

Din sökning på "*" gav 534207 sökträffar

Culturing patient-derived malignant hematopoietic stem cells in engineered and fully humanized 3D niches

Human malignant hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) reside in bone marrow (BM) niches, which remain challenging to explore due to limited in vivo accessibility and constraints with humanized animal models. Several in vitro systems have been established to culture patient-derived HSPCs in specific microenvironments, but they do not fully recapitulate the complex features of native bone

Decarbonising Economies

Based on an interdisciplinary investigation of future visions, scenarios, and case-studies of low carbon innovation taking place across economic domains, Decarbonising Economies analyses the ways in which questions of agency, power, geography and materiality shape the conditions of possibility for a low carbon future. It explores how and why the challenge of changing our economies are variously as

Concepts as Tools of Legal Reasoning – How Pragmatics May Promote the Rationality of International Legal Discourse and the Work of Legal Scholars

Concepts are an important element of the way international lawyers think and talk about international law. They materialise as conceptual terms, such as ‘jurisdiction’, ‘self-defence’ and ‘abuse of rights’. To enable a critical evaluation of international law and legal discourse, it is important that single instances of use of such terms be fully understood. This task presupposes a full recognitioConcepts are an important element of the way international lawyers think and talk about international law. They materialise as conceptual terms, such as ‘jurisdiction’, ‘self-defence’ and ‘abuse of rights’. To enable a critical evaluation of international law and legal discourse, it is important that single instances of use of such terms be fully understood. This task presupposes a full recognitio

Naturally occurring glycosidases in milk from native cattle breeds : Activity and consequences on free and protein bound-glycans

Little is known about the extent of variation and activity of naturally occurring milk glycosidases and their potential to degrade milk glycans. A multi-omics approach was used to investigate the relationship between glycosidases and important bioactive compounds such as free oligo-saccharides and O-linked glycans in bovine milk. Using 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) assays activities of eight indige

Tactile display on the remaining hand for unilateral hand amputees

Human rely profoundly on tactile feedback from fingertips to interact with the environment, whereas most hand prostheses used in clinics provide no tactile feedback. In this study we demonstrate the feasibility to use a tactile display glove that can be worn by a unilateral hand amputee on the remaining healthy hand to display tactile feedback from a hand prosthesis. The main benefit is that users

Zero carbon homes and zero carbon living : sociomaterial interdependencies in carbon governance

We consider in this paper the relations between built form and everyday practices of home-living. These we see as co-constituting a combined domestic carbon space in which sociomaterial interdependencies are constantly at work. Carbon emissions are necessarily caught up in these interdependencies and not separable from them. We use the case of the mainstreaming of zero carbon (zero-C) housing in t

Structure, activity and function of the dual protein lysine and protein n‐terminal methyltransferase mettl13

METTL13 (also known as eEF1A‐KNMT and FEAT) is a dual methyltransferase reported to target the N‐terminus and Lys55 in the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A). METTL13‐mediated methylation of eEF1A has functional consequences related to translation dynamics and include altered rate of global protein synthesis and translation of specific codons. Aberrant regulation of METTL13 h

Inequality in Mortality in Spain

We analyse the evolution of mortality rates in Spain by age and gender between 1990 and 2018. We compare municipalities, ranked by socio-economic status (SES) and grouped into bins of similar population size, to study changes not only in levels but also in inequality in mortality across the SES spectrum. We document large decreases in mortality rates throughout the period for all age groups, inclu

Water uptake as a crucial factor on the properties of cryogels of gelatine cross-linked by dextran dialdehyde

We investigated the water sorption properties of macroporous cryogels of gelatine (Gel) and dextran dialdehyde (DDA) prepared via cryogelation at 260 K and following the freeze drying processes. Water vapour sorption isotherms for aerogels were studied at 293 K by two inde-pendent methods: static-gravimetric and dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) over a water activity range of 0.11–1.0. Experimental da

Unfolding a folding disease: folding, misfolding and aggregation of the marble brain syndrome-associated mutant H107Y of human carbonic anhydrase II

Most loss-of-function diseases are caused by aberrant folding of important proteins. These proteins often misfold due to mutations. The disease marble brain syndrome (MBS), known also as carbonic anhydrase II deficiency syndrome (CADS), can manifest in carriers of point mutations in the human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) gene. One mutation associated with MBS entails the His107Tyr substitution.

Letter to the editor "comparing artificial intelligence techniques for chlorophyll-a prediction in US lakes"

The discussers wish to thank the authors of the original paper for investigating the comparing accuracy of artificial intelligence techniques trained to predict chlorophyll-a in US lakes. In the original paper (Luo et al., Environ Sci Pollut Res 26: 30524-30532, 2019), four data-driven models were established to estimate the chlorophyll-a (CHLA) values in natural and man-made lakes. Three of these

Population heterogeneity in associations between hormonal contraception and antidepressant use in Sweden : a prospective cohort study applying intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA)

OBJECTIVES: From a reproductive justice framework, we aimed to investigate how a possible association between hormonal contraceptive (HC) and antidepressants use (as a proxy for depression) is distributed across intersectional strata in the population. We aimed to visualise how intersecting power dynamics may operate in combination with HC use to increase or decrease subsequent use of antidepressa

Genetically targeted clinical trials in parkinson’s disease : Learning from the successes made in oncology

Clinical trials in neurodegenerative disorders have been associated with high rate of failures, while in oncology, the implementation of precision medicine and focus on genetically defined subtypes of disease and targets for drug development have seen an unprecedented success. With more than 20 genes associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD), most of which are highly penetrant and often cause early

The Drivers of Medium-Scale Farms and the Emerging Synergies and Contradictions Among Socially-Differentiated Farmers in Northern Ghana

Since the turn of the century, agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa has been undergoing rapid transformation. Ghana is experiencing an agrarian revolution with increasing farmland sizes, increased mechanisation of production and external input usage, and high levels of commercialisation. In this paper we show the growth of farm sizes, the major drivers of increasing farm sizes, and emerging relations

Longitudinal Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific Interferon Gamma responses in Ethiopian HIV-negative women during pregnancy and postpartum

Pregnancy may influence cellular immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We investigated M. tuberculosis-specific interferon-g responses in women followed longitudinally during pregnancy and postpartum. Interferon-g levels (stimulated by M. tuberculosis antigens [TB1 and TB2] and mitogen included in the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus assay) were measured in blood from pregnant HIV-negative women

The inner flow geometry in MAXI J1820+070 during hard and hard-intermediate states

Context. We present a systematic X-ray spectral-timing study of the recently discovered, exceptionally bright black hole X-ray binary system MAXI J1820+070. Our analysis focuses on the first part of the 2018 outburst, covering the rise throughout the hard state, the bright hard and hard-intermediate states, and the transition to the soft-intermediate state. Aims. We address the issue of constraini

Case Report: "Niemann-Pick Disease Type C in a Catatonic Patient Treated With Electroconvulsive Therapy"

We describe a case of an adolescent male with Niemann-Pick Type C (NP-C), a neurodegenerative lysosomal lipid storage disorder, who presented with recurrent catatonia which required repeated treatment with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). During the ECT-course, seizure threshold increased substantially, leading to questions about the influence of NP-C on neuronal excitability. In this exemplary EC