

Din sökning på "*" gav 534693 sökträffar

Speaking for the Marginalised: Representation strategies of the Civil Society Organisations working with marginalised group issues at European level

Participation of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has been greatly promoted by the European Union (EU) and many CSOs in social policy sphere in particular have increasingly gained their participatory venues and consultative status vis-a-vis EU institutions since the 90’s. However, their expected role to bring even the most marginalised groups’ voice into European policy making process poses a qu

A Comparative Study of English and Croatian Concepts of the Ship Mortgage

Ship mortgage and equivalent to it in civil law, hypothec, provides a mortgagee or the lender an opportunity to obtain security for his debt. The concept of this thesis is to compare Croatian and English systems of ship mortgage, hypothec. Relevant legislation of Merchant Shipping Acts in England and Maritime Code 2004 in Croatia, shall be used as a form of comparison as well as range of the relev

Dual career for student-athletes: A longitudinal study of adaptation during the first six months at the sport gymnasium in Sweden

The purpose of this study was to gain understanding of the student-athletes’ transition to a sport gymnasium (sport high school). The objectives were: (1) to explore the Dual Career Survey and Student Identity Measurement Scale, (2) to examine the dynamics during the first six month at the sport gymnasium in student-athletes (a) transition variables, (b) personal variables, (c) importance/satisfac

Användarträning som en aspekt av förändringsprocessen vid implementering av affärssystem

Allt flera företag väljer att implementera ett affärssystem, men till dagens datum är det många affärssystemsimplementeringar som har misslyckats. Mycket forskning har gjorts på framgångsfaktorer rörande affärsystsem och användarträning nämns ofta som en av dessa. I denna studie har vi gjort en kritisk ganskning av användarträning, där vi dels har förskt undersöka hur man praktiskt bedriver använd

Is Chernobyl radiation the main cause of cancer deaths? - The research on cancer mortality before and after 1986

The Chernobyl catastrophe is still referred to as the biggest radioactivity fallout problem in the history of the world. The cloud that was released from the broken reactor travelled across larger parts of the European continent and the after-effects of the radiation are said to be felt and faced throughout the impacted regions up to this day – and that this process is far from over. This thesis

Att hålla sig på sin plats - Makt och utanförskap i Kurt Salomonsons roman Mannen utanför

I min uppsats har jag studerat hur makt och utanförskap skildras i Kurt Salomonsons roman Mannen utanför, såväl språkligt som innehållsmässigt. Jag har först definierat maktbegreppet, utifrån de teorier som Fredrik Engelstad presenterar i boken Maktens uttrykk. Jag har sedan försökt peka på hur de olika former av makt som Engelstad diskuterar skildras i romanen. Alla typer av makt som teorin disku

Household Consumption in China on the rise: Can China buy growth?

This paper seeks to examine trends in Chinese household consumption. It is comprised of a two-fold study, which undertakes both an exploratory and an explanatory approach. First, an analysis into the nature of household consumption examines trends in purchasing habits. Specifically, data on the consumption and prevalence of durable household goods and major food commodities is gathered to establis

Compliance by Australia with its obligations under article 18 “Liberty of movement and nationality” of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

While migrating to other countries, persons with disabilities often face additional obstacles as non-nationals and having a disability. Being a vulnerable group it might be hard for them to access remedies and justice. As a light in the darkness, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 2006 in order to promote and protect the human rights of persons with disabiliti

”Valet av mellanbjälklag”

Today's housing needs promotes an increased number of housing constructions. This in turn means that it is interesting to find a construction method which provides shorter building time while the final result should be perceived attractive. Prefabricated components in the project offer a shorter building process and when they also are made of concrete it provides the opportunity for durable an

En GIS-tillämpad studie av vattenerosion i sydsvensk jordbruksmark

Water erosion on arable land has since the beginning of the 80's been studied frequently in Sweden because it to a high extent contributes to losses of nutrients from fields. This study discusses water erosion on arable land in a study area in southern Sweden, with an emphasis upon its relations to topographical factors, soils and land use. In the study area another investigation of water eros

Vinterklimat och vårbakslag : lufttemperatur och kådflödessjuka hos gran i södra Sverige

The rapidly developing and widely distributed resin flow syndrom in Norway spruce (Picea abies) in southern Sweden has an unknown cause. One suggestion for its cause is the occurence of six "abnormally" mild winters from 1987/88 to 1992/93. This situation, together with hard spring frost is supposed to pose an unfavourable climatic combination for spruce. Daily temperature data (mean, ma

The Pursuit of Status: Social Identity Construction in the Interview Process

Purpose: Based on a job seekers perspective, the purpose of this study is to explore influences of status and social identity upon perceived employer attractiveness as a product of the job seekers interactions within the interview process and her social informal network. Methodology: Based on a social constructionist stance we have conducted an exploratory qualitative study Theoretical Perspective

En undersökning av uppförandekod för svenska pensionsfonder - förslag & utvärdering

Sammanfattning: I denna uppsats studeras svenska pensionsfonders engagemang i sina investeringsobjekt. Uppsatsen tar fokus på den nyetablerade brittiska koden Stewardship Code vars syfte är att uppmuntra aktivt ägande hos institutionella ägare. I uppsatsen undersöks det om det finns ett behov av en svensk motsvarighet till den brittiska koden. Vi undersöker även vilka hinder samt möjligheter en så

Company Risk-Taking -A Study of How Gender Diversity and Employee Representation on Board of Directors Influence Companies’ Risk-Taking

The purpose of this thesis is to study possible correlation between companies’ risk-taking and the board composition factors gender diversity and employee representation. The study is examining the following two issues; How does gender diversity and employee representation on board of directors influence companies’ risk-taking? We do not find any clear evidence that gender diversity and employee r

En gratisbiljett för alla? : Om förståelsen av skandinaviska språk hos studenter som lär sig danska, norska eller svenska som främmande språk

Danska, norska och svenska är nordiska språk med stora likheter. Danskar, norrmän och svenskar förstår varandras språk relativt väl, framförallt i skrift. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om den som lär sig ett nordiskt språk som främmande språk också kan förstå de andra språken på samma sätt som infödda nordbor. Vidare vill jag ta reda på om något av de tre språken är „bättre“ att lära s

GIS som hjälpmedel vid växtskyddsrådgivning

Examensarbetet vill undersöka om Geografiska Informations System (GIS) kan förbättra presentation och analys i arbetet med prognos och varning av växtskadegörare. Huvuddelen av arbetet har inriktats på att undersöka förbättring av presentation. Arbetet som helhet har fått ett positivt mottagande av de inblandade på jordbruksverket och de regionala rådgivarna. Meningen är att man mha GIS ökar förkl

Blogger Communications - Att skapa produktpublicitet via bloggar

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Blogger Communications, Att skapa Produktpublicitet via Bloggar Seminariedatum: 2011-05-31 Ämne/kurs: FEKK01, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Robin Falkowski, Vincent Myers, Marcus Ottosson, Björn Persson Handledare: Professor Magnus Lagnevik Fem nyckelord: Blogg, Public Relations, Kommunikationsprocessen, Media Relationer, Fyra modell