Din sökning på "*" gav 533593 sökträffar
Sustainable Development and Institutions in Vietnam : an Interorganisational Approach
Polens väg mot demokratisk konsolidering : en fallstudie av Polens demokratiseringsprocess
State Under Pressure : Organised Crime and State Legitimacy in Consolidating Democracies - a Comparative Study of Colombia and Russia
Fokus och helhetssyn : en komparation av integrationsteorier
Den oundvikliga utvecklingen : en analys av Estlands väg mot självständighet
Varför kaos i Sierra Leone och Liberia? : en analys av de strukturella och ekonomiska orsakerna till inbördeskrigen
Isolationalism : en fallstudie av Nordkorea
The EU as a great power : the evolution of the European Union's role in international politics
Exploring new institutinalism : a theoretical analysis and application of sociological institutionalism, rational choice institutionalism and historical institutionalism on the resignation of the european commission in 1999
Att ge ett finger och bli av med hela handen? en studie av svenska alliansfrihet och neutralitet inom EU
Etnopolitiska konflikters ursprung : en studie av teoribildningen kring identitetsskapande och gruppmobilisering
Demokratisering och varför just demokratisering? : Ett aktör-strukturperspektiv med utgångspunkt i begreppet legitimitet
Towards Global Environmental Justice? a Study of Theorhectical Principles in a Complex Reality
Sovereignty as Level of Authority : the Example of Nuclear Proliferation
The Interrelation between the Nation-State and SADC : a Case Study of Botswana
Risk Management in Hvalfjör∂ur Tunnel
This thesis is about how risks in Hvalfjörður Tunnel can or should perhaps be managed. Risk from collisions, vehicle fire and vehicles transporting dangerous goods accidents in the tunnel were quantified by using Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) procedure. Frequencies were estimated using mostly historical data. Models to estimate consequences from these risks were then built by calculating physi
Dubbelt medborgarskap
The aim of this study is to further the understanding of why dual citizenship continues to reappear in Dutch debates while dual citizenship has remained rather uncontested in Sweden for the last decade. Differences in the in which terms dual citizenship is discussed and the way dual citizenship is perceived is put forward as a possible explanation for this difference between the countries. Using L