

Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar

The "Ultimate" Metaverse - Tackling the opportunities and challenges of investing in a new world

It was a regular Thursday on October 28th in 2021 in the middle of the pandemic where humanity was going about in their everyday lives. However, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg had before witnessed a plethora of negative stories and reviews following the leak of Facebook ́s internal documents which portrayed the issues with the company. All of the negative press and political battles towards Faceboo

Tangible by Proxy

This project has explored how virtual reality can be used as a tool for communicating architecture and what advantages and limitations virtual reality provides over other mediums of representation. In the project I’ve compared the difference between portraying 3-dimensional space through a 3-dimensional medium, such as virtual reality, and a 2-dimensional medium, such as a computer screen or a pri

Resilience efforts in the Arctic amidst the effects of climate change – The case of Greenland

The aim of this thesis was to explore the effects of climate change and the resilience efforts in Greenland by utilizing the resilient framework as suggested by Becker (2014). There was a focus at the official governmental level. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with informants from different departments within the Greenland Government. Government documents were also analyzed. The resul

Gifta barns rätt till familjeåterförening med sina föräldrar - en problematisering av den svenska migrationslagstiftningens förenlighet med det utvidgade erkännandeförbudet mot utländska barnäktenskap

Det får anses vedertaget att barn är en särskilt utsatt grupp världen över. Gifta barn, som dessutom är asylsökande, är alldeles särskilt sårbara. Insikten om detta bör genomsyra all lagstiftning som avser barn, där barnets bästa ska sättas i främsta rummet. Uppsatsens övergripande syfte har varit att undersöka ett i utlandet gift barns rätt att i Sverige återförenas med sina föräldrar. Syftet haIt may be considered accepted that children are a particularly vulnerable group worldwide. Married children, who are also asylum seekers, are particularly vulnerable. The realization of this should permeate all legislation concerning children, where the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. The overall purpose of the essay has been to investigate a child married abroad righ

Pharmacological treatment of the core symptoms of Anorexia nervosa – a systematic literature review

Bakgrund Anorexia nervosa (AN) är en av de psykiatriska sjukdomarna med högst dödlighet. Trots att första fallet upptäcktes redan år 1689 så finns det idag ännu inte någon tillräckligt effektiv behandling, i alla fall inte för vuxna. Viktfobi och en överdriven kroppsfixering utmärker sjukdomen. AN är vanligast bland flickor i tonåren och nästan 3% av alla tonåringar är drabbade. En ökning i antal Background/Aim: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious psychiatric disorder with one of the highest mortality rates of all psychiatric diagnoses. Today there is no approved pharmacological treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. The aim of this study is to investigate if there is some effective and safe pharmacological treatment of the core symptoms of Anorexia nervosa (AN) by conducting a systematic review. T

CFD investigation of Plate Channels

Alfa Laval has a wide product range for plate heat exchangers that can be applied in most industries. The constant development of new and old heat exchangers drive the need for new and efficient methods that can reliably be used in the development process. In this thesis, a new turbulence model within a computational fluid dynamics-program has been tested and evaluated for one of Alfa Lavals comme

Oral Contrast Dispenser

This report details a project I undertook with Lument AB, a company developing a new oral contrast agent that patients drink before CT-scans. The new formula has multiple benefits over current contrasts agents on the market for both patients and radiologists, however, it is harder for nurses to prepare. In the project, I research the feasibility of a medical device capable of preparing the contra

Investigating Machine Learning for verification of AMBA APB protocol.

It is a well-known fact that in any Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design, verification consumes most time and resources. And when it comes to huge designs, finding bugs can be tedious given the area and the complexity. As per Moore’s law, the design complexity is increasing exponentially due to the growing demand for performance. Therefore, On-Chip communication becomes crucial. T

Discovering Consumer Complaint Behavior in Online Food Delivery

Online food delivery is becoming increasingly popular and has attracted more and more attention of scholars. However, the study on online food delivery faces a gap of consumer complaints. Those complaints can help service providers improve their service and business. This thesis aims to identify the factors that cause customers to complain and the behaviors customers show when they complain in the

Upplevt ohövligt beteende i relation till personlighet och anställningstrygghet på svenska arbetsplatser

Ohövligt beteende på arbetsplatsen är ett fenomen som uppmärksammats allt mer på de svenska arbetsplatserna. Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan upplevt ohövligt beteende på arbetsplatsen och hur detta är kopplat till individuella skillnader i personlighetsfaktorerna agreeableness och openness, samt till ålder och upplevd anställningstrygghet. Detta undersökWorkplace incivility is a phenomenon which has been observed increasingly in Swedish workplaces. The aim of the study was to examine whether there is a relation between experienced workplace incivility and how it is connected to individual differences in the personality factors agreeableness and openness, as well as to age and experienced job security. This was examined through a cross-sectional s

Nya Saturnus

En studie i arkitektoniska kvaliteter i tid och rum Detta projekt är något av en lågmäld hyllning till en typ av arkitektur som utgör en bas i många av våra städers yttrekantsområden. Byggnader som inte från början var menade att göra något väsen av sig, men som i en senare kontext står ut och attraherar. Ambitionen är att undersöka vilka komponeneter som genrerar dessa platser; som på något sät

Förvaltning av enskilda vägar med fokus på skogsbygdens vägar

Vägarna i Sverige är totalt cirka 57 000 mil långa. Av dessa anses cirka 43 000 mil vara tillhöriga enskilda väghållare, det vill säga någon annan än offentliga aktörer så som stat eller myndighet. Vägar har länge haft en stor betydelse ur ett flertal aspekter och det har alltid funnits ett stort intresse av att vidhålla ett gott infrastruktursystem. Bestämmelser om vägar fanns det redan i de äldThe aim of this paper is to improve the management of joint facilities and private roads. This was done by identify and investigat different problems connected to the private road organisations, formed through the regulation of joint facility and associations connected to them. One aspect of the investigation was if the area of included land connected to one joint facility had grown in size. By st

Små barn i stora samtal - Barns upplevelser av delaktighet i sin vård

Bakgrund: Med anledning av Barnkonventionens inkorporering i svensk lag är det idag högst aktuellt att undersöka och diskutera hur barn upplever att de ges möjlighet att vara delaktiga i sin vård. Barns delaktighet bygger på en god kommunikation och relation till hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Trots föreskrifter om att barn bör vårdas på avdelningar avsedda och anpassade till dem, förekommer det re

Near-Field Measurement System for 5G Advanced Antenna System at mm-Wavelength

An antenna is one of the most fundamental elements of wireless communication systems. The radiation behavior of antennas is characterized with the aid of the farfield radiation pattern. In this thesis, a near-field antenna measurement system is designed to predict the far-field pattern of antenna operational frequency 28 GHz and 39 GHz. The near-field measurement system operates by measuring ma

New Workworld -The Interrelation Of Workspace And Job Satisfaction

Two years ago, when the global pandemic began, working from home seemed to be mandatory in a lot of organizations because of the health protection of employees and ensuring the functions of the business. Since the pandemic has gradually cooled down, employees are expected to return to the office, thus several opinions on such a matter have emerged. To balance opposing perceptions, a hybrid work mo

Nursing - A Work of Heart: An analysis of pediatric nurses' perceptions of their working situation.

Title: Nursing - A Work of Heart: An analysis of pediatric nurses’ perceptions of their working situation. Hand-in Date: May 20th, 2022 Course: BUSN49 Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 credits Authors: Ásthildur Emma Ástvaldsdóttir & Molly Backman Supervisor: Stefan Sveningsson Keywords: pediatric nurses, professionalism, emotions, identity, identity work Research Que