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A search for H-chondritic chromite grains in sediments that formed immediately after the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body 470 Ma ago
Rare meteorites common in the Ordovician period
A fever of creativity in Southern Swedish Cities
Modeling and Estimation Topics in Robotics
The field of robotics offers a wide array of estimation problems, ranging from kinematic and dynamic calibration to pose estimation and computer vision. This thesis presents a set of methods to solve estimation problems encountered in robotics, with an emphasis on industrial robotics. The researched topics are all practically motivated and have found immediate use in applications.Industrial roboti
Further Studies of Parameter Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Ship Steering Dynamics
Geographical and Spatial Thinking in the Swedish Curriculum
New features of the MAX IV thermionic pre-injector
The MAX IV facility in Lund, Sweden consists of two storage rings for production of synchrotron radiation. The smaller 1.5 GeV ring is presently under construction, while the larger 3 GeV ring is being commissioned. Both rings will be operating with top-up injections from a full-energy injector. During injection, the electron beam is first delivered to the main injector from a thermionic pre-injec
Robust PID design based on QFT and convex-concave optimization
This paper presents an automatic loop-shaping method for designing proportional integral derivative controllers. Criteria for load disturbance attenuation, measurement noise injection, set-point response and robustness to plant uncertainty are given. One criterion is chosen to be optimized with the remaining ones as constraints. Two cases are considered: M-constrained integral gain optimization an
Balancing Upstream and Downstream Measures to Tackle the Obesity Epidemic : A Position Statement from the European Association for the Study of Obesity
Mortality benefits from US population-wide reduction in sodium consumption : Projections from 3 modeling approaches
Computer simulations have been used to estimate the mortality benefits from population-wide reductions in dietary sodium, although comparisons of these estimates have not been rigorously evaluated. We used 3 different approaches to model the effect of sodium reduction in the US population over the next 10 years, incorporating evidence for direct effects on cardiovascular disease mortality (method
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Hydrologic response of climate change in the source region of the Yangtze River, based on water balance analysis
Due to the large amount of water resources stored in glaciers, permafrost, and lakes, the source region of the Yangtze River (SRYR) is of great importance for the overall basin water flow. For this purpose, a state of art review and calculations were made for the period 1957-2013 using observed hydrological and meteorological data with a water balance approach. Actual evapotranspiration was calcul
Migration strategies and annual space-use in an Afro-Palaearctic aerial insectivore - the European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus
Obligate insectivorous birds breeding in high latitudes travel thousands of kilometres during annual movements to track the local seasonal peaks of food abundance in a continuously fluctuating resource landscape. Avian migrants use an array of strategies when conducting these movements depending on e.g. morphology, life history traits and environmental factors encountered en route. Here we used ge
Human Language between Christian and Secular
Could changing power relationships lead to better water sharing in Central Asia?
Even though Central Asia is water rich, water disputes have characterized the region after crumbling of the Soviet Union in 1991. The uneven spatial distribution and complex pattern of transboundary water sources with contrasting national water needs have created an intricate water dilemma. Increasing national water needs, water claims by surrounding countries, uncertainties in renewable water vol
Laser-based investigation on a dry low emission industrial prototype burner at atmospheric pressure conditions
Experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure conditions on the prototype 4th generation DLE burner. The combustion changes that occur for alteration of the operating conditions by changing the equivalence ratios (φ) for CH4 as fuel at different sections of the burner, were optically investigated. The burner assembly has three concentrically arranged premixed burner sections: an outer Main se
Early–Middle Ordovician biotic and sedimentary dynamics in the Baltoscandian paleobasin
Baltoskandien utgör en del av paleokontinenten Baltica, vilken mestadels var täckt av ett grunt epeiriskt hav under den ordoviciska tidsperioden (ca 485,5–444 Ma). Detta uråldriga hav efterlämnade en tunn lagerföljd av sedimentära bergarter. Under tidig–mellanordovicium (ca 485,5–457,5 Ma) befann sig Baltica vid tempererade breddgrader på södra halvklotet och kallvattenkarbonater bildades över stoThe Baltoscandian region forms part of the paleocontinent Baltica, which was largely covered by a shallow epeiric sea throughout much of the Ordovician (c. 485.5–444 Ma). This ancient sea is today recorded by a thin succession of sedimentary rocks. During the Early–Middle Ordovician (c. 485.5–457.5 Ma), Baltica was situated in mid-latitudes on the southern hemisphere and cool-water carbonates form