

Din sökning på "*" gav 531174 sökträffar

A fixation dependent decision model of charitable choice

Building on previous work showing that eye gaze plays a role during moral decision-making and that the underlying mechanisms might be characterised as a fixation dependent drift-diffusion process, donation decisions between charitable organisations were studied. Models were fit with full, no or partial fixation dependence. Results indicate the model with partial fixation dependence provided the be

Muscle Cooling and Performance: A Review

Objectives: Skeletal muscle performance is determined by muscle temperature. This paperpresents a review of the research literature to contribute to a better understanding of thephysiological mechanisms of muscle fatigue and performance in cold exposure and in repetitiveor sustained physical exertion in terms of isometric maximal force production,electromyographic activities, and gait ground react

En öppen stad, en ej befästad

Vår tid är urbanitetens epok. Människor vill komma till staden. Utflyttningen från landsbygd till stad tycks vara en social omvandlingsprocess utan ände. I dagens Sverige bor 84 procent av befolkningen i städer. På tvåhundra år har förhållandet mellan stad och landsbygd nästan vänts i sin motsats. Någon gång under 1930-talets början passerade antalet stadsboende landsbygdens befolkning. Det som hä

Bio-based C-3 Platform Chemical: Biotechnological Production and -Conversion of 3-Hydroxypropionaldehyde

Popular Abstract in English Microbes are present everywhere in the environment and have quite an intimate relationship with humans. Much of our perception about microbes is as disease causing agents but on the other hand it is also the microbes that present cure for the disease. Besides using microbes for traditional applications, for example for providing antibiotics, production of fermented foodDemands for efficient, greener, economical and sustainable production of chemicals, materials and energy have led to development of industrial biotechnology as a key technology area to provide such products from bio-based raw materials from agricultural-, forestry- and related industrial residues and by-products. For the bio-based industry, it is essential to develop a number of building blocks or

Utrymning av tunnelbanetåg. Experimentell utvärdering av möjligheten att utrymma i spårtunnel

Rapporten redovisar resultatet från en utrymningsövning som genomfördes från ett 8-vagnars tunnelbanetåg som stannat i en tunnel. Orsaken till att tåget stannat skulle vara brand i tåget eller i tunneln. Försöket genomfördes en natt mellan den 20 och 21 maj 1999 i tunnelbanan i Stockholm. Platsen för försöket var mellan stationerna Stadion och Östermalms torg. Totalt medverkade 143 försökspersoner

Sekretess - för vems skull?

Sekretesslagstiftningen inom psykiatrin infördes till värn för den enskilda och hennes personliga integritet. Nu har det emellertid uppkommit så många avarter av sekretessens tillämpning, att det vore farligt att inte ta upp en offentlig och principiell diskussion, skriver Bodil Jönsson och Håkan Hydén.

Oxidative metabolism of dopamine: a colour reaction from human midbrain analysed by mass spectrometry

In order to identify the protein responsible for a dopamine peroxidizing activity, previously described in human normal and parkinsonian substantia nigra by our group, we developed non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis conditions, mimicking the characteristic colour in vitro reaction, resulting from cyclic oxidation of dopamine (DA). After separating protein mixtures from human normal

The integrated extinction for broadband scattering of acoustic waves

In this paper, physical bounds on scattering of acoustic waves over a frequency interval are discussed based on the holomorphic properties of the scattering amplitude in the forward direction. The result is given by a dispersion relation for the extinction cross section which yields an upper bound on the product of the extinction cross section and the associated bandwidth of any frequency interval