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Character, quality and bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in a boreal stream network (Invited)
Understanding indicator choice for the assessment of research, development, and demonstration financing of low-carbon energy technologies
Rapid decarbonization of whole countries requires additional research, development, and demonstration of low-carbon energy technologies. Governments support research, development, and demonstration in this area with various financing instruments. These instruments are frequently assessed by carrying out indicator-based evaluations. So far there is no standard set of indicators for this purpose. Th
Stomatal conductance and intrinsic water use efficiency in the drought year 2003: a case study of European beech
Stored energies for electric and magnetic current densities
Electric and magnetic current densities are an essential part of electromagnetic theory. The goal of the present paper is to define and investigate stored energies that are valid for structures that can support both electric and magnetic current densities. Stored energies normalized with the dissipated power give us the Q factor, or antenna Q, for the structure. Lower bounds of the Q factor provid
Thermal effects of undulator radiation on Si optics for a plane grating monochromator
Insertion devices on the third-generation 1.5 GeV electron storage ring MAX II will subject the grazing incidence mirrors and gratings of new soft x-ray beamlines to high thermal loads. These thermal loads will cause distortion in the optical surfaces which can be reduced to acceptable levels by the proper choice of substrate material and cooling. A finite element analysis of the temperature varia
Core-level shifts on Be(101̄0)
A high-resolution photoemission study of the Be (101̄0) surface, at a sample temperature of 100 K, is reported. Three surface-shifted Be 1s components are revealed having shifts of -700, -500, and -220 meV. These are interpreted as originating from the first, second, and third plus fourth atomic layers while the bulk signal originates from the fifth and deeper layers. The surface layer shift for t
The inner valence region of CO adsorbed on Pd(100)
The inner valence region of CO/Pd(100) p(2 square root 2* square root 2)R45 degrees has been studied by angular resolved photoemission at the Pd 4d Cooper minimum, and with resonant Auger spectroscopy at photon energies corresponding to the C 1s and O 1s X-ray absorption (XA) maxima of the unoccupied parts of the 2 pi *-Pd 4d hybrid (2 pi un). Previously unobserved inner valence states are reveale
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Genetic Determinants of Dyslipidemia
Dyslipidemia is a chronic deviation from normal blood lipid levels that can lead to atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases; dyslipidemia and its sequelae are caused by the complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Although circulating concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein chole
A combined surveillance program and quality register improves management of childhood disability
PURPOSE: To describe a concept for prevention of secondary conditions in individuals with chronic neuromuscular disabilities by using two Swedish developed follow-up-programmes for cerebral palsy (CP; CPUP) and myelomeningocele (MMC; MMCUP) respectively as examples.METHOD: This paper describes and outlines the rationale, development and implementation of CPUP and MMCUP.RESULTS: Both programmes are
Tool life in stainless steel AISI 304: applicability of Colding’s tool life equation for varying tool coatings
Core Circadian Clock Genes Regulate Leukemia Stem Cells in AML
Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) have the capacity to self-renew and propagate disease upon serial transplantation in animal models, and elimination of this cell population is required for curative therapies. Here, we describe a series of pooled, in vivo RNAi screens to identify essential transcription factors (TFs) in a murine model of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with genetically and phenotypically de
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On gene regulatory networks and data fitting
Världen är föränderlig. För att kunna överleva måste allt liv kunna anpassa sig till rådande förhållanden. För cellen, livets minsta enhet, sker detta bland annat genom reglering av produktionstakten av proteiner, vilka är de molekyler som utför de flesta grundläggande funktioner. En speciell klass av proteiner utgörs av så kallade transkriptionsfaktorer. Dessa slår av eller på en gens produktion Living organisms can be viewed as complex biological machines. In order to function, they must regulate their internal mechanism to do the right thing, at the right time, and in the right amount. Part of this regulation is encoded in gene regulatory networks. These are built up of genes which produce special proteins (transcription factors, tf) that regulate other tf-producing genes. Thus a networ
On Berger : If Peter Berger were doing public relations - A social constructionist perspective on crisis communication
In this chapter I propose a social constructionist perspective on public relations, and will particularly focus on crisis communication as an important sub-field, with inspiration from the American sociologist Peter L. Berger. Berger is most well-known for the book The Social Construction of Reality (1966), co-authored with the German sociologist Thomas Luckmann. This book has had a fundamental im
Practical aspects of capacity development in the context of disaster risk reduction
Capacity development for disaster risk reduction (DRR) has been identified as one of the main ways of substantially reducing disaster losses. In previous research, several elements have been identified that are important in capacity development for DRR. For this study, documentation from nine international capacity development projects for DRR has been analysed. The projects were undertaken by a S
Acting on distances: A topology of accounting inscriptions
Following on the reiterated claim that accounting inscriptions make action at a distance possible, we draw on post-mathematical topology to explain that this distance work is dependent on inscriptions acting on distances. By adopting a relational understanding of space, we show that accounting inscriptions by themselves create the distances across which they operate. Our case study uses pay-as-you
Resource allocation and the burden of co-morbidities among patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : an observational cohort study from Danish general practice
BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a leading cause of mortality, and associated with increased healthcare utilization and healthcare expenditure. In several countries, morbidity-based systems have changed the way resources are allocated in general practice. In primary care, fee-for-services tariffs are often based on political negotiation rather than costing systems. The potentia
Enhanced biomethane production from Miscanthus lutarioriparius using steam explosion pretreatment
Steam explosion pretreatments was used to improve the anaerobic biodegradability of Miscanthus lutarioriparius (M. lutarioriparius). The pretreatments were carried out under five different conditions: L1 (0.5 MPa 153°C 5 min), L2 (1.0 MPa 180°C 5 min), L3 (1.5 MPa 198°C 3 min), L4 (1.5 MPa 198°C 5 min) and L5 (1.5 MPa 198°C 10 min). The biochemical methane potential (BMP) of raw M. lutarioriparius