time and frequency synchronization scheme for multiuser OFDM

We present a multiuser synchronization scheme for tracking the mobile's uplink time and frequency offsets. It uses the redundancy introduced by the cyclic prefix and does not need additional pilots. We show performance results of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based radio interface based on the universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) parameters. For a UMTS-typical mo

Rational rate punctured convolutional codes for soft-decision Viterbi decoding

We present rational rate k/n punctured convolutional codes (n up to 8, k=1, ···, n-1, and constraint length ν up to 8) with good performance. Many of these codes improve the free distance and (or) weight spectra over previously reported codes with the same parameters. The tabulated codes are found by an exhaustive (or a random) search

Factors associated with BMI change over five years in a Swedish adult population. Results from the Scania Public Health Cohort Study.

Objectives: On account of the increasing worldwide problems associated with overweight and obesity, the aim of the present study was to examine BMI change over 5 years in relation to different lifestyle-, demographic- and psychosocial work-related factors. METHODS: A cohort of 9913 persons responded to an identical survey in 2000 and 2005. BMI change over the period was examined in relation to gen

The Decline and Fall of the Church : The Middle Ages, the Gothicization, and the Reformation

Summary and further discussion of the main thesis in the authors dissertation (Den gotiske labyrint. Middelalderen og kirkerne i Danmark; The Gothic labyrinth. The Middle Ages and the churches in Denmark, 1993). Monasteries in Denmark, their forundation dates, numbers, size, design, decoration and fixtures are used as a source to show when the power of the church was built up, changed and broken d

Initiation of acute pancreatitis by heparan sulphate in the rat.

OBJECTIVE: The initiating events in the onset of pancreatitis are poorly understood. Possible candidates may be endogenous ligands, acting on receptors within ductal, acinar or stellate cells, which have previously been shown to cause a systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The aim of this study was to investigate whether acute pancreatitis could be induced by heparan sulphate (HS)infused into