

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

r/Detrans - Berättelser om kvinnliga detransitioners erfarenheter av stigma i återidentifieringsprocessen på forumet Reddit

I denna uppsats görs en netnografisk studie på forumet Reddit och hur kvinnliga detransitioners, personer som tidigare identifierat sig som transmän använder forumet för att interagera med varandra samt hur stigma kan förstås i deras upplevelser och erfarenheter i processen av återidentifiering till de kön som de tilldelats vid födseln. Detransitioners är ett relativt nytt och outforskat fenomen,

A Blessing and a Curse - Stress and Wellbeing in Meaningful Work

The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding of work-related stress and wellbeing amongst employees who do meaningful work in volunteer-based organizations. The research question chosen to explore this topic is "How do employees in girl’s support centers, who perceive their work as meaningful, experience stress and wellbeing in their jobs?". The data was collected using

The Asian American comedy : a case study of the Asian American TikTok comedy

Asian Americans are underrepresented in mainstream media and are often absent or portrayed with stereotypical images. These stereotypes and discrimination not only shape how non-Asians view Asian Americans, but also how Asian Americans view themselves and their racial identity. The emergence of social media has changed this situation and helped Asian Americans to speak out. Anyone can publicly exp

“People seem to understand numbers better than the alphabet” : Experiences and effects of reclassification from SAB to Dewey at a university library

This thesis is an analysis of the effects and experiences of reclassification from the Swedish SAB system to the Dewey Decimal Classification at one of the faculty libraries at Lund University. The background for this study is the National Library report from 2006 where advantages and disadvantages of switching to the DDC were outlined. The theoretical framework is based on Bowker and Star’s infra

'It makes things up like crazy!' : Swedish school librarians' perceptions on ChatGPT

The aim of my thesis is to provide research-based insight into AI technologies for information seeking’s place in future school library operations. To achieve this aim, I am looking at Swedish school librarians’ perceptions and views on AI technologies for information seeking, especially in connection with their work on media and information literacy. My research questions are as follows: (Q1) How

Grey-box modeling for hot-spot temperature prediction of oil-immersed transformers in power distribution networks

Power transformers are one of the most costly assets in power grids. Due to increasing electricity demand and levels of distributed generation, they are more and more often loaded above their rated limits. Transformer ratings are traditionally set as static limits, set in a controlled environment with conservative margins. Through dynamic transformer rating, the rating is instead adapted to the ac

CTG interpretation templates affect residents’ decision making

Objective: To study whether a revision of CTG guidelines and educational program influenced the perceived need for intervention by residents in obstetrics and gynecology. A secondary aim was to study the sensitivity and specificity of the classification pathological after classification by residents using two different guidelines in identifying neonates with acidemia. Study design: Cardiotocograms

Trådar av historien : en studie av bevarandet av textilt kulturarv i arkiv

This master’s thesis aims to illuminate how the textile cultural heritage such as textiles and the documentation about textiles is currently preserved in archives. This is a field of study that is currently absent in the research of archival science and research in general. Three archives with material connected to textile cultural heritage were interviewed for this study. To answer how textile cu

Att övervinna psykisk ohälsa: En litteraturöversikt av interventioner med fokus på aktivitet och deras inverkan på personlig återhämtning och aktivitetsengagemang

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är vanligt förekommande, kan resultera i nedsatt funktionsförmåga och aktivitetsengagemang samt påverka vardagen negativt med minskad mening. I arbetet för att övervinna psykisk ohälsa kan en arbetsteraput ha en viktig roll genom att möjliggöra aktivitetsengagemang och därmed främja den personliga återhämtningen. Forskning tyder på att det behöver undersökas hur ett aktiviBackground: Mental illness is very common, can result in reduced functional capacity and occupational engagement and negatively affect everyday life with reduced meaning. In the work to overcome mental illness, an occupational therapist plays an important role by enabling occupational engagement and thereby promoting personal recovery. Research indicates that it is necessary to investigate how an

Livscykelanalys av grundläggning - En fallstudie av 11 projekt

Efter en lagändring som trädde i kraft 1 januari 2022 infördes krav på klimatdeklarationer vid uppförande av nya byggnader. Syftet med ändringen är att samla in data och statistik för att i framtiden kunna införa gränsvärden på klimatpåverkan. Vissa bärande konstruktionsdelar i grundläggningen, som pålar, inkluderas dock inte i dagens klimatdeklarationer. Grundkonstruktionernas dimensioner berorFollowing a legislative amendment that came into effect on January 1, 2022, there is now a requirement for climate declarations for new buildings. The purpose of this amendment is to gather data and statistics to potentially establish limits on climate impact in the future. There are certain limitations regarding which structural components of the foundation are included in the climate declaration

Spatial-temporal responses of Arctic amplification to carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP6 simulations

The Arctic is experiencing a phenomenon called Arctic amplification (AA) which has caused a rapid warming rate two to three times greater than that of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) or global in both observed and modelled data over the past few decades. Previous studies focused mostly on temperature and sea ice albedo feedbacks; however, the impacts of biosphere feedbacks especially from carbon cycl

Greening the grid of Indonesia - Second life application for Lithium-Ion Electric Vehicle batteries in Indonesia’s Energy System

Som ett resultat av ökad efterfrågan på elektricitet från urban elektrifiering, den växande ekonomin och global uppvärmning står Indonesien inför stora utmaningar. För att lyckas med hållbar storskalig elektrifiering krävs stora mängder litiumjonbatterier som kan balansera elnätet. Den ökande efterfrågan på dessa har lett till brist på batterimineraler vilket försvårar situationen för landet. SaWith the increasing energy demand from urban electrification, the growing economy and global warming, Indonesia has some extensive challenges ahead. Additionally, growing demand for Li-ion batteries is causing shortages of virgin battery minerals in parallel with the increasing demand for energy storage to accommodate electrification. On the contrary, the future abundance of used electric vehicle

Institutions and Economic Growth in the Late Ottoman Empire: A Quantitative Approach, 1820-1913

This thesis studies the institutions and economic development of the late Ottoman Empire, examining whether institutions can explain the economic development of the regions and countries subject to it during the period of 1820-1913. The thesis aims to quantify the institutional determinants of geography, religion/culture, and political economy/interests, and it employs a semi-experimental approach

Trepartsöverenskommelsen - framtidens metod för årlig justering av bostadshyror?

Sedan införandet av lagen (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag ska kommunala bolag drivas enligt affärsmässiga principer. Dessutom ändrades reglerna i jordabalken om jämförelse av skäliga hyror enligt bruksvärdessystemet genom att de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen inte längre är ensamt hyresnormerande. Sedan dessa lagändringar har det inte funnits något regelverk om vad de årliga Since 2011 public municipal housing companies are to be operated according to commercial principles and the comparison of reasonable rents according to the utility value system is based on collective negotiated rents. Since these legal changes, there has been no regulatory framework for what the annual rent adjustments should be based on. Previously, the public housing companies' self-cost cal

Regime-based dynamic asset allocation using a diverse set of features

This paper presents a novel approach to dynamic asset allocation using regime-based modeling and a diverse set of features. The objective of this study is to select the most important features that reflect the state of the market, apply an effective method for detecting market regimes using the selected features, and design an effective trading strategy that leverages the identified sequence of ma

Surface Reconstruction using Multipath Propagation in Indoor MIMO Radar

Using active radar for localization in indoor environments is challenging. By signal reflection off walls and other static objects, false targets occur, referred to as multipath "ghosts". These are a significant hinder in interpreting the data. For this reason mapping out problematic surfaces that produce reflections is an important task, preferably without prior knowledge of the room ge

Involving Public Transport Companies in Disaster Management During a Blackout – A Feasibility Study

This thesis explores how a blackout can be better managed using existing public transport company resources. The study addresses three research questions by assessing the feasibility of possible cooperation between local public transport companies and disaster management authorities during a blackout. Data from 14 interviews with experts from disaster management authorities, public transport com

Global nature run data with realistic high-resolution carbon weather for the year of the Paris Agreement

The CO2 Human Emissions project has generated realistic high-resolution 9 km global simulations for atmospheric carbon tracers referred to as nature runs to foster carbon-cycle research applications with current and planned satellite missions, as well as the surge of in situ observations. Realistic atmospheric CO2, CH4 and CO fields can provide a reference for assessing the impact of proposed desi