

Din sökning på "*" gav 530125 sökträffar

Simulation of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Used in a NOx Storage and Reduction system for Heavy Duty Trucks

This work concerns the performance of an oxidation catalyst used in a NOx storage and reduction system. The oxidation of NO is the main objective of this study, where the presence of CO and propene has also been taken into account. Experimental data has been determined on a monolithic oxidation catalyst mounted after a heavy duty diesel engine in a rig. The conversion of hydrocarbons is predicted

Solskenslandet : svensk film på 2000-talet

Aldrig tidigare har det svenska folket konsumerat så mycket film som just nu, i 2000-talets begynnelse, antingen det är på biograferna, på video, DVD eller TV. Detta har fått till följd att den svenska filmproduktionen skjutit ordentlig fart, om än under andra former än tidigare. Antologin Solskenslandet ger en aspektrik bild av det svenska filmskapandets (och filmrecenserandets!) dynamiska nu. H

The neurophenomenology of hypnosis

From its inception, “animal magnetism” and hypnosis have been related to reputed psi phenomena. However, only until recently have phenomenological and neurophysiological approaches advanced enough to go beyond a putative –and vague- hypnotic state. In this study we are following a neurophenomenological approach by analyzing in parallel experience and brain processes. We selected a group of individ

Locating Value in Moral Progress

The endeavour to locate value in moral progress faces various substantive as well as more formal challenges. This paper focuses on challenges of the latter kind. After some preliminaries, Section 3 introduces two general kinds of “evaluative moral progress-claims”, and outlines a possible novel analysis of a (quasi) descriptive notion of moral progress. While Section 4 discusses certain logical fe

Bondens val: System, samspel och stödjande strukturer under moderniseringsprocessen i norra Thailand

There is a variety of options in the Thai countryside today, especially in an area like San Sai in Northern Thailand, situated in the vicinity of a city. What are the arguments for staying within the agricultural sector? As the economy grows, the demand for new products is increasing, creating opportunities for those who want to invest in agriculture. But it has also become more difficult to be a

Trafikbullers inverkan på sömnen hos unga och äldre män

Trafikbullers inverkan på sömnen har undersökts medelst EEG-, EOG- och EMG-registreringar på sju unga män (21-27 år) och sex äldre män (63-74 år) i deras vanliga hemmiljö längs hårt trafikerade vägar (trafikintensitet cirka 450 fordonspassager med toppbullernivå överstigande 40 dB (A) per natt). Effekten av dämpning (cirka 10 dB (A)) av inomhusbullret genom montering av ljudisolerande plattor i fö