

Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar

Tillgänglighet för funktionsnedsatta på järnvägsstationer - Konflikter i arbetsprocessen vid tillämpning av TSD

Accessibility is something often taken for granted in our society, but it is a necessity for people with disabilities. Railway stations are a public place and are often a connecting point for several modes of transport. Design of railway stations in terms of accessibility for persons with disabilities is governed by several national and international governing documents. The purpose of this thesis

Effekter av näringstillförsel på CO2-utbytet på Fäjemyr

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Torvmossen - vår räddare undan klimathotet? Att vår jord just nu genomgår en dramatisk klimatförändring har knappast kunnat undgå någon. Förbränning av fossila bränslen tillsammans med en rad andra mänskliga aktiviteter har ökat koncentrationen av koldioxid, CO2, i atmosfären med ungefär 36% sedan början av 1700-talet. Denna ökning anses vara en viktig orsak tiDuring the last century the carbon dioxide, CO2, concentration in our atmosphere has increased because of anthropogenic emissions, mainly from fossil fuel burning. This release of carbon dioxide has caused an increase of the greenhouse effect. During millennia’s peatlands have acted as a carbon sink, taking up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One third of the world´s total soil carbon is st

Characterization of doped GaInP nanowires for photovoltaics

Solceller och nanotrådar - ett vinnarpar? Världens energiproduktion är idag alltför beroende av fossila bränslen, som är ändliga och ger utsläppsproblem i form av koldioxid och föroreningar. Solenergi finns i överflöd, men dagens teknik baserad på solceller i kisel har begränsad effektivitet på runt 10-20% under optimala förhållanden och avsevärt lägre under fältmässiga omständigheter. Genom att The interest in renewable energy sources has increased recently, which has resulted in increasing research in solar energy as an environmentally friendly way to obtain electricity due to a rising energy consumption and an arising environmental awareness. Direct harvesting of solar energy to electricity is called photovoltaics, where III-V semiconductors nanowires can be used to fabricate multijunc

Co-Branding : Ett bra verktyg eller endast upphaussning?

Sammanfattning Att inneha ett starkt varumärke är något som de flesta företag strävar efter. Genom brand equity kan företagen mäta sitt eget varumärke i jämförelse med sina konkurrenter. Det finns många olika tillvägagångssätt för att stärka sitt varumärke och co-branding är ett utav dessa. Den här uppsatsen hade i syfte att härleda hur det kommer sig att co-branding är ett så vanligt förekommande

Tryckt vs digitalt

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to investigate and explain an ongoing process on the Swedish book- and publishing-market as a result of the new alternative ways of publishing. The investigation concerns questions about what need the electronic publishing fills for the authors compared to traditional publishing, and what happens to the writer’s role when published digitally on self-publishin

Private Matters: The Effects of Privatization on Adult Mortality in the former Eastern Bloc

The post-communist mortality crisis of the former Eastern Bloc was one of the largest peacetime mortality increases in modern history. Not without controversy, an increasingly large body of research has attributed this mortality surge to stress at the societal level. This paper adds to that research by using panel data from 25 countries between 1959 and 2006. Using difference-in-differences estima

Förnöjer omväxling?- En kvalitativ intervjustudie gjord på ledarskap, och hur ledarskap kan förmedla olika organisationskulturer

I en allt mer konkurrensinriktad marknadsekonomi, sker det allt oftare upphandlingar vilka resulterar i att nya företag tar över anställda från andra företag. Detta är fallet i min undersökning, där en kvalitativ intervju-undersökning med fenomenologisk ansats hjälper mig att undersöka hur ledarskapen vid två olika företag förmedlar olika organisationskulturen till dess medlemmar. Syftet är att un

Efter ens tal ska ingen dömas

Ett av de svåraste momenten för en domare är hur de ska värdera en muntlig utsaga. Vid sexualbrott är det vanligt förekommande att en utsaga är den största bevisningen, det är därför av största vikt att en utsaga värderas på ett objektivt och godtagbart sätt. I Sverige finns det ingen lagreglering om hur en bevisvärdering ska gå till. För att rättssäkerheten inte helt ska försvinna finns det riktlOne of the most difficult moments of a judge is how to evaluate an oral statement. When dealing with sex crimes the oral statement is usually the biggest evidence, it is therefore important that an oral statement is valued in an objective and acceptable manner. In Sweden, there is no legal regulation on how an evaluation on oral statements should work. There are guidelines for the evaluation of or

Personal Autonomy and the Ideal Self

Contrary to what often is implied I believe that autonomous action does not have to be morally or rationally justifiable or performed from volitions that are conscious to the agent. If we are to analyze personal autonomy it follows from the above that we need a supplementary concept to include actions that are based on unconscious or preconscious desires as well as non-moral values as possible con

Utveckling av driven hjulplog till betupptagare

This report is a result of a Master Thesis project in mechanical engineering by Niklas Henriksson. It was done at Edenhall from September 2010 to May 2011. Edenhall has the past fifty years developed and manufactured bet harvesters. Vibrat-ing plows have long been the most common plow type as it can handle the most working condition. However this plow type has always been expensive in mainten-ance

The Replication of the Brazilian Ethanol Model in Developing Countries: A General Feasibility Assessment.

Brazil is the only country that has managed to successfully implement an economically viable large-scale biofuel program. In 2008, locally produced ethanol derived from sugarcane replaced more than half of the domestic gasoline market, without the aid of any government subsidies. Ethanol in Brazil represents an economically lucrative industry that also contributes to national energy and environmen

I´m a Survivor - En studie om dem som får stanna efter företagens nedskärningar

Abstract Författare: Mikael Nilsson, 811104-0419 Titel: I´m a Survivor - en studie om dem som får stanna efter företagens nedskärningar Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15 hp Vårterminen: 2011 Handledare: Anders Järnegren Att vara en survivor inom arbetslivet är att vara den som, när företagen skär ned på sin personal, får stanna. Jag ska därför i denna uppsats genom intervjuer och insamling av tidigare

Brands in Bad Company

Springing from the relatively newco-creation paradigm, this article is based on the fact that consumers have asignificant influence on the brand building process. However consumers cannotbe understood as a sound and compact group of buyers with homogeneous values. Insteadvarious societal developments, and in particular the emergence of consumertribes, support the existence of a multiplicity of con

The Uppsala Model’s Applicability on Internationalization Processes of European SMEs, Today - A Case Study of Three Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

In principal our empirical findings confirm the applicability of the Uppsala Model on SMEs. However we believe the Uppsala Model to be very general. This is the reason why it fails to explain some complexities in the real world. Simultaneously the model’s general approach is also its biggest strength. Since it focuses on explaining the fundamental elements of internationalizing firms it is possibl

The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on disclosure of macroeconomic risks by public firms in China

This paper presents the first empirical study on Chinese firms’ disclosure of macroeconomic risks. We study the impact of mandatory IFRS adoption in 2007 on listed Chinese firms’ disclosure of macroeconomic risks. 45 out of 100 firms improved their quality of disclosure in their 2010 annual report compared to 2005 (or 2006).We also find that that firms which employ Big 4 audit firms, belong to fin

The Impact of Smoothing on Firm Value - An Industry Analysis

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of smoothing on firm value in the US Electricity, Oil & Gas Producers, Pharma & Biotechnology, Retail and Leisure & Tourism Industry. We find that investors value smooth earnings in the Oil & Gas, Electricity & Alternative Energy and Leisure & Tourism Industry. In the Pharma & Biotechnology and Retail industry we do not

Determinants of Location in Outward U.S. Foreign Direct Investment

The flow of capital across borders through foreign direct investment has become a major driver in the world economy and continues to gain prominence due to the rise of Asia and other emerging markets. The United States, as the largest economy in the world for over half a century, has played a crucial role in this capital flow. Everyday, millions of private U.S. dollars pour across borders towards

"Stimulation of our five senses through experiences"- The role of event marketing as a communication tool for retail companies when building their brand

Event marketing can be seen as an effective tool building a brand in a retail context since it can enhance brand awareness, brand identity and brand image. This, since it provides experiences stimulating consumers´ five senses adjusted to today's experience demands of consumers. Event marketing is effective catching consumers attention in today's media noise compared to traditional adverti

Extrema lufttryck i Europa och Skandinavien 1881-1995

An enhanced greenhouse effect could possibly result in frequency changes of extreme events. Observations of variations and changes in the frequency of extreme air pressure is an example of such events. Extreme air pressures are here defined as pressure lower than or equal to 990 hPa or higher than or equal to 1036 hPa. A gridded dataset from UKMO (United Kingdom Meteorological Office) with a spati