

Din sökning på "*" gav 534691 sökträffar

A study of infiltration capacity in a semiarid environment, Mberengwa district, Zimbabwe

Infiltration capacity was measured with a double ring infiltrometer at 50 locations in two drainage basins in southern Zimbabwe. The infiltration capacity was tested against various factors recorded at each location to find relevant factors to use for mapping purposes. The factors recorded were land use, biotope, bedrock, landform, siteposition, ground cover, slope, aspect, organic content and tex

The Euro, Theoretical Expectation versus Economic Reality?

The euro was launched to great fanfare as a physical currency in 2002 but the very idea of European Economic & Monetary Union (EMU) was and continues to be a controversial and hotly debated topic. Nine years since that date, this paper revisits the debate that took place in the lead up to the Euro and the theoretical benefits and costs that were highlighted at that time. It aims to critically

Think before you share: Personal data on the Social Networking Sites in Europe; Article 8 ECHR as a tool of privacy protection

The current research aims to find out how the European legal system may approach the challenges of the online social networking and their effects on the right to privacy in personal data protection of the European users. Since the answer closely depends on the nature of the right in question (human right or property right), the thesis involves a comparative analysis of the American and European p

Aktivt förvaltade fonder kontra index - En prestationsstudie över konjunkturer och en analys av investerares rationalitet utifrån beteendevetenskaplig finans

Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i prestation mellan aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder och ett jämförbart index under perioder av uppgång och nedgång på Stockholmsbörsen. Kan eventuella skillnader som tyder på irrationalitet bland investerare förklaras med beteendevetenskaplig finansiell teori? Metod: Med en deduktiv ansats kommer den månatliga avkastningen på 34 svenska aktivt

"Anyway, staraus ne sidet doma." : An explorative study of the Russian language in sms.

This thesis aims to explore how the Russian language is used in text messaging on mobile phones. The focus of my work is strictly linguistic, and does not involve analysis of content or context. Within the linguistic area I have studied various aspects, for example orthography, reductions and style. I have gathered a corpus database consisting of 272 sms, donated by a group of Russians (mostly stu

The net benefits of Mobile Customer Relationship Management

The purpose of our study is to gain better understanding on the net benefits of Mobile Customer Relationship Management (mCRM) from the perspectives of suppliers, resellers and customers. By studying and comparing different views of supplier, reseller and customer, we are interested to investigate if the implementation of mCRM will deliver the net benefits to an organization as its marketing messa

Combating Child Labour Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Côte d'Ivoire

Although rooted in the history of humankind, child labour has become a matter of increasing global attention. Significant steps have been taken in the international arena to combat the problem. However, its prevalence gives reasons for concerns. According to latest estimates of the International Labour Organization, 215 million children in the world are still caught up in child labour and 115 mill

Nämndemän i den dömande verksamheten: en rättssociologisk undersökning om nämndemännen på Lunds tingsrätt följer de rättsliga normerna

After a recent discussion in the media about suitability and role lay judges in the courts, I thought their role and function should be investigated further as it is both an interesting and topical issue. The purpose of this study was to determine if lay judges follow the legal standards that govern their work and if there are trends that suggest that political views can influence the verdict, and

Kommunikation kring Lean

Inom förändringskommunikation finns det ett behov av att förstå hur mottagaren deltar i och uppfattar kommunikation. Vi har valt att studera mellanchefer dels för att de är mottagare och dels för att de håller en nyckelroll för förändringsarbete. Ett förändringsarbete som Universitetssjukhuset i Lund (numera SUS) driver är ”Lean”. Hur ledningen kommunicerat kring Lean står i fokus i vår uppsats.

Thinking with a tool - what age and technology use reveals about cognition

Technology is often used as a method in memory intervention but there is a gap between what we know about memory processes and the interaction with technology tools (Topo, 2009; Dascal & Dror, 2005; Hjälmedelsinstitutet, 2011). This study aims to investigate how human use our memory in a real world setting and how we valuate a technological memory tool developed to support mild memory decline.

Perceptions of Leadership in Chinese Heavy Industry A Case Study

Abstract Title Perceptions of Leadership in Chinese Heavy Industry: A Case Study Course Master‟s thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Author Xiaoyan Zhang Supervisor Martin Blom Keywords Chinese culture, Western culture, leadership, emotional attachment, conflict resolution, motivation Purpose The g

Brands in Bad Company

Springing from the relatively newco-creation paradigm, this article is based on the fact that consumers have asignificant influence on the brand building process. However consumers cannotbe understood as a sound and compact group of buyers with homogeneous values. Insteadvarious societal developments, and in particular the emergence of consumertribes, support the existence of a multiplicity of con

The rational aspects of an irrational whim. A qualitative study exploring the motivations behind consumer impulse buying in a socio-cultural context.

Purpose The purpose of the research is to analyse the consumer’s underlying motivations for behaviour and decision-making in an impulse buying context, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the drivers behind impulse buying. Method The study is conducted with an explorative approach. A combination of self-administered diaries and semi-structured interviews were chosen to collect the empirical

Creating a cross-language application

This thesis is a report from a project where an application connecting Java and native code was made. The question answered by this report is how integration between Java and native code can be achieved. The application was made specifically for SAAB Training Systems who specialize in training simulations for military purposes. The application, which is called a driver was written partially in C++

Sound Quality Analysis System

Sound quality is an essential factor in communication. At Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications(SEMC) it is very important to deliver the best quality. To do that is vital for the company reputation and therefore a test tool is needed to ease this accomplishment. This thesis shall be about developing a test analysis tool to SEMC that will specifically analyze the quality difference between two audio

Styrelseledamotens bristtäckningsansvar - särskilt om förlikning och jämkning

Värdeöverföringar av olika slag från ett aktiebolag kan innebära risker för såväl bolagets borgenärer som enskilda aktieägare. Borgenärerna exponeras för en större risk ju mindre kapital som finns kvar i bolaget till betalning av deras fordringar. Minoritetsägare riskerar att bli förfördelade när majoritetsägare driver igenom värdeöverföringar som gynnar dem själva. Värdeöverföringsförbudet i 17 kValue transfers from a company may impose a substantial risk on both creditors and certain shareholders. As the coverage of the share capital decreases and less capital is kept within the company for the payment of its debts, the creditors are exposed to a greater financial risk. The minority shareholders on their part run the risk of being subjected to an undue disadvantage in the decision-making

Infant and Child Mortality in Ethiopia

This paper examined and identifies the important determinants of infant and child mortality in Ethiopia. The 2000 and 2005 Demographic and Health Surveys (EDHS) data were used. Logistic regression method were used to determine the impact of bio-demographic (proximate) and socioeconomic determinants on infant and child mortality. The infant and child mortality reduced during the period 2000 and 200

The Relationship between Domestic Investment and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidences from China

Since the strategy of “Going Global” to be implemented, the Chinese OFDI has been increased rapidly. For a long time, governments in developed countries as well as some scholars hold the different attitudes that OFDI will crowd out Chinese domestic 5 investment. In this study, we empirically analyze this relationship between OFDI and domestic investment in China based on the data from 1986 to 2010

Charitable foundations and Corporate Communication: A study of how and why charitable foundations communicate and what challenges they face

Our purpose is to increase the understanding of how and why charitable foundations communicate and what challenges they face in their communication efforts. We aim to develop two communication models that takes into account the special circumstances that surrounds communication of charitable foundations. Our ambition is that the models will contribute to both the managerial and the academic unders