

Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar

Kreativitet i klassrummet: En studie om hur lärarstil och motivation påverkar elevers kreativitet

Studiens syfte var att undersöka kreativitet i klassrummet genom att studera hur kreativitetsfrämjande lärarstil och målorientering (uppgiftsorientering, prestationuppvisande orientering och prestation – undvikande orientering) påverkar mellanstadieelevers kreativitet. Dessutom undersöktes hur elevernas målorientering kan påverkas av kreativitetsfrämjande lärarstil. Elevernas personlighet, kön ochThe aim of this study was to investigate creativity in the classroom by studying how creativity fostering teaching behavior and goal orientation (task goal orientation, performance approach orientation and performance avoid orientation) affect the creativity of middle school students. The influence of creativity fostering teaching behavior on students’ goal orientation was also explored. Personali

Value Creation in M&As in Sweden - Is the Stock Market Able to Predict Customer Reactions?

Title: Value Creation in M&As in Sweden - Is the Stock Market able to Predict Customer Reactions? Seminar date: 2011-05-31 Course: BUSM36, Degree Project Master level in Corporate and Financial Management, Business Administration Master level, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS) Authors: Besnike Bahtiri and Ammeli Stigborn Advisor: Rikard Larsson Five key words: M&As, Sweden, customer re

Beskattning av förtäckta förmåner

SKV har sedan en lång tid tillbaka varit av uppfattningen att ägare till fåmansföretag ska förmånsbeskattas för dispositionsrätten till rörelsefrämmande egendom oavsett faktiskt nyttjande. När det gäller rörelsetillgångar i fåmansföretag anser SKV att sådan egendom som huvudregel endast ska förmånsbeskattas i de fall där faktiskt nyttjande ägt rum. I de fall där rörelsetillgångar på olika sätt kanSKV has a long held the view that owners of closely held companies should be taxed for the benefit outline the rights of the non-operating property, regardless of actual use. As regards the operating assets of closely held companies believe SKV to such property as a general rule should only benefit is taxed in cases where actual use took place. In cases where the operating assets in different ways

A vegetation map and a digital elevation model over the Kapp Linné area, Svalbard : with analyses of the vertical and horizontal distribution of the vegetation

En vegetationskarta och en digital höjdmodell har gjorts över ett 54 km2 stort område beläget på Svalbards västkust, vid Isfjorden. Vegetationskartan är baserad på flygbilder och en undersökning gjord i fält under juli månad 1994. Systemet som användes vid klassificeringen av de olika vegetationstyperna är utarbetad av Elven et al. (1990) för en liknande studie i Gipsdalen på Svalbard. Vår vegetatA vegetation map and a Digital Elevation Model has been generated over a 54 km2 area situated at the western coast of Svalbard, at the Isfjorden fiord. The map is based on aerial photographs and a field survey made during the summer of 1994. The classification system used is described by Elven et alia (1990), for a similar study in Gipsdalen in the inner part of Isfjorden. The classification of th

User Perceptions of Information Quality in Business Intelligence for the Masses

The use of business intelligence is getting more and more widespread. The next step in many cases is to enable a vast amount of employees to utilize this information and tools. This approach is generally described as business intelligence for the masses. By doing so, problems arise when casual users, who are not familiar with advanced business intelligence tools, are supposed to use these in their

The Authenticity of Personal Branding

The purpose of this study is to explore how authentic online brands are created when the actual brand building process can lead to an inauthentic product. Relevance for theory and practice: Authenticity in personal online branding is something of an abstract concept that has been seldom examined on this level. By combining the corporate branding, personal branding and authenticity literature the i

Exploration of age offset between radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology

Åldersbestämning med 14C-metoden kräver kalibrering med hjälp av en oberoende dateringsteknik. En idealisk metod som idag används för kalibreringen är dendrokronologi, eftersom trädens årsringar utgör ett nästan perfekt arkiv av 14C-halten i atmosfären och eftersom dendrodatering är en mycket exakt metod. Bakgrunden till detta arbete är ett forskningsprojekt vid Lunds universitet, där man i trädriRadiocarbon dating requires calibration by an independent dating technique. An ideal method used to calibrate radiocarbon results is dendrochronology, because tree-rings are almost perfect archives of the atmospheric radiocarbon level and dendrodating can be very accurate. However, an age offset between the calibrated 14C and dendrochronologically-dated ages has been observed for certain pine-tree

Core values and brand promises – A mixed quantitative and qualitative study of core values, brand promises.

Title: Core values and brand promises – A mixed quantitative and qualitative study of core values, brand promises and their interdependence among 104 Fortune 500 companies. Date of the seminar: May 31, 2011 Course: BUSM08 Degree Project in International Marketing and Brand Management Authors: Per Andersson and Ola Johansson Supervisor: Associate Professor Mats Urde, PhD; Docent Keywords: Core valu

Marknadsföring vid radikalt förändrade förutsättningar - En studie av svenska universitets marknadsföring mot utomeuropeiska studenter

Titel: Marknadsföring vid radikalt förändrade förutsättningar – En studie av svenska universitets marknadsföring mot utomeuropeiska studenter Bakgrund och problem:Riksdagen har beslutat att utomeuropeiska studenter ska betala för sin utbildning vid svenska universitet och högskolor från och med höstterminen 2011. Hur har detta påverkat marknadsföringsarbetet mot denna grupp studenter? Syfte: Syfte

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) In data pattern recognition for monitoring purpose

This thesis is meant to be a simple introduction to the field of the Artificial Neural Networks and a survey of the possibility of using neural networks in fault diagnosis of sand moulding machines manufactured by DISA. The purpose of the survey is to give an indication of the direction the future work should take in order to obtain a sustainable solution for the use of artificial neural networks

Labor Market Attachment of Immigrant Women in Germany. Evidence for a Double Disadvantage?

This paper examines the labor market attachment of immigrant women in Germany by testing the hypothesis of a double disadvantage and looking at the determinants of immigrant women’s earnings and occupational prestige in 1999 and 2009. Hypotheses derived from human capital and labor market segmentation theory are tested by running ordinary least squares regressions on earnings and occupational pre

Klassning och statistisk separabilitetsanalys av marktäckningsklasser i Halland : analys av multivariata data Landsat TM och ERS-1 SAR

The objective of this study is to classify Swedish land cover classes using multisource satellite data. Multispectral Landsat TM data from April 1993, and multitemporal ERS-1 SAR data acquired seven times during the growing season of 1993 have been used. Nine agricultural and seven forest land cover classes have been analysed. The statistical separabilities between land cover classes have also bee

Förändringsstudie av jordbrukslandskapet på Söderslätt 1938-1985

Söderslätt has been dominated by agriculture since many centuries ago. About 90 % of the area is cultural land nowadays. The aim of this paper is to quantify recent changes of ecological relevance in Söderslätt. Interpreted aerial photos from 1938 and 1985 were digitised and geometrical corrected for the change study. The agrarian development since the 1940s has meant a continuos change from small

Desertification mapping of Horqin sandy land, inner Mongolia, by means of remote sensing

The extent of today's land degradation and desertification in the arid, semi-arid. and sub humid regions of China is a serious threat to the social and economic development in these areas. A national programme for monitoring and classification of drylands has been implemented by the Chinese Academy of Science. Areas are classified into degrees of desertification on the basis of vegetation cove

Målbolagsstyrelsens uppdrag vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden - Med fokus på målbolagsstyrelsens överväganden och ansvar vid ingående av avtal om break fee för målbolagets räkning

Denna uppsats problematiserar och undersöker målbolagsstyrelsens ställning vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden genom att belysa oklarheter som råder kring målbolagsstyrelsens agerande, framförallt till följd av att ABL inte har anpassats till takeover-reglerna och vice versa. Målbolagsstyrelsens komplexa ställning exemplifieras i denna uppsats av en utredning av vilka överväganden och vilket aktieboThis thesis problematizes and investigates the role of the board in a public company facing a friendly takeover bid. It does this by illuminating ambiguities which concern actions of the target company board, due to the fact that the Swedish Companies Act and the Swedish Takeover Rules have not been brought into conformity with one another. The complicated role of the board is exemplified by the i