

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Background factors as determinants of satisfaction with care among first-episode psychosis patients

Objective To evaluate the impact of demographic and psychosocial background factors and psychiatric and functional status before and at admission on the patients' satisfaction with care (PSC) among first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. Method One year after entering the Parachute Project, 134 FEP patients completed a patient satisfaction questionnaire. The association with demographic and psycho

Long-term metabolic effects of urinary diversion on skeletal bone: histomorphometric and mineralogic analysis

OBJECTIVES. To evaluate the long-term influence of different types of intestinal urinary diversion on skeletal bone and its mineral content. METHODS. Densitometry was used to estimate bone mineral content, and bone biopsies were analyzed with histomorphometric technique. The study comprised 20 patients with conduit urinary diversion and 19 with cecal continent reservoir, all followed up for more t

Bond Length and Bond Order in One of the Shortest Cr-Cr Bonds

Multiconfigurational quantum chemical calculations on the R-diimines dichromium compound confirm that the Cr-Cr bond, 1.80 angstrom, is among the shortest Cr-I-Cr-I bonds. However, the bond between the two Cr atoms is only a quadruple bond rather than a quintuple bond. The reason why the bond is so short has to be attributed to the strain in the NCCN ligand moieties.

A randomized trial of basing treatment on human papillomavirus and/or cytology results in low-grade cervical lesion triage

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to compare management algorithms that base treatment with loop electrosurgical excision procedure on human papillomavirus and/or repeat Papanicolaou test smear results. STUDY DESIGN: A randomized trial that referred 674 women with either atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions cytology results, detected

All-optical cw quadruple resonance excitation: A coherently driven five-level molecular system

We report here a continuous-wave, high-resolution, and all-optical quadruple resonance laser excitation experiment. To demonstrate this excitation technique, we have used an inhomogeneously broadened molecular sample (Na-2). We emphasize the enhanced ability afforded by the technique to reach new ranges of internuclear separation as well as access to a large range of molecular electronic states. U

Learning From Organizational Incidents: Resilience Engineering for High-Risk Process Environments

For years, safety improvements have been made by evaluating incident reports and analyzing errors and violations. Current developments in safety science, however, challenge the idea that safety can meaning-fully be be seen as the absence of errors or other negatives. Instead, the question becomes whether a company is aware of positive ways in which people, at all level of the organisation, contrib

Analysis of HLA DR, HLA DQ, C4A, FcgammaRIIa, FcgammaRIIIa, MBL, and IL-1Ra allelic variants in Caucasian systemic lupus erythematosus patients suggests an effect of the combined FcgammaRIIa R/R and IL-1Ra 2/2 genotypes on disease susceptibility.

Dysfunction in various parts of immune defence, such as immune response, immune complex clearance, and inflammation, has an impact on pathogenesis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We hypothesised that combinations of common variants of genes involved in these immune functions are associated with susceptibility to SLE. The following variants were analysed: HLA DR3, HLA DQ2, C4AQ0, Fcgamma rec

Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis for analysis of the ethanol consumption biomarker phosphatidylethanol.

Nonaqueous CE (NACE) methodology was developed for the separation and determination of phosphatidylethanol (Peth), a new biomarker of ethanol intake. Peth is an abnormal phospholipid formed in cell membranes only in the presence of ethanol, via the transphosphatidylation reaction of phospholipase D. The NACE separation medium consisted of 80 mM ammonium acetate in 50% ACN, 33% 2-propanol, 12% hexa

A non-synonymous variant in SLC30A8 is not associated with type 1 diabetes in the Danish population

Genome-wide association scans in type 2 diabetes (T2D) have identified a risk variant, rs13266634 (Arg325Trp), in SLC30A8 on chromosome 8. SLC30A8 encodes a beta-cell specific zinc-ion transporter and rs13266634 has been shown to affect insulin secretion. Recently, autoantibodies for Slc30A8 with high predictive value were demonstrated in individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1 D), making this gene a

Chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer: a comparison between cytogenetics and comparative genomic hybridization

The analysis of chromosomal imbalances in solid tumors using comparative genetic hybridization (CGH) has gained much attention. A survey of the literature suggests that CGH is more sensitive in detecting copy number aberrations than is karyotyping, although careful comparisons between CGH and cytogenetics have not been performed. Here, we compared cytogenetics and CGH in 29 invasive breast cancers

Effects of sensor, trials and knee joint variables on electrogoniometric gait recordings

Introduction: Different sources of variations, such as electrogoniometer characteristics and procedures, may affect the accuracy and precision of movement measurements during gait. Objective: To quantify the variations and compare the effects produced by different sources of variation in electrogoniometric gait recordings: the sensors, procedures (trials) and the knee joint. Methods: Knee flexion/

Risk assessment for optimal drought management of an integrated water resources system using a genetic algorithm

A decision support system (DSS) is developed and applied to assess the susceptibility of water supply systems to droughts, and to aid decision-makers in determining optimal supply strategies. The DSS integrates three fundamental modules for water resources management: (1) a real time rainfall-runoff forecasting model enhanced by Kalman filtering; (2) a water demand forecast model; and (3) a reserv

Mass transport of aliphatic alcohols and esters through hydrophobic pervaporation membranes

Mass transport in pervaporation of multi-component mixtures of homologous series of alcohols and esters through composite pervaporation membranes has been investigated. Pervaporation experiments were performed in a concentration range relevant for aroma recovery, using a membrane with an active layer of poly (octyl) methylsiloxane (POMS) caste on a porous polyetherimide (PEI) support. The fluxes,

Molecularly imprinted polymer for analysis of trace atrazine herbicide in water

A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for atrazine was synthesized by non-covalent method. The binding capacity of MIP was 1.00 mg g(-1) polymer. The selectivity and recovery were investigated with various pesticides which are mostly, found in the environment, for both similar and different chemical structure of atrazine. The competitive recognition between atrazine and structurally similar compou

Coagulation and anticoagulation effects of contraceptive steroids

PIP: The first generation high-dose ( 80 mcg estrogen) oral contraceptives (OCs) were associated with an increased risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). So manufacturers removed the high-dose OCs and first replaced them with OCs with 50 mcg estrogen, resulting in a lower incidence of thromboembolic events (40 vs. 20/100,000 users). When they introduced an even lower dose OC (30 mcg estrogen), the

Fluid-present melting of meta-igneous rocks and the generation of leucogranites - Constraints from garnet major- and trace element data, Lu-Hf whole rock-garnet ages and whole rock Nd-Sr-Hf-O isotope data

Pan-African high-grade metamorphism in the Proterozoic Damara orogen (Namibia) led to formation of garnet-bearing leucosomes in potassic meta-igneous gneisses producing a meta-igneous migmatite. In addition, the migmatite (gneiss (mesosome) plus leucosome) was intruded by small-scale leucogranitic melts with a high amount of accumulated biotite and garnet. U-Pb zircon ages obtained on the mesosome