

Din sökning på "*" gav 530145 sökträffar

Choir in Focus 2010

Choir singing, choral practice and singing in general are explored as research objects in a variety of disciplines. Together, they describe a complex and multifaceted field of interesting cultural-historical, pedagogical, sociological, and psychological and music related topics. The disciplines that work with choir related research differ in theoretical and methodological traditions and vary with

Epidemiological dental indices and self-perceived oral health in adolescents: ecological aspects

The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between epidemiological indices (objective) and self-perceived oral health (subjective) in adolescents at school level, and to study gender differences in epidemiological indices and in self-perceived oral health. The study comprised two sets of data from Skaraborg County, Sweden: 1. Self-reported questionnaires answered by adolescents at a

Structure-activity studies of novel colchicine analogs.

Colchicine, a well-known alkaloid isolated from Colchicum autumnale, interferes with microtubule growth and, therefore affects mitosis and other microtubule dependent functions. We have been interested in the structural requirements of colchicine for tubulin recognition. In particular our interests have been focused on the active colchicine conformation with respect to the pivot bond joining the A

The integration of customer needs in e-business systems

The establishment of e-businesses has often been implemented from the inside of companies rather than from the customer perspective and the knowledge about customer needs from traditional businesses have been applied directly into new e-business systems. The overall objective of this study is to identify how to better understand customer needs and how to integrate these needs in order to create cu

Varför blir man katolik? Katolska konversionsdiskurser i Skandinavien

Why do Scandinavians convert to the Catholic Church? In this article, I try to give an answer to this question. Up to the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, the Catholic Church strongly emphasised its claim to be the only true Church. As a consequence, non-Catholic countries such as the Nordic were subjected to Catholic missionary activity. In this period, a Catholic conversion was not only an e

Life histories across time and space : methods for including geographic factors on the micro-level in longitudinal demographic research

Historical demography, which is the study of human population dynamics in the past, is central for understanding human behaviours and traits, such as fertility, mortality and migration. An important factor in demographic research is the geographic context. Where people lived often determined their social ties, exposure to diseases and economic development. Such information is essential not only fo

Development of a Data Aquisition System at a Nuclear Microprobe with Applications in the Geo- and Biosciences

This thesis is divided in two parts, one that deals with the development of the new data acquisition system at Lund Nuclear Microprobe, and a second part that deals with different applications. A CAMAC based data acquisition system has been installed at the Lund Nuclear Microprobe facility. The system is a true multi-parameter and multi-detector system with fast FERA bus readout and in crate memor

Developmental and methodological aspects of intestinal and pancreatic function in pigs and rats

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tarmen skall så effektivt som möjligt sönderdela och ta upp näringsämnen från födan samtidigt som den också skall hindra skadliga ämnen och organismer från att ta sig in i blod och vävnad. Näringsupptaget underlättas dels av en betydande ytförstoring i den främre delen av tunntarmen och dels av födans sönderdelning som sker med hjälp av tuggning, saltsyra i magen, mag- The gastrointestinal tract has two opposing functions; to effectively absorb nutrients and to act as a safety barrier against hazardous substances in the environment. After birth these functions develops gradually. The present thesis focuses on how the intestinal permeability and pancreatic secretion changes during ontogenic development of the pig, with some methodological aspects on manipulations

Phasor measurement applications in Scandinavia

There is a great potential for phasor measurement applications in Scandinavia, mainly due to the long distance power transmission and limited transmission capacity expansion possibilities. Smart control, based on phasor measurements, can be used as an alternative to additional transmission lines, to increase power transmission capacity. Also the matter of damping is more and more becoming a key is

Baroque : literature

How are you supposed to define "The Baroque"? What does "Baroque literature" mean? In the frame of an encyclopedic article a reflection to this complex topic is given by highlighting the interplay of arts.

Hördes ljuset? Den kyrkliga receptionen av Esaias Tegnér

En bristande förståelse för olika förståelsehorisonter för Tegnérs tal respektive dikt har bidragit både till att missförstå Tegnérs uppfattning av sin kyrkliga gärning och kyrkfolkets uppfattning av honom. Svaret på frågan: Hördes ljuset? blir därför: Särskilt när det lyste genom Bibelns bildspråk, och när hans diktning hördes, i än högre grad: inför döden, och, mest frekvent: när det lyste till