

Din sökning på "*" gav 538762 sökträffar

”Vi snackar aldrig skit” – Hur socionomer hanterar den stress de upplever i sin arbetsvardag

The aim of this paper was to examine how social workers in the field of substance abuse describe their backstage coping strategies and how these are used to cope with the stress they experience in their every day work. The paper has drawn its empirical material from four semi-structured interviews with social workers that work in an institution for care under the Care of Abusers Act (Swedish). Erv

Krav på robusthet i prefabricerade betongkonstruktioner

The ability for a damaged structure to withstand progressive collapse is often referred to as robustness. A robust building is characterized by the fact that the consequence of local damage is never more severe than the initial event. The way in which structural robustness is approached in the design of a building differs a great deal from one structural engineer to another. For a structure in con

Exporting Sexual and Reproductive Values - A study on the existence of U.S. SRHR politics in international AIDS relief and prevention aid in Africa

This thesis examines the ideologies and moral values regarding sexuality and gender within the United States national realm of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR); and furthermore what how these ideologies and morals are translated into development policy. Through the method interrogative insertion, I have explored in the U.S. President´s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). And t

I hegemonins kölvatten - En studie av massmedial framställning av maskulinitet och mäns upplevelser av den

The purpose of this essay has been to examine which ideal image lies ahead for men to identify with, concerning appearance and status as well as the main presentation of masculinity. Further the purpose was to examine whether the image of the ideal man according to today’s mass media, affect everyday men in their everyday- and lifechoices and whether it has affected their self-esteem and their sen

Ungdomars situationsspecifika självförtroende att övervinna hinder för fysisk aktivitet: En mixad studie

Trots de kända hälsofördelarna med fysisk aktivitet, minskar den fysiska aktivitetsnivån när ungdomar når de högre tonåren, och det finns en skillnad mellan unga kvinnor och mäns fysiska aktivitetsnivå som bör uppmärksammas. Upplevda hinder såväl som ungdomars situationsspecifika självförtroende att övervinna dessa hinder är två av de starkaste prediktorerna för fysisk aktivitet, och därmed av stoGiven the known health benefits of physical activity (PA), the decreasing levels of PA during adolescence and differences in PA levels between young males and females are causes of concern. Perceived barriers towards physical activity as well as the adolescents‟ self-efficacy to overcome those barriers are two of the strongest predictors for PA, thus of major importance when investigating how to i

Investigating the Long-Run and Causal Relationship between GDP and Crime in Sweden

Crime is one of the most harmful social problems throughout the world suggesting that the topic of crime is one of the most important research areas within the field of economics. This thesis attempts to shed some new light on the relationship between crime and gross domestic product (GDP) in Sweden. More specifically the aim of the paper is to look for the existence of a cointegration relationshi

Klimatpåverkan och förbättringsåtgärder för Lantmännens livsmedel - fallstudie Kronfågels livsmedel

Huvudsyftet med studien var att analysera vilken klimatpåverkan produktionen av slaktkyckling har och att komma med förslag till förbättringar. Dessutom studeras mer övergripande jordbrukets klimatpåverkan samt vilken roll Lantmännen spelar och vad de kan göra för att minska klimatpåverkan från sina livsmedel. Klimatpåverkan från Lantmännen Kronfågels slaktkyckling studeras i ett livscykelperspekt

Föräldraledighet, välsignelse eller förbannelse? En komparation mellan svensk och dansk rätt gällande föräldralediga arbetstagares ställning i arbetslivet.

I föreliggande uppsats analyseras samt jämförs de arbetsrättsliga regler vilka reglerar förhållandet mellan arbets- och familjelivet i Sverige och Danmark. Två centrala frågor uppsatsen behandlar är vilka rättsliga förutsättningar det finns för arbetstagare att vara föräldraledig och vilket skydd det finns mot att missgynnas i arbetslivet på grund av framtida, föreliggande eller nyttjad föräldraleA comparative study of law regarding parental leave and prohibition of less favourable treatment of workers associated with parental leave in Sweden and Denmark. Although the laws on parental leave in Sweden and in Denmark are similar this study will show interesting conclusions by comparing them. In Sweden parents have the possibility of unpaid parental leave until their child turns 18 months ol

Adding Value through Cross-Border M&A: Evidence from the Netherlands

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to research corporate geographic diversification to determine if cross-border M&A involving Dutch acquirers and a selection of countries are value-enhancing for Dutch acquirers. Moreover we will aim to identify variables which influence value-creation in Dutch cross-border M&A. Methodology: This paper applies a deductive approach using theories and previ

Investigating the Impact of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers on Poverty Reduction and Economic Empowerment: The Case of Nigeria

Since the year 2000, achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has become the central focus of the international community. Using an empowerment framework, this study assessed the impacts of the four projects associated with Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) or its Nigerian blueprint, National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS). It gathered data with semi-structu

Case study of IGLYO negotiating queer

The potential tension between being a pan-European umbrella organisation and engaging in queer politics was the starting point of this thesis that investigates the implications that the concept and practice of queer has within IGLYO (International Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Youth and Student Organisation). My interpretations are informed by aspects of Queer theory and social movement t

Evidensbaserad praktik - ur ett socialarbetarperspektiv

In the following study, the aim has been to create an understanding of what social workers think about an evidence based practice and in which way they mean that this affect social work as a profession. We conducted semistructured interviews with seven socialworkers, working with children and families in three different municipalities. The result of the study has been discussed in relation to form

Hur kön blir genus - Genusskapande i barnböcker

The purpose of this study is to see how gender stereotypes are being mediated to children through books. The aim is to study how children are raised into their gender role. To do this, the content of two books has been analyzed by discourse analysis to be able to find underlying messages for the children reading the books. Main focus in this study is to study how the child’s emotions are being dea

Att följa som ledare -En studie av unga butikschefer i en mellanchefsroll

Bakgrund Inom de närmsta tio åren förväntas vi stå inför en stor pensionsavgång och generationsväxling på arbetsmarknaden. Svenska chefer menar att tillsättningen av mellanchefer kommer vara den största utmaningen inom rekrytering de närmsta åren. En av de branscher som anställer flest unga chefer är detaljhandelsbranschen som just nu är hårt pressad på grund av minskad konsumtion. Butikens förmåg

”Fattigdom” i välfärdsstaten Sverige : en begreppsanalys av förståelsen av fattigdom och social exkludering utifrån fyra rapporter

This bachelor thesis intends to analyze the understanding of poverty of four reports pro-duced by the Swedish government, The Social care, and organizations as UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund) and Save the Children. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how a welfare state like Sweden discuss, and understands poverty and social exclusion. By a capability approach

Ett öppet koncept och en begränsande diskurs - En feministisk och diskursanalytisk studie om hur barn framställs i rättsfall

The purpose of this study was to analyze how the child is represented in court cases regarding residence permits. Central to the study was the Swedish Aliens Act and its buildups as well as the Children’s Convention. The selection of court cases was narrowed down to five cases that involved at least one child and its mother who applied for residence permits on the grounds of ties or on the grounds

The Influence of Income Inequality on Suicides - A study across age groups in Swedish counties

The National Board of Health and Welfare together with the Public Health Agency of Sweden suggests that a reduction in income inequality could decrease suicide rates. The thesis aims at testing if this statement is accurate and if the influence of income inequality on suicides is different across age groups. The estimations are done using a panel dataset consisting of all Swedish counties for the

Beaktandets balansgång : En kvalitativ studie utifrån sjukhuskuratorers arbete med barn som anhöriga

Author: Sigrid Fagerberg Title: The balancing act of particular attention. Hospital social workers work with children as dependents. Supervisor: Anders Olsson The aim of this study was to illustrate how hospital social workers can work with children as dependents where a parent or other adult with whom the child lives permanently has a serious physical illness or injury. More specifically its aim