

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

Förlorad interaktion på en obekant scen - socialsekreterares upplevelser av att genomföra ASI på telefon

The social work field, like several others, has been forced to readjust in adapting to the prevailing restrictions with Covid-19. The assessment instrument Addiction Severity Index provides an overview of problems related to alcohol and drug use. This instrument has, considering the circumstances, been performed over the telephone instead of in person. The aim of this study was to examine social w

Gamifying Social Media for Users on Sustainability-A design science research for social media platforms

At present, social media platforms pay more and more attention to convey sustainable concepts to users, and at the same time, gamification is a popular interaction approach to attract users, then the purpose of this research is to explore how to leverage gamification into social media to make users sustainable, and the target audiences are the enterprises of social media. The entire study is a des

Exploring cultural orientation and its influence on business planning in new ventures: urban Indigenous Australian insights

The influence of one’s cultural orientation, particularly through Hofstede’s (1980; 2001) Individualism-Collectivism dimension, on entrepreneurs and planning within new ventures is an underexplored field in entrepreneurial research, specifically among cultural minorities. This study aims to understand the Individualism-Collectivism orientation of urban Indigenous Australian entrepreneurs based in

The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs on Educational Outcomes in Developing Countries. A Case Study: Bolsa Família in Brazil

Bolsa Família is one of the largest conditional cash transfer programs in the world. It provides cash transfers to poor households, conditional on human capital requirements such as minimum school attendance. The literature emphasizes that more schooling increases the human capital formation of children, which leads to improved employment outcomes and will break the inter-generational transmission

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till anhöriga som lever med en person med psykisk ohälsa – en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Att vara anhörig till en person med psykisk ohälsa kan innebära påfrestningar som gör att anhöriga själva löper risk att drabbas av psykisk ohälsa. De behöver möjlighet till personligt stöd för att förbättra sin livssituation. Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till anhöriga som lever med en person med psykisk ohälsa. Metod: Litteraturstudie som inkluderar

En amerikansk övertygelse om anskaffningsvärde - Kvalitativ studie av värderingsgrunder inom det gemensamma konceptuella ramverket

Examensarbetets titel: En amerikansk övertygelse om anskaffningsvärde - Kvalitativ studie av värderingsgrunder inom det gemensamma konceptuella ramverket Seminariedatum: 2021-06-02 Kurs: FEKH69, Kandidatuppsats i redovisning, 15 HP Författare: Matilda Borén, Viktor Hillskär, Mathilda Åkesson Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Fem nyckelord: Verkligt värde, Anskaffningsvärde, Konceptuellt ramverk, Konv

Swedish Application of Floods Directive: Bottom-Up or Top-Down?

The purpose of this thesis is to first evaluate how the EU´s FD is implemented and understood on a national level in Sweden. This is done to highlight the process and division of power, together with the national implementation strategies demarcation across different actors in Sweden. The theoretical underpinnings operationalize the work of Hedelin and Lindström by two types of behavior presented

Change in surface area of semi-natural grassland in the Osby municipality, Scania and potential consequences for plant diversity

During the past, land use has changed and still is. It has been recognized that land use changes affect biodiversity all over the world. In Sweden semi-natural grasslands are a habitat with high biodiversity. The topic of this thesis is how land use change has affected the habitat of semi-natural grasslands in the area around Osby, Scania. For that purpose, semi-natural grasslands in a historical

A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Protein Stability of Reteplase in Formulation with Various Excipients during Freeze-Drying Processing

The purpose of this project was to investigate protein stabilization by formulation excipients during the process of freeze-drying using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation. A recombinant therapeutic protein, Reteplase, was used as a model and the study focused on a comparative analysis of two excipients, arginine and tranexamic acid (TXA), as included in commercially available formulations of Rete


The project explores the harmful effects of excessive light exposure at night and people’s sleeping habits. Most people would use electronic devices in bed for a long time before sleep, and sometimes we fall asleep and accidentally leave the light on all night. And there are also some people who are afraid of darkness prefer to sleep with the light on all night. Sleeping with the light on delibe

The risky reality to legally exist - A critical analysis on the notion of legal identity in International Human Rights Law

Omkring 20 procent av alla människor världen över (1,5 miljarder) har inte ett officiellt, juridiskt dokument som bevis på sin identitet. Detta påverkar till exempel deras rösträtt, att öppna ett bankkonto, få formell anställning eller söka juridisk ersättning. Deras brist på bevis på juridisk existens exkluderar dem alltså från att delta på samtliga nivåer i samhället. Denna omfattande problematiAround 20% of all people worldwide (1.5 billion) do not have an official and legally recognized document as proof of their identity. This affect, for example, their right to vote, to open a bank account, obtain formal employment or seek legal compensation. In other words, their lack of proof for their legal existence excludes them from participating in society on all various levels. This was ackno

Social utsatthet i prostitution/sexarbete och behovet av stödinsatser - En diskursanalys av brukarorganisationerna Fuckförbundet och #intedinhora

Since the legal reform and adoption of the new sex purchase act in 1999, the efficiency of governmental actions and continuance of social vulnerability among prostitutes/sex workers in Sweden have been recurring topics in public debate. Conflicting views on what the problem actually is and how it might best be dealt with, create a divide between those who advocate a liberal feminist perspective, a

Typiska och icke-typiska barn: Hur betydelsen av barns ålder och mognad framställs i kunskapsstöd till socialtjänsten

Swedish legislation states conjunction between age and maturity and children’s right to participate in child protection cases. However, there are no age limitations for participation and neither do the legal sources provide distinctive support in professional assessment of sufficient maturity. The aim is to examine how the significance of children’s age and maturity is described in knowledge suppo

Vikten av det psykologiska: en undersökning av psykisk ohälsa och ätrelaterade bekymmer hos ungdomar med obesitas som bedöms för viktminskningskirurgi på Enhet Barnövervikt

Prevalensen av obesitas hos ungdomar är ett snabbt växande problem i Sverige, och är kopplat till betydande negativa psykologiska konsekvenser för många. Enhet Barnövervikt i Malmö, som behandlar ungdomar med obesitas, har önskat undersöka den psykiska ohälsan och ätrelaterade bekymmer hos patienter som bedöms för viktminskningskirurgi för att utöka sin kunskap. Deras huvudsakliga frågeställningarThe prevalence of obesity in adolescents is increasing rapidly in Sweden, and is associated with psychological consequences. The Childhood Obesity Unit in Malmö, which treats adolescents with obesity, wished to examine the mental health and eating pathology of patients presenting for assessment for bariatric surgery. Their primary research questions regarded the reported levels of these two areas

Informationsasymmetri på den svenska bilförsäkringsmarknaden

Denna uppsats undersöker informationsasymmetri på den svenska bilförsäkringsmarknaden. Genom att använda kunddata från Länsförsäkringar Upp- sala analyserar studien korrelationen mellan täckning och risk. Två logit- modeller estimerar effekten av att en ökad grad av försäkring leder till större sannolikhet för skadeanmälan. Tillsammans med dessa estimeringar kontrollerar vi för att olika försäkrin

Validation of a 3D culture model for toxicity studies in malignant and non-cancerous cells

Cancer is a widespread and commonly fatal disease in constant need of new treatments. Traditionally, new pharmaceuticals have been tested in 2D models. This is not ideal, as 2D environments do not reflect the in vivo milieu of the cells. Instead, it has been increasingly suggested to implement 3D models, which are thought to be more predictive of in vivo responses to treatment. It has been shown t

Begreppet som säger allt och ibland inget alls - Hur socialsekreterare förstår och bedömer sexuellt riskfyllt beteende hos placerade flickor

In Sweden social services has the overall responsibility for its youth within their municipality. Moreover, social workers have a responsibility to conduct an inquiry if there are suspicions of a youth getting harmed or harming oneself. The inquiry carries an exercise of power and authority since it can lead to the youth getting placed outside of the home. Within the Swedish historical context of

Financing higher education in Tanzania: Exploring Challenges and potential student loan models

The demand for higher education is quickly rising in the Sub-Saharan Africa region and the question of giving access to all members of society often comes down to financing. Many countries, including Tanzania, have opted for cost-sharing policies where the cost of education is split between the state and the individuals - leaving many without the possibility of attending higher education. This mas

Closing a Museum: A Cultural Analysis on the Dismantling Process of the Museum of Movements in Malmö

An attempt was made to create a museum that focuses on the issues of democracy, migration and human rights by the Swedish authorities in 2015. As a result of the feasibility study of such an institution, the Museum of Movements (MoM) began to operate in its temporary location in Malmö. In September 2020, it was decided that the museum would no longer be financed by the Swedish government and the d