

Din sökning på "*" gav 529338 sökträffar

Djuret, jakten, myten - Svenska fynd av uroxe (bos primigenius) i arkeologisk kontext

The aim of this thesis is to study Swedish archaeological finds of aurochs (Bos primigenius) in order to complement the existing knowledge about the aurochs that is based on the sub fossil material. This thesis presents all the finds of aurochs that has been made in archaeological context in Sweden, in order to see if the humans had different hunting strategies in different geographic locations. B

Utrymning av nattklubb - Resultat från två fullskaleförsök

Two unannounced evacuation experiments were performed in two different nightclubs. The goal was to measure a pre-movement time for the visitors as well as observe the human behavior in an evacuation situation. The visitors were filmed during the evacuation and later asked to answer a questionnaire. At the same time a breathalyzer was used to measure the visitors’ alcohol concentration. The data fr

Kompetensutvecklingsverktyg för operativa brandingenjörer

Many fire protection engineers working in the operative part of the rescue service feel that they do not have enough training for their role as Tactical leader and as On scene commander. There is a need for a tool for competence development and competence assurance. This report provides the results of a master’s thesis, with the aim to develop a prototype of such a tool. The tool is limited to the

Synthesized textures in 3D rendering

In 3D rendering a common task is to render large textured surfaces, such as walls and terrains. Ideally you would want a texture that is not obviously repeating itself, but memory limits often work against this goal. This thesis explores a method using texture synthesis that aims to reduce visual repetition and memory usage at the cost of a pre-processing step and higher run time performance requi


This research paper aims to identify how womanhood is constructed in the Soviet TV-movies of the Stagnation era. The thesis is based on the theoretical background in the areas of gender constructions in Western media, gender constructions in Soviet society, and gender constructions in Soviet cinematography. The methodology of discourse analysis and the method of discursive psychology are used to i

"Du borde skämmas för din horas skull!" – En genusvetenskaplig studie kring ära utifrån ärekränkningsbrott i det senmedeltida Stockholm

Denna uppsats behandlar normer och värderingar kring kvinnlig och manlig ära utifrån rättsliggjorda ärekränkningsbrott i Stockholm mellan åren 1474 och 1481. En kvantitativ metod i kombination med en hermeneutisk metod har använts för att komma fram till om ärekränkningarna tycks ha varit ett manligt eller kvinnligt fenomen under perioden. Resultatet visar en överrepresentation av män både när det

New Public Management ur ett genusperspektiv - En studie av representerade diskurser vid Lunds universitet

Syfte: Vi ämnar undersöka vilka diskurser som finns representerade kring genus, ledarskap och NPM vid Lunds universitet idag. Metod: Med hjälp av diskursanalys kommer vi analysera intervjuer genomförda med fem prefekter vid olika institutioner vid Lunds universitet. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vårt teoriavsnitt kommer behandla diverse teorier kring diskursanalys. Ytterligare teorier som används är New

Securitization in China and Pakistan’s Frontier Regions A Comparative Account of Regional Security Discourses

This thesis utilizes securitization theory in a comparative analysis of security discourses in both the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Peoples Republic of China by looking at how actors in both states frame and respond to security issues relating to the respective frontier regions of Khyber- pakhtun and Xinjiang The purpose of which has been to produce a paper addressing the complexities that ar

Chinese Energy Efficiency Analysis Based on DEA Model and the Influencing Factors---from a Regional Approach

This paper first measures the energy efficiency of 28 provinces from 2001-2009 with DEA model. Different from previous studies that include labor, capital and energy consumption as input indicators, GDP as the only desirable output, this paper also models the undesirable output by introducing environmental pollution index. The result shows that eastern area has highest energy efficiency while the

Medveten närvaro i skolan: en utvärderande studie av programmet COMPAS

I denna studie undersöktes hur träning i medveten närvaro påverkade psykologiskt välbefinnande och medkänsla hos barn i tidig adolescens. Urvalet bestod av 251 högstadieelever från två olika skolor i södra Sverige. Interventionen var ett medveten närvaro-baserat program, COMPAS (Compassion and Attention in the Schools), som bestod av två förinspelade guidade meditationer som eleverna lyssnade på tIn this study we explored how mindfulness training interacted with psychological wellbeing and compassion for children in early adolescence. The sample included 251 7th and 8th grade students from two elementary schools in southern Sweden. The intervention was a mindfulness based-program called COMPAS (Compassion and Attention in the Schools), which consisted of two pre recorded guided meditations

”Han som sköter om katten, han värnar jättemycket om det, det är faktiskt det enda han värnar om så är det katten” En studie om djurs roll och funktion inom äldrevården och psykiatrin

Abstract Author: Frida Andersson Title: Animal's role in social work Supervisor: Tove Harnett Assessor: Johan Cronehed The purpose of this essay was to find out what roles certain animals are given in social work, using semi-structured interviews at five different places. The places I have visited specialized in either geriatric care and/or mental illness. During my interviews with the staf

Implications of cultural differences between West and East on User Experience and Interaction Design

Psychologists have until lately been rather likeminded when it comes to how the human brain is interpreting and processing different types of information. We react in certain ways when exposed to certain information but considering those reactions stem from experiments mainly conducted on Americans is not something that is considered to be of importance. Whereas these statements tend to hold true

Vem kan man lita på? Rättens granskning av sakkunnigbevisning

Det kan antas vara svårt för en domare att granska sakkunnigbevisning utan att själv besitta samma kunskap som den sakkunnige. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur rätten går tillväga för att granska sakkunnigbevisning och att undersöka hur denna granskning eventuellt skulle kunna förbättras. Särskilt fokus riktas mot situationer då fler sakkunniga presenterar motstridiga uppgifter i samIt can be assumed that it is a difficult task for a judge to evaluate expert evidence, while not possessing the required specialist knowledge. The purpose with this thesis is to examine how the court evaluates expert evidence and how that evaluation could be improved, particularly in situations where several experts present contradictory positions on the same issue. By researching legal literatur

Likhet eller skillnad mellan olika psykoterapeutiska inriktningar i den kliniska vardagen

Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera skillnader och likheter mellan kliniskt verksamma psykoterapeuter som företräder olika teoretiska och psykoterapeutiska inriktningar särskilt med avseende på hur de gör och hur de tänker omkring interaktionen mellan sig själva och patienten. Ett frågeformulär avsett för just denna undersökning konstruerades och skickades till trettiosex legitimerade psykote

Can Bullying Attitudes in School-Aged Children be Changed Using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Methods? A Pilot Study

The main aim of this study was to investigate whether Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) methods could be used to change implicit attitudes towards bullying. The role of gender was looked at exploratively. 54 Primary school children (30 boys and 24 girls) completed a questionnaire (explicit bullying attitude measure), an IAT on bullying (Implicit Association Test which measures implicit bullying at

Kampen om jord: om institutioner, rationella val och viljan att göra rätt i landreformens Zimbabwe

Land Reform in Zimbabwe was instigated at the end of the 1970’s as an effort to ease tensions and more equitably distribute wealth and power between the disenfranchised black population and their white colonial rulers. In this thesis I examine Zimbabwean land reform from a new institutional perspective. More specifically, I examine which of the two institutional logics, logic of appropriateness an

Governance and democracy in Swedish nuclear power – a deliberative turn?

In this thesis the relationship between democracy and new modes of governance is examined. The empirical overview suggests that these theoretically described modes could be identified within the Swedish nuclear governing. The potential consequences these new forms of governance have for democracy is further examined through a normative evaluation. Democracy is operationalized by the values partici

European Energy Security: Exploring the Development of EU's External Energy Policy

In order to explain the driving forces behind the development of a common external energy policy, the thesis investigates the gas interdependence between EU and Russia, and the implications for EU of being highly dependent on supplies from a single provider. The main argument of this thesis is that external stimuli, challenging European energy security, spur intergovernmental cooperation and lead

Psykiskt välbefinnande och subjektiv hälsa hos arbetslösa

The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about and to understand the difference between the two genders as regards well-being and subjective health among unemployed immigrants, living in Sweden. The central aspect that is studied is, how family and social relations on the one hand, and the relation to the labour market on the other, influence immigrants and how they manage their situation.