Din sökning på "*" gav 526379 sökträffar
The Humboldtian Tradition: The German University Transformed, 1800–1945
Opening up education – Personalization and quality matters
Den tidiga kyrkan
Selection and perfection. Modern genetics and the alien inside.
Abstract is not available.
Hans Brasks liv i årtal
Idrott över sundet : några reflektioner kring ett integrationsprojekt
The relation between wave length and wave period distribution in random Gaussian waves
Diversity of development paths and structural transformation in historical perspective—An introduction
The chapter introduces the overriding question of the volume—whether poor countries can catch up—by providing an overview of theories and approaches that have contributed to this discussion. It argues for the importance of introducing to the analysis the role of structural transformation and to acknowledge that the conditions for economic development vary from case to case. Instead of clinging on
A 10-bit, 100-MHz CMOS linear interpolation DAC
A 10-bit, 100-MHz CMOS linear interpolation digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is presented. It includes a 16-tap voltage controlled delay line and a 10-bit binary-weighted DAC with a time-interleaved structure. The linear interpolation not only increases the attenuation of the DAC's image components, but also reduces the glitch of the binary-weighted DAC. The requirement for the analog reconstruct
Utetemperaturberoende årsenergibehov - Exempeldel
Yves den monokrome berättar om tomheten
En italienare vid Waterloo : om ett kapitel i Kartusianklostret i Parma
Prediction of stored energy in polycrystalline materials during cyclic loading
The effect of initial texture on the stored energy is investigated. Uniaxially loaded polycrystalline materials with initial textures based on the Goss component and the Brass component are analyzed. For reference purposes a single crystal and an initial isotropic crystal orientation distribution are also analyzed. Special attention is directed at the thermomechanical behavior of polycrystalline m
Nightvision Based on a Biological Model
The colors and contrasts of the nocturnal world are just as rich as those found in the diurnal world. This chapter describes a recent biomimetic advance inspired by the visual systems of nocturnal insects. Since the underlying principles of both animal and camera vision are similar, it is natural to try to mimic the neural processes of nocturnal animals in order to construct efficient computer vis
Besöksmål i Sverige: Analys av attraktivitet och regional utveckling under åren 1998 till 2008
On the Intonation of Confirmations in Southern Swedish.
Early Monastic Meals
IS, Process and Organizational Change and their Relationships to Contextual Dependencies
The paper seeks to explore critically specific issues relating to IS, process and organizational change. The authors suggest that IS development should be regarded as a particular case of organisational change – an emergent consequence of individual and organisational learning processes. Empowerment of individuals to express their values, goals and preferences within the political and social conte
The role of biogeophysical feedbacks and their impacts in the arctic and boreal climate system
De nordliga höga latitudernas fysiska miljö, inklusive kryosfären i Arktis, har genomgått dramatiska förändringar under de senaste decennierna tack vare uppvärmning och andra klimatförändringar kopplade till antropogena utsläpp av växthusgaser. Uppvärmningen i regionen är ungefär det dubbla jämfört med ökningen i medeltemperaturen globalt. Globala klimatmodeller förutspår att denna förstärkta uppvThe physical environment in the northern high latitudes including the Arctic cryosphere has undergone dramatic changes due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas warming, which since pre-industrial times has been twice or more the rate of global mean warming. Global climate models predict that this accelerated warming will continue for at least the next few decades. Meanwhile, the arctic and subarctic ve