

Din sökning på "*" gav 529678 sökträffar

An Examination of Nature-based Solutions for Coastal Adaptation in Southern Sweden

While grey infrastructure, such as sea walls, have been the traditional method of mitigating coastal hazards there has been an increasing interest in adapting using natural processes, known as Nature-based Solutions (NbS). As with most places in the world, southern Sweden is facing an increase in coastal hazards due to climate change related sea level rise. There is a need to understand the utilit

Gothic Masculinity: An Exploration of Masculinity in The Mysteries of Udolpho and Uncle Silas

By analysing two different Female Gothic novels, this thesis aims to explore the different ways in which masculinity is portrayed within the Female Gothic literary tradition, more specifically the Early Gothic and Victorian Gothic due to constraints in scope. The novels chosen, The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) and Uncle Silas (1864), are in many ways representative and serve as typical Female Gothi

Automating Water Orientation in Neutron Crystallography using Convolutional Neural Networks

One important aspect of determining the functionality of proteins is to find the direction of the dipole moment of surrounding water molecules. This is equivalent to finding the position of the hydrogen in water, however with the current atomistic model building tools this is a tedious and time-consuming task. The current main method for finding and building atomic resolution structures of biologi

Experimental Study and Modelling of Heat Transfer in Milling of Titanium Alloys

The purpose of this project is studying heat transfer to indexable cutting tools during milling of a selection of titanium alloys, relevant to the industry. To achieve this goal, both experimental and theoretical models were contemplated to formulate the current thesis. The experimental set-up was designed and executed at Seco Tools AB, supporting the project as industrial collaborator. The therm

The Application of Artistic Creative Type in Entrepreneurial Context: The motivation and creative behavior process

This thesis aims to explore whether an artistic creative type model can be applicable in an entrepreneurial setting. Meta Wagner’s model was selected as the artistic creative type model in this study. Conducting qualitative research through a case study approach on startup founders, who share a common background in entrepreneurial education, allows us to deepen our understanding of the founder

Våldtäkt tillsammans och i samförstånd - Om ansvarsfrågan vid fleras deltagande i våldtäkt

Sexuallagstiftningen har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste åren och inte minst vad gäller våldtäktsbrottet. Lagstiftningens tydliga skyddsintresse att skydda den enskildes personliga och sexuella integritet och självbestämmande, samt den nya utgångspunkt som baseras på frivilligt deltagande, har inneburit fler infallsvinklar i bedömningen av vad som utgör en våldtäkt. Våldtäktsbrottet behanRape crime is in Swedish law regulated in Chapter 6 Section 1 of the Penal Code. The regulation has been through extensive changes during the past decade. Our current rape law does no longer require violence or threats, but is instead built upon the lack of voluntary participation. When it comes to sexual offences, crimes committed by a group of people is not unusual. In a situation where more th

"Bakom varje bortgift flicka så finns också en bortgift pojke"- Socionomers beskrivningar av pojkar och mäns upplevelser av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

Boys and men who are victims of honour-related violence and oppression are today overlooked and little research exists. The aim of this study was therefore to explore, based on descriptions from social workers who work with helping and supporting people affected by honour-related problems, boys’ and men’s experiences of honour-related violence and oppression. The method chosen for this study was q

Membrane filtration for the recovery of zinc chloride from wastewater from a recycling process for cellulose textiles

Textilkonsumtionen i världen idag är hög, varje år köpts och slängs textilier långt mer än vad världens resurser tillåter. I ett försök att hitta ett hållbart sätt att återanvända textilierna har institutionen för kemiteknik vid Lunds universitet påbörjat ett forskningsprojekt för att undersöka möjligheterna till att återanvända textilfibrerna från grunden; genom att bryta ner textilierna till fib

Industry 4.0: Assessing the readiness, implementation challenges and impact of COVID-19 in the manufacturing industries of Bangladesh

Background: Adaption of Industry 4.0 is the new trend in developing countries mainly to obtain more efficiency and profitability. But to implement industry 4.0, developing countries are facing many challenges that need to be researched. Moreover, due to COVID- 19 pandemic and restrictions all around the world, have huge effects on the implementation of industry 4.0. Many companies are forced to im

Vakna upp! : KavlaNer som medborgarpolitiskt engagemang (i tider av misstro)

Medborgarpolitiska engagemang som utmanar och ifrågasätter etablerad kunskap från expertsamhället till förmån för en alternativ kunskapssyn, är ett växande problem i dagens samhälle. Denna uppsats undersöker hur kunskapssynen i dessa medborgarpolitiska engagemang byggs upp, samt vilken betydelse den alternativa kunskapsbildningen kan få för det demokratiska samtalet. Det specifika fall som undersö

Fear and Loating in Virtual Reality. Experiences of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for fear of spiders : A Thematic Analysis

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka upplevelsen hos deltagare med spindelrädsla som deltagit i Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) för spindelrädsla. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes vid uppföljning en vecka efter behandling med nio deltagare. Det samlade materialet analyserades med tematisk analys vilket ledde till tre huvudteman och fem underteman. De tre huvudtemana var RThe aim of this study was to explore the experiences of participants with fear of spiders who underwent Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for fear of spiders. Semi-structured interviews were conducted one week after VRET with nine participants. The collected material was analyzed using thematic analysis which led to the identification of three main themes and five subthemes. The themes were:

Material flow improvements - An investigation of the picking process at Scania

Problem description: At Scania in Oskarshamn, there is a phenomenon referred to as external picking. External picking is in the context of this report defined as the process where stock-keeping units, not intended for the main production lines, are picked at one of Scania’s Oskarshamn facilities. These items are intended for various organizations within Scania, but also external business partners.

Vårdpersonalens erfarenhet av suicidrisk hos äldre

Bakgrund: Suicid hos äldre är ett globalt problem som kan beror på flera olika faktorer. Depression är en av de vanligaste. Suicidrisk hos äldre kan yttra sig på olika sätt. Vårdpersonal kan ha avgörande betydelse i att upptäcka och förebygga suicid. Det finns flera hinder för vårdpersonal att identifiera suicidrisken. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonalens erfarenhet av suicidrisk hos äldre. Metod:

The "EU Climate Bank"? - A study on the environmental commitments of the European Investment Bank and the alignment with the right to a healthy environment

Den här uppsatsen undersöker förhållandet mellan internationella finansiella institutioner, mänskliga rättigheter och miljö. I kampen mot klimatförändringar har hållbar finansiering lyfts fram som en åtgärd för att stödja skiftet till en hållbar ekonomi. Internationella finansiella institutioner är centrala aktörer i omväxlingen mot en hållbar ekonomi och utgör de främsta tillhandahållarna av offeThis thesis examines the relationship between international finance and environmental rights, and how the concept of sustainable finance has emerged as a response to climate change and the rapid transition towards a sustainable economy. Multilateral development banks (MDBs) are a key player in the transition to a green economy, contributing to 68% of global climate finance. Thus, MBDs are the majo

Relative Deprivation and Terrorism in the Sahel

The Sahel has emerged as a global hotspot for terrorist activity during the first decades of the 21st century. Few empirical studies have been carried out to investigate the causes of this phenomenon. The overarching literature on the determinants of terrorism has also failed to establish conclusive mechanisms and channels of causation. Studies have found economic shocks to increase the likelihood

Hållbar framtid

Städer har historiskt sett utgjort den centrala delen för politiska beslut, ekonomisk tillväxt och bidragit till revolutionerande forskning. På senare år har städerna fått en mer betydande roll i samhället, vilket har lett till att behovet att planera städer som främjar hållbar utveckling har ökat. Detta medför stora utmaningar för den fysiska planeringen av städer och inom Sveriges gränser ställeDuring the recent decades the conditions for how our cities are developed has gained a more significant role in society, resulting in an increasing need to plan cities that promote sustainable development. This entails challenges in changing the direction of today’s spatial planning into a more sustainable one, a challenge that requires that all stakeholders work together to create attractive citi

The effect of education on entrepreneurship: Examining the influence of new venture creation programs on entrepreneurial intention and behaviour

Although venture creation programs (VCPs) are becoming increasingly popular within entrepreneurship education, still little is known about how effective these programs actually are and if they foster more and better entrepreneurs compared to entrepreneurship master that do not oblige VCPs in their curriculum. Therefore, this thesis aims to analyse the differences in entrepreneurial intention and b

EU PUBLIC PROCUREMENT LAW - Can sustainability lawfully limit competition?

This thesis has as a purpose the investigation of sustainable requirements compliance with regards to competition in public procurement contracts. This paper looks into Directive 2014/24 and notably its primary law influence in order to understand the legal foundations underlying sustainability and competition. It showcases, firstly, that Article 18(1) wording and legal interpretation provides a l

Green brands & Greenwashing: A narrative journey towards legitimacy

The aim of this thesis is to develop knowledge and identify legitimacy attempts for green brands to construct themselves in order to circumvent greenwashing challenges. The researcher studied the promotional content of Patagonia and the Slovenia destination brand (I Feel Slovenia) based on a pragmatic and moral legitimacy framework, supported by narrative analysis. Results showed that green brands