

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

The European Refugee Crisis and Services Trade in Greater Copenhagen

This paper analyzes trade in services’ vulnerability to exogenous shocks in order to contribute to the often-neglected area of international trade in services. It is accomplished by examining how Sweden’s border measures during the European refugee crisis affected services trade between Sweden and Denmark. The impact of the border measures is estimated with a difference-in-differences model: Swede

"Och problemen är många..." : En studie om hur arbetsmiljön för socionomer inom socialtjänsten beskrivs och framställs i media: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån sex stycken podcastavsnitt.

Authors: Angela Östlund and Cassandra Lindbladh Granberg Title: ”And the issues are numerous...” A study of the portrayal of social worker’s work environment in media: A qualitative content analysis of six podcast episodes. Supervisor: Ulrika Levander Assessor: Hans Knutagård This study follows a qualitative analysis procedure to investigate how social workers’, who works at the social services,

ESG Investing; Does it come with a Financial Sacrifice?

Sustainability issues have been a growing concern in recent years, and as a consequence, the demand for sustainable investments has drastically increased. When considering sustainable investments, common factors taken into account are Environmental, Social, and Governance aspects referred to as ESG. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the potential disparity in performance and invest

Citizen Dialogue in Urban and Rural Municipalities - A Study in Comparative Local Government

Citizen dialogue is an element of direct democracy that has been implemented within Sweden’s local governments since the start of the century. There is a significant difference in population size between the largest and smallest municipalities in Sweden. This thesis explored how urban and rural municipalities work with citizen dialogues. The purpose was to not only understand the functioning of di

Validering av Rösttrötthetsindex

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka reliabiliteten och validiteten hos Rösttrötthetsindex (RTI). RTI är den svenska översättningen av självskattningsformuläret Vocal Fatigue Index som är framtaget för att identifiera individer med och utan rösttrötthet, samt utvärdera effekterna av rösttrötthetsbehandling. RTI:s påståenden är indelade i tre faktorer som mäter olika aspekter av rösttrötthet

Se upp i backen! Cyklisters val av hastighet i lutning med svängradie

Cykeln som färdmedel är bra för miljön och ökar folkhälsan. I syfte att öka cyklandet har ett antal prioriterande insatsområden tagits fram av Trafikverket och Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (Trafikverket, 2018). Bland dem finns säker infrastruktur och beteendepåverkande insatser. Genom att studera användningen av den befintliga cykelinfrastrukturen ämnar detta examensarbete att ta reda på om det When aiming for increased bicycle traffic there is a need to evaluate the current bike paths in use in order to improve infrastructure. Knowing how people behave in traffic is a key to successful planning. Cyclists don’t behave like car drivers, nor like pedestrians. The goal is to allow bicyclists to have a high speed without decreasing safety. That is why this thesis aims to study the speed beha

The Role of Consumer Welfare in EU Competition Policy: How Understanding the Priority Conferred Upon Competition Policy Objectives May Shed Light on Modern Day Inconsistencies

At the turn of the century the Commission announced its intention to introduce a ‘more economic approach’ to EU competition law. Beyond incorporating modern economic theory into its enforcement practices, such a modernised approach to competition law was also to entail bringing the Union’s competition policy objectives in line with such modern economic theory. In particular, as expressed by Mario

The Heroes We Never Are: Interpellation, Subjugation, and the Encoded Other in Fantasy CRPGs

This thesis explores the topic of interpellation and subjugation in fantasy computer role-playing games (CRPGs). Using an assemblage-based framework, I argue that CRPG players are hailed and manipulated by the interplay of several texts and dynamics—mainly prose, code, numerical values, rule sets, and mechanics. My research focuses on games with extensive textual narratives that match—or exceed—th

Ung Vegan - hur en normbrytande livsstil påverkar identitet och välmående

Veganism har blivit ett vanligare livsval hos ungdomar idag. Då detta livsval går emot den rådande samhällsnormen utsätts veganer för diskriminering. Eftersom ungdomstiden utgör en känslig tid är det viktigt att undersöka hur detta livsval och den diskriminering som medföljer, påverkar välmående och identitetsutveckling hos denna grupp. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med veganer i ålVeganism has become a more common life choice among adolescents today. As this life choice goes against the prevailing societal norm, vegans are subjected to discrimination. Since adolescence is a sensitive time, it is important to examine how this life choice and the discrimination that accompanies it affects the well-being and identity development of this group. Five semi-structured interviews w

Situational brand ambassadorship - a study of how part-time employees make sense of themselves as brand ambassadors

The aim of this research is to understand and unpack the phenomenon of brand ambassadorship by examining the sensemaking and actualization as well as the consequences of it. The study adopts an employee-perspective on brand ambassadorship to scrutinize the phenomenon in terms of what is here referred to as ’situational’ brand ambassadorship. The employee-perspective has been often neglected in pre

The Conductivity-based Peritoneal Equilibration Test - A mathematical modeling assessment

Sufficient solute and water removal are crucial for adequate peritoneal dialy- sis (PD) treatment. However, present clinical tests for peritoneal membrane trans- port characteristics are cumbersome and time consuming. Here, a mathematical model consisting of linear differential equations aiming to describe the complex process of solute and water transport accross the peritoneal membrane, in order

The different effects of digital devices on students' motivation - Evidence from the United States

The usage of computers in classrooms is becoming increasingly common in the US. Digital devices are gaining more and more relevance for teachers and their students. This study uses the TIMSS 2015 data to examine the impact of using digital tools in classrooms. To capture these effects, we use a fixed effect model and exploit the variation between the subjects maths and science. While we find only

Motiverat från allmän synpunkt - Ett minskat straffhot vid upphovsrättsliga intrång?

Upphovsrätten är ett rättsområde i ständig förändring. Den svenska upphovsrättslagstiftningen påverkas till stor del av både EU-medlemskapet och internationella konventioner. I september 2020 införde lagstiftaren brottet grovt upp-hovsrättsbrott med en högre straffskala. Samtidigt förändrades åtalsprövningsreglerna till att åklagaren endast ska väcka åtal om det är motiverat från allmän synpunkt. Copyright is an area of law that is constantly changing. Swedish copyright law is largely affected by both EU membership and international conventions. In September 2020, the legislature introduced the crime of gross copyright infringement with a higher penalty scale. At the same time, the prosecution rules were changed so that the prosecutor will only prosecute if it is justified from a general p

Design of 3D-printed cranioplasty moulds using Neural Network

Kranioplastik är ett kirurgiskt ingrepp där en del av skallen rekonstrueras på grund av estetiska eller medicinska skäl. I de flesta av fallen är kranioplastiken gjord med patientens egna skallben som har sparats från ett tidigare kirurgiskt ingrepp men om skallbenet saknas på grund av en defekt eller annan anledning så behövs ett implantat. Metoden för att designa implantatet har tidigare beståttCranioplasty is surgical repair of a skull bone defect due to a previous surgery or injury. Cranioplasty is most often performed with autologous bone flap, i.e the patient's own saved bone from previous surgery if this is available. If autologous bone is not available then custom procedure is to manually mould an implant using bone cement from the plastic polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Manual

Privat-offentlig samverkan: en väg till utveckling av en långsiktig strategi för Sveriges försörjningsberedskap?

Sverige har under det senaste decenniet upplevt flera resurskrävande kriser, däribland Västmanlandbranden 2014 och nu senast covid-19-pandemin. Under dessa kriser uppkom en brist på materiel och skyddsutrustning för de som arbetade med hanteringen av krisen. För att säkerställa att liknande bristsituationer inte uppstår i framtiden bör Sveriges försörjningsberedskap utvärderas och moderniseras förDuring recent history, Sweden has experienced several resource-intensive crises. For example, the Västmanland wildfire in 2014 and latest the Covid-19 pandemic. During these crises, those who were managing the crisis incurred a shortage of supplies. To ensure that such a lack of resources does not arise in the future, it is beneficial for Sweden to evaluate and develop a new strategy to ensure sec

YOMI Recover Online: en randomiserad kontrollerad studie i hur yoga, CFT och ACT kan behandla utmattningssyndrom och långvarig smärta

Studien syftade till att undersöka effekter av ett nyframtaget transdiagnostiskt onlinebaserat behandlingsprotokoll, YOMI Recover Online, för personer med kliniskt fastställda besvär av utmattning och/eller långvarig smärta. I YOMI Recover Online integrerades komponenter från yoga, mindfulness, CFT och ACT. Studien syftade även till att studera hur potentiellt verksamma psykologiska mekanismer medThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a new transdiagnostic online-based treatment protocol, YOMI Recover Online, for a clinical population with exhaustion disorder and/or chronic pain. The YOMI Recover Online program integrated components from yoga, mindfulness, CFT and ACT. A second aim was to examine how potential psychological mechanisms mediated the treatment effect. 98 part

Vem kan hjälpa mamma när bebisbubblan spricker?

The purpose of this study was to get a better understanding of how social workers at family centres perceive psychosocial support for new mothers and how social workers can contribute to a healthy transition to parenthood. To fulfil the purpose semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with four social workers working at family centres in different municipalities in Sweden. Bowlby’s att

A Guide to Choose the Most Suited Superdisintegrant - General considerations and watchout when optimizing ODT-formulations

The inclusion of a superdisintegrant in an ODT-formulation is necessary to ensure that its disintegration behaviour is on point. However, given the wide array of circumstances that might influence this conduct, it is still very difficult to predict the complete disintegration behaviour of an ODT-formulation. Examples of such circumstances are excipient and API-interaction. In order to reduce these

"Det var någon som verkligen såg, och lyssnade" - En fenomenologisk studie av upplevelsen att bli hjälpt i psykoterapi

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur klienter upplevt sig ha blivit hjälpta av psykoterapi samt hur de upplevt förändring därigenom. Studiens ansats var fenomenologisk, vilket innebär att utgångspunkten var att studera själva erfarenheten av att bli hjälpt i psykoterapi. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer som gått i olika typer av terapi. Intervjumaterialet anThe aim of this study was to examine what clients experienced as being helpful in psychotherapy, as well as the changes they perceived, through a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six participants who had undergone different types of psychotherapy. Material from the interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis. Two main themes, consisting of f