

Din sökning på "*" gav 526378 sökträffar

A note on distinguishing attacks

A new distinguishing attack scenario for stream ciphers, allowing a resynchronization collision attack, is presented. The attack can succeed if the part of the state that depends on both the key and the IV is smaller than twice the key size. It is shown that the attack is applicable to block ciphers in OFB mode. For OFB mode, the attack is more powerful than the previously known generic distinguis

Åldrandets betydelser

I det västerländska samhället kämpar vi för långa liv men mot åldrandet. Det är bara en av de motsägelser som ålder och åldrande ger upphov till. I Åldrandets betydelser undersöks olika förhållningssätt till och konsekvenser av åldrande. Boken belyser hur kronologisk ålder inte alltid är densamma som den upplevda och hur samhället möter olika åldrar. Exempel tas från såväl hälso- och sjukvården so

The impact of ownership and board governance on firm-level entrepreneurship in small technology based firms

A growing body of research suggests that a firm’s governance system can significantly impact the long-term value creative potential of an enterprise by disciplining and encouraging organizational efforts to pursue risky entrepreneurial projects. Following this stream of research, we present a study of the impact of ownership and board governance on entrepreneurship in small technology-based firms.

Molecular dissection of the Goodpasture epitope

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den viktigaste funktionen för kroppens immunförsvar är att försvara oss mot främmande ämnen, t.ex. bakterier eller virus. Detta försvar är väldigt kraftfullt och interaktioner mellan ett par molekyler kan snabbt komma att omfatta miljontals molekyler och celler. En urspårad inflammatorisk process kan mycket snabbt komma att förstöra kroppens egen vävnad och därför finnsGoodpasture disease is a prototype autoimmune disease that is characterized by a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, with or without lung haemorrhage, associated with autoantibodies against the glomerular basement membrane. The major antigen has previously been shown to be the non-collagenous domain of the a3 chain of type IV collagen, one of the six known a chains of type IV collagen. On aver

Effects of RFID technology on logistics and supply chain management: Current status and directions for future research

RFID (radio frequency identification) technology is developing at a rapid pace. During the last few years, it has been widely discussed in logistics research, as well as in other scientific fields which also approach and contribute to the development of RFID technology. In both logistics and related fields there are findings regarding RFID technology which influence logistics. However, an overall

Coherent Triads: Observed Successful Collaboration in Youth Care

Earlier research on collaboration shows that cooperation comprises problems and conflicts. The purpose of this study is to describe successful collaboration even if it unfolds during shorter interaction frequencies. In the article, interactive patterns involved in the construction of these phenomena will be analyzed. Forming the empirical basis for this study are 119 field observations of organize

Genome Divergence in Progress - a population genetic analysis of the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent A. thaliana

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den evolutionära historia hos allotetraploida växten Arabidopsis suecica och dess maternella förälder A. thaliana studerades från ett populationsgenetiskt perspektiv. Båda arterna innehåller varsitt thaliana-genom vilka är separerade från varandra, dvs inget genflöde förekommer mellan arterna. Metoder för att dra slutsattser om polyploiders evolutionära historia utvecklThe evolutionary history of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent Arabidopsis thaliana is analyzed in the thesis in terms of genetic variation in the natural populations of the two species. The earliest phase of the speciation event in which the genomes of A. thaliana and A. suecica are in the process of diverging was investigated using population genetic methods. Evolutio

Electrical Imaging Techniques For Environmental and Engineering Applications

The development of electrical resistivity imaging techniques has been rapid in the last decade. This applies to data acquisition as well as inverse modelling techniques, and has lead to a greatly expanded practical applicability of the method. A trend today is to move from traditionally used electrode array types towards non-conventional arrays that are more efficient for multi-electrode equipment

Communication mediated by a powered wheelchair: People with profound cognitive disabilities

The Driving to Learn project explored what people with profound cognitive disabilities could achieve from practice in a joystick-operated powered wheelchair and what facilitated their eventual achievements. Grounded theory methodology was applied for a project involving 45 children and adults with profound cognitive disabilities, 64 with milder degrees of cognitive disabilities, and 17 infants w

Design considerations of a floating-point ADC with embedded S/H

This paper presents the implementation and test results of a 10+5 bit 50 MS/s floating-point ADC, along with the design considerations. The combination of resistive weighting with identical chopped gain stages proved successful in gain, delay and offset matching. It demonstrated that the input referred thermal noise of the gain stages needs to aim for 15 bits, while the rest of the requirements su

The Implementation of the Kyoto Targets in Lithuania from a Perspective of Multi-level Governance

Abstract in Uncoded languages Tarptautiniai klimato kaitos susitarimai ir Europos Sąjungos teisės aktai veikia skirtingus valdymo lygmenis, įskaitant nacionalines teisės sistemas ir administravimo modelius. Disertacijoje iškeltas tyrimo klausimas – Kaip Lietuva, konkrečiai pramonės sektorius, įgyvendina šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų (toliau – ŠESD) emisijų mažinimo reikalavimus, nustatytus KioInternational climate change agreements and the European Union legislation have an influence on different levels of governance, including national legal systems and administrative schemes. The following research question is addressed in the doctoral dissertation: “How does Lithuania, specifically the industrial sector, implement GHG reduction requirements under the Kyoto Protocol and the European