

Din sökning på "*" gav 535587 sökträffar

Investment patterns in Scanian primary education before and after the Elementary School Act of 1842

This qualitative study utilizes the so far seldom used protocols of parish councils to study the processes of investments in early primary education in 11 Swedish parishes in the southern region of Scania. The aim of the thesis is to study the reasons for investments during the period 1830 to 1850. The hypothesis is that farmers that have stronger property rights over their farmland are more likel

The Oscar Effect : hur förlag och författare samarbetar med filmindustrins aktörer

Abstract Syftet med denna uppsats är att visa om det finns några mönster i relationen mellan bokbranschen och filmindustrin genom att undersöka om och i så fall hur förlag och författare bakom filmadapterade böcker använder sig av cross-media promotion i sin marknadsföring. Undersökningen utgår från Oscars-nomineringar i kategorin Bästa film mellan 2011 – 2016. Av alla nomineringar är det 27 styck

Vägen till våldsbejakande högerextremism - En kvalitativ studie om människor som blivit högerextremister

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka varför människor blivit radikaliserade och tillträtt våldsbejakande högerextremistiska organisationer, samt få en inblick och förståelse över upplevelsen som medlem i en våldsbejakande högerextremistisk organisation. Det är därför viktigt att belysa vilka bakomliggande faktorer som kan ha haft en inverkan på radikaliseringen och tillträdandet till de olika v

Rethinking Competitive Strategy in Mature Industries: An externally-focused in-depth study into how companies in mature industries can rethink their competitive strategies.

Today’s rapidly changing environment amplifies the need for companies no matter the industry, to stay on top of their game and not lose market share to competing firms. This is particularly true of companies in mature industries, and therefore, is a worthy area of study and the focus of this thesis. Rethinking Competitive Strategy in Mature Industries is an in-depth, exploratory study, with an em

Rädsla är inget statiskt, det går i perioder - Trygghetsskapande faktorer bland studenter vid Lunds universitet

The aim of this thesis has been to develop a deeper understanding of the security or insecurity students at Lund University essentially seem to experience on and around campus area. But the thesis has a deeper purpose, which is to let the paper culminate in a discussion on how security or insecurity can generate a deeper understanding of fear. This thesis assumes an abductive approach, which made

Strategisk Brandstationsplacering

This report is an aid in making decisions for the location of fire stations. Using multi criteria decision making the report presents a model for choosing the best available location for hosting a fire station. The model gives the decision makers the opportunity to choose from more criteria than the traditional response time. The model can be applied in any fire station locational decision regardl

Investigation of the Influence of Incident Angle and Frequency Dependence of a Ceiling Absorber on Room Acoustic Descriptors

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the following: − The influence of incident angle and frequency dependency of a ceiling absorber on room acoustic descriptors − How ceiling absorber properties influence room acoustic descriptors such as reverberation time and steady state sound pressure level − Whether steady state sound pressure level is more related to the statistical absorption coeffici

Transnational Voices or Self-serving Activists?: The Portrayal and Legitimation of Public Intellectuals in Japanese Newspapers Author:

The primary concern of this study was to analyze how the Japanese print media portray modern-day public intellectuals, and subsequently treat them as legitimate or illegitimate. Furthermore, I examined the underlying factors that affect this portrayal. After selecting four case studies of present-day public figures/groups (Murakami Haruki, Miyazaki Hayao, Chim↑Pom and Aida Makoto), I collected pri

Does it really matter? - A look at how branding strategies affect the return after an IPO

Theoretical perspective: The study is based on previous literature that discusses the main theories of the study; brand architecture, product/brand focus, brand portfolio strategy, underpricing and information asymmetry. Furthermore, it aims to combine the branding and finance theories to advance the understanding of the effects of different branding strategies in IPOs as it is not a common field

Övertrycksventilation – En studie av fläktplacering och ventilationsförutsättningar

The report studies the area of positive pressure ventilation, how it can be used to obtain a more effective fire services intervention and how an incorrect initiation could drastically worsen the interior conditions for occupants inclusive of fire services personnel. The tests in the report examine how flow rate and pressure within a building are affected if parameters such as fan placement and ra

En studie om relationen mellan fonologisk medvetenhet och arbetsminne samt om självskattningsförmåga i årskurs 4 och 6

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan Paulin test samt det av författarna sammansatta Spoonerismbatteriet och arbetsminnesmått i årskurs 4 och 6. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan barns självskattning och deras prestation på spoonerismuppgifter. Metod: 100 barn i årskurs 4 och 6 testades med Paulin test och Spoonerismbatteriet som mått på fonologisk medv

Big Data - konkurrensfördel idag, överlevnad imorgon

Att göra en studie om hur detaljhandelsföretag tar tillvara på och hanterar Big Data för att stärka sina kundrelationer samt hur de kan förbättras. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ fallstudie i form av djupintervjuer samt en egen undersökning. Djupintervjuerna har haft en semistrukturerad uppbyggnad. Den egna undersökningen har en komparativ karaktär där insamlingen av data gällande kunder, har jämförA study about how retail companies collect and manage Big Data in order to strengthen and develop their customer relationship. The study is one of qualitative character, which is built upon several in-depth interviews as well as a survey performed by the authors. The in-depth interviews are semi-structured. The survey is of comparative nature where the gathering of customer-driven-data is compar

Different Digital Predistortion Techniques for Power Amplifier Linearization

Linearity and high efficiency are crucial requirements for any power amplifier. However, power amplifiers have high efficiency levels when they are in non-linear regions. To overcome this issue there have been many suggestions in literature, one of the most successful methods is digital predistortion method. Digital predistortion (DPD) method’s low resource usage and fairly easy algorithm dr

Externkommunikation och värdegrund. En studie om en ideell organisations genusmedvetna kommunikation på Facebook

I denna studie kommer vi att undersöka hur en ideell organisation, genom sin digitala kommunikation på Facebook, konstruerar bilden av kvinnan samt hur detta ramar in en lösning på problemet om kvinnors frigörelse. Då ett flertal ideella organisationer har en uttalad ambition att främja jämställdhet mellan könen, är denna studie menad att undersöka huruvida deras kommunikation stämmer överens med The purpose of this study is to examine how one non-governmental organisation (NGO) through its digital communication on Facebook constructs the image of women, and how it frames problems and solutions associated to women’s liberation. Since an increased number of NGOs have now an outspoken ambition concerning gender equality, this study intends to determine and discover whether their communicatio

”This is really worth sharing”. En fenomenologisk studie av hur dykinstruktörer inom Global Underwater Explorers upplever sin pedagogiska roll.

Med utgångspunkt i att jag själv är dykinstruktör och relaterar många pedagogiska teorier till dykundervisning så har jag valt att undersöka hur instruktörer inom dykorganisationen Global Underwater Explorers uppfattar sin pedagogiska roll. Jag har genomför kvalitativa intervjuer med nio instruktörer och har genomfört en fenomenologisk analys av det empiriska materialet för att hitta kärnan av hur

Förståelse och förtroende i förändring

Denna studie ämnar till att undersöka professionaliseringens och den ökade kon-kurrensens påverkan på humanitära organisationer samt hur förändringen påverkar deras kommunikation gentemot medlemmarna och bidragsgivarna. För att konkre-tisera det valda ämnet är denna studie en fallstudie med Rädda Barnen som fall. Studien och analysen är av en kvalitativ typ och vårt empiriska material består av inThe aim of this paper is to examine how the professionalization and the increased competition affect humanitarian organizations, as well as how the changes affect the communication with their members and contributors. We are carrying out a case study of the Save the Children organization in order to concretize the chosen subject. The study and analysis is of a qualitative type and our empirical ma

Direct-indirect Effects of Emotional Competence, Entrepreneurial Learning and Motivation: An exploratory study of Indonesian vocational students.

Increasing rates of unemployment are becoming a major global issue nowadays, thus increasing uncertainty for young people. Creating new ventures and becoming entrepreneurs can serve as ‘long run’ career solutions to survive in high unemployment situations for students. This study aims to explore direct and indirect effects of emotional competence on entrepreneurial learning through multiple mediat

Employment Situation of Technical and Vocational Education Graduates in the Chinese Automobile Industry

Chinese technical and vocational education (VET) has been developed rapidly after the economic reform since 1978. The graduates from VET schools have become the important labour force in the Chinese labour market. There is a debate on the employment situation of the VET graduates. Throughout the previous research, most of them focused on the employment rate and returns to education. This study aim