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Abstract in French La démarche herméneutique qui soutient l’analyse effectuée ici des quatre évaluations produites par les experts nordiques combine trois mouvements interprétatifs. Le premier mouvement relève de l’histoire des sciences. Il a pour objectif de cerner la genèse de la discipline phonétique qu’il faut considérer comme un moment clef de l’histoire des sciences du langage en Suède. Le s

Minimal Structure and Motion Problems for TOA and TDOA Measurements with Collinearity Constraints

Structure from sound can be phrased as the problem of determining the position of a number of microphones and a number of sound sources given only the recorded sounds. In this paper we study minimal structure from sound problems in both TOA (time of arrival) and TDOA (time difference of arrival) settings with collinear constraints on e.g. the microphone positions. Three such minimal cases are anal

ARTISTS - Arterial streets for people : Guidance for planners and decision makers when reconstructing arterial streets.

Conventional guidance on the design and management of urban roads and streets has tended to focus on either arterial roads or local access streets. There is currently a lack of a clear, consistent approach to the design of arterial streets, which combine both significant through traffic and urban place functions. This report aims to address this gap, by setting out an approach to the design and ma

The integration of customer needs in the establishment of an e-business system for internal service

The key success factor for companies is to develop and deliver services and products that satisfy customer needs and create customer value. When introducing e-businesses as a new channel, it is becoming increasingly important to consider customers, since they will have a higher level of influence on the company through the interactive channel. This paper sets out to describe the process of conside

DC Bus Voltage Control for Renewable Energy Distributed Power Systems

his paper addresses voltage control of distributed DC power systems. Especially the dynamic properties of load source interactions are highlighted. They are interesting since the sources are considered weak for a distributed power system. This is illustrated with simulations where the power is fed from wind turbines only, and still constant power loads are controlled at the same time as the DC bus

Water and Protein Dynamics in Biological Systems Studied by Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt liv på jorden har utvecklats i en vattenbaserad miljö. Proteiner och andra biomolekyler har därigenom anpassats i sin struktur och funktion till vattnets speciella egenskaper. För att kunna förstå biologiska processer måste vi studera hur biomolekyler växelverkar med det omgivande vattnet under fysiologiska betingelser. Detta är särkilt viktigt eftersom det flesta The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) technique can provide information of relevance to protein biophysics, magnetic resonance imaging and cell biology. By immobilizing proteins with covalent cross-links, intermittent protein dynamics on the previously inaccessible ns-µs time scale could be probed with MRD via the exchange of water molecule