

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Callous-Unemotional Traits, Harm-Effect Moral Reasoning, and Bullying Among Swedish Children

Background: Although callous-unemotional (CU) traits have been associated with bullying among children and adolescents, relatively little is known about whether each of the three sub-constructs of CU traits—callous, uncaring, and unemotional—are associated with bullying when they are considered concurrently in the analysis. Objective: This study was the first to examine in a single model whether c

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The necessity of exploring the transformation of anger in psychotherapy is highlighted in scientific literature. Such analysis could deepen our understanding of destructive and constructive possibilities of anger expression. The aim of this research was to reveal subjectively important changes of anger expression and therapeutic factors. Female clients, who had accomplished their long-term therapy

Serier vi inte minns : Skräckserier för tjejer

Anteckningar till en föreläsning hållen för Seriefrämjandet Skåne på Rum för serier, Malmö. En presentation av tre serietidningar från den ofta förbisedda genren skräckserier för tjejer: brittiska Spellbound och Misty från 1970-talet och tyska Vanessa - Freundin der Geister från 1980-talet. Bilder ej inkluderade upphovsrättsliga skäl.Lecture notes from a lecture held for the Swedish Comics Association, Scanian Branch at Rum för serier, Malmö. A presentation of three comic books representing the often overlooked genre of horror comics for girls: the British Spellbound and Misty, both from the 1970s, and the German Vanessa - Freundin der Geister, from the 1980s. Images not included for copyright reasons.

Experimental and numerical assessment of the work of fracture in injection-moulded low-density polyethylene

The fracture mechanics properties of injection-moulded low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheets were investigated both experimentally and numerically. The total work of fracture was determined experimentally, by means of fracture mechanics testing of sheets of injection-moulded LDPE with side cracks of different lengths. A multi-specimen method, proposed by Kim and Joe (1987), was employed. The tota

Point of no return for improvement of cartilage quality indicated by dGEMRIC before and after weight loss in patients with knee osteoarthritis : a cohort study

Background: It has been demonstrated that weight loss improves symptoms in obese subjects with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). A parallel change in cartilage morphology remains to be demonstrated. Purpose: To demonstrate a parallel change in cartilage morphology. Material and Methods: Obese patients with KOA were examined before and after weight loss over 16 weeks. Target knee joints were radiographica

Animal modelling of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome

The etiology of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) remains elusive and may involve multiple causes. To better understand its pathophysiology, many efforts have been made to create IC/BPS models. Most existing models of IC/BPS strive to recreate bladder-related features by applying noxious intravesical or systemic stimuli to healthy animals. These models are useful to help underst

Factors Predicting the Off-treatment Duration in Patients with Prostate Cancer Receiving Degarelix as Intermittent Androgen Deprivation Therapy

Background: Intermittent androgen deprivation therapy (IAD) is commonly used in prostate cancer because of the benefits of the off-treatment period (OTP). The off-treatment time for patients depends on cancer progression, often measured as a rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Objective: To evaluate if certain factors can predict OTP duration following 7-mo degarelix therapy. Design, setting,

Therapeutic suggestions with critically ill in palliative care

Suggestions can be used without formal hypnosis, especially with critically ill patients, due to their spontaneous trance state. In this paper we outline data on the effectiveness of therapeutic suggestions. We interpret the possible mechanism of therapeutic suggestions in the context of stress cognition. Basic principles of formulating suggestions are discussed and some recommended versions of no

Use of Lactate ProTM2 for measurement of fetal scalp blood lactate during labor – proposing new cutoffs for normality, preacidemia and acidemia : a cross-sectional study

Objective: Measurement of fetal scalp blood lactate is a supplementary tool to cardiotocography in the case of a non-reassuring tracing. Several hand-held lactate meters have been launched, all with differentials in absolute values. Therefore, the reference intervals must be calculated for each device. The internationally accepted reference interval is based on measurement with Lactate ProTM with

Safety of device closure of secundum atrial septal defects in children-does the weight at time of procedure matter?

Background: Transcatheter closure of secundum atrial septal defect (ASD) is nowadays the main treatment option in many centers worldwide. In symptomatic infants or in those with certain comorbidities, there is a need for early intervention. Limited data are available about the procedural safety in infants below 15 kg of weight. Methods: Retrospective review of all patients referred to our center f

Consuming Others for Others: Carnism and Anthropocentric Conceptions of Dog Feeding Practices

Situated in a broader anthropocentric and speciesist structure, carnism serves to perpetuate the objectification and exploitation of other animals. In this paper, carnistic thinking is examined in the context of how it is commonly applied to dogs, who are framed as lovable, yet subordinate to humans. Through critically discussing the social system of domestication, and by relating carnistic ideolo

Patterns of sedentary time and ambulatory physical activity in a Danish population of girls and women with Rett syndrome

Background: Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder leading to multiple disabilities and high dependency on caregivers. This study aimed to: (1) describe the patterns of sedentary time and daily steps and (2) identify the association of individual and environmental characteristics with sedentary time. Methods: All Danish females with RTT older than 5 years of age and with a MECP2

Timing avian long-distance migration : From internal clock mechanisms to global flights

Migratory birds regularly perform impressive long-distance flights, which are timed relative to the anticipated environmental resources at destination areas that can be several thousand kilometres away. Timely migration requires diverse strategies and adaptations that involve an intricate interplay between internal clock mechanisms and environmental conditions across the annual cycle. Here we revi

Early snowmelt significantly enhances boreal springtime carbon uptake

We determine the annual timing of spring recovery from spaceborne microwave radiometer observations across northern hemisphere boreal evergreen forests for 1979–2014. We find a trend of advanced spring recovery of carbon uptake for this period, with a total average shift of 8.1 d (2.3 d/decade). We use this trend to estimate the corresponding changes in gross primary production (GPP) by applying i