

Din sökning på "*" gav 532528 sökträffar

Utom arbetsgivarens kontroll – en studie av arbetsmiljöansvaret och arbetsskadeförsäkringen då arbetstagaren arbetar hemifrån.

Att arbeta hemifrån har de senaste åren blivit allt vanligare. Inför framtiden spås att den fysiska, ordinarie arbetsplatsen kommer att bli än mindre viktig och att fler kommer att vilja arbeta på distans helt eller delvis. Ett reviderat EU-direktiv ger dessutom småbarnsföräldrar och anhörigvårdare möjlighet att begära att få arbeta på distans av omsorgsskäl. Arbetsmarknadens parter har sedan längIn recent years working from home has become much more prevalent. It is predicted that the physical, regular workplace will become even less important in the future and that more people will want to work remotely in whole or in part. A revised EU directive gives parents of young children and carers the opportunity to request to work remotely for care reasons. Early on, Sweden’s labour market partn

Förhållandet mellan skatteavtal och intern rätt inom EU - En fallstudie om skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Portugal

Med en ökad globalisering i världen sker fler gränsöverskridande situationer mellan två länder som på ett eller annat sätt påverkar både företag och de enskilda. Denna uppsats fokuserar på vad som, skattemässigt, kan ske för den enskilda i en gränsöverskridande situation. Vid en sådan situation finns det risk för att den skattskyldige utsätts för en dubbelbeskattning då både hemviststaten och källWith increased globalization in the world, there are more cross-border situations between two countries that in one way or another affect both companies and individuals. This essay focuses on what, for tax purposes, can happen to the individual in a cross-border situation. In such a situation, there is a risk that the taxpayer will be subject to double taxation as both the state of residence and t

Envisioning an Environmentally Just Transition: A Case Study of the Democracy in Europe 2025’s Green New Deal Campaign for Societal Transformation

The continued increase of greenhouse gas emissions and the growing danger this poses has led to the emergence of several strategies to guide society away from further environmental degradation. Green growth is the pertinent global strategy, it calls for continued growth with the hopes to advance toward technocratic solutions. Conversely, the degrowth movement has emerged as a counter-hegemonic cri

Simulation of GPHE diagonal based on full material history

The objectives for this thesis is to further develop a finite element analysis methodology where the material history is evaluated in every step. The processing of the plate from coil to fully formed plate mounted in a heat exchanger should be taken into consideration. Material phenomena such as necking and springback are important to capture. The first attempt was to do the simulation in ANSYS.

Destructive Conflicts Generating Reconstructive Empowerment of Women and Opportunities for Peace?

Conflicts are destructive for humans and societies, but are openings for rebuilding a more inclusive and sustainable society presented in the aftermath of conflict? This paper contributes to the growing research field and examines the link between conflict and window of opportunity for development, through a gender lens. Further, this study seeks to understand how conflict affected women’s socio

Radicals with a cause: How Nordiska motståndsrörelsen expresses grievances in its violent political mobilization

Radicalization is a debated concept and should a consensus arrive on its meaning, the ambiguity of the process would most likely remain. This research paper does not side with any model of radicalization but instead chooses to focus on one concept present in much of this research, namely grievance. Through the horizontal inequality thesis, grievance is operationalized as an inequality pertaining t

Klimatoptimering av källargrundläggning för större byggnader

På grund av ökat miljö- och klimatmedvetande har det under senaste tiden lagts stor kraft på forskning och utvecklingen av byggnaders miljöpåverkan. Betong där för stora andelar av koldioxidutsläppen och för att kunna minska betongmängden som används krävs mer arbete kring optimering av konstruktionsdelar med hänsyn till klimatavtrycket. Forskningen kring klimatoptimering av både husstommar och bjDue to increased environmental and climate awareness, great emphasis has been placed on both research and development of environmental impact of buildings. Scientific research on climate optimization of both structural frames and floors is well developed. However, equally large environmental improvements have not yet been made for foundations of large buildings. There are still no obvious alternat

Reflections of the Image

The world stands often in the face of moral contentions, determining certain people or events as worthy of security whilst ignoring others. The conscience of watching silently as the genocide in Rwanda unfolded has weighed heavily on the international community’s shoulders, seemingly not heavy enough to refrain from repeating the same mistake however. The role “the visual” plays in framing securit

Internationell solidaritet eller nationellt säkerhetsintresse: En kvalitativ studie om strategiska narrativ för svenska internationella militära insatser

The field of research on military intervention is usually based on grand theories in international relations. This thesis argues that understanding can be created through a narrower approach where narratives and discourses are examined. Therefore, this study intends to examine how strategic narratives are used at the political level to justify international military operations. The thesis bases it

Läroplan i kulturskola: En kvalitativ studie om tre saxofonlärares förhållningssätt kring en möjlig läroplan i saxofonundervisning på kulturskola

Den svenska kulturskolan har aldrig haft krav på att undervisningen ska regleras via läroplaner. Trots detta finns en liten andel kulturskolor och kulturskolelärare som arbetar efter läroplaner. Studiens syfte är att få en djupare förståelse för tre saxofonlärares förhållningssätt kring en läroplan i saxofonundervisning vid kulturskola. Ett vidare syfte är att undersöka vilka moment en eventuell lThe Swedish art and music school has never had a requirement to be regulated via curricula. Despite this, there is a small proportion of schools and teachers who work according to curricula. The aim of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of three saxophone teachers' approaches to a curriculum in saxophone teaching at the Swedish art and music school. A further aim is to investigate whi

Listeners as sensemakers: Exploring the role of strategic listening in contemporary organizations at IKEA and Tetra Pak

Communication research has identified listening as a key skill in the sensemaking process. However, little is known about the practical implementation of listening by practitioners and about its strategic values to the organization. Based on a qualitative case study with practitioners in two Scandinavian contemporary organizations, this study analyses individual micro-practice of listening and its

“Gå med mig”: Patienters erfarenheter av svensk konventionell vårds bemötanden gällande PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormonal condition affecting around 1 in 10 women. Mostly quantitative research has been made on PCOS and patients’ experiences with health care encounters and qualitative studies are deemed vital to portray more nuanced overviews of experiences from patient perspectives. The purpose with this study is to investigate patients’ own experiences w

Dödshjälp - En diskursanalys av hur fenomenet framställs i svenska debattartiklar

The purpose of this study was to examine how euthanasia is portrayed in Swedish debate articles. The study was based on a qualitative discourse analysis in which 35 debate articles from four different Swedish newspapers were included. The aim of the study was to examine what discourses could be identified in our selection of articles. The articles have been analyzed through theory: Social construc

Kraftvärme - En förbisedd grundpelare i morgondagens förnybara elsystem

The Swedish power system, similar to those of other European countries, is currently transitioning from fossil to renewable. Simultaneously the electrification and digitalization of societies all over the world sets high standards for the availability of power. As a result the power systems experience certain limitations and issues. This can partially be accredited to the decline of available disp

Våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par. Socialarbetares erfarenheter av heteronormativitet i socialt arbete.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur heteronormativitet påverkar socialt arbete med våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par, baserat på socialarbetares utsagor. Vi hittade lite forskningen inom detta område, majoriteten av forskningen vi hittade var internationell. Vi ville utforska hur våld i nära relationer karaktäriseras hos samkönade par. Vi ville också utforska hur heteronormativiThe aim of this study was to explore how heteronormativity influences social work regarding domestic violence in same-sex couples, based off the experiences of social workers. The research we found regarding this subject was limited, especially in Sweden. We wanted to explore the characteristics of domestic violence within same-sex couples. We also wanted to explore how heteronormativity is expres

När man använder sig själv som redskap - En kvalitativ studie om sekundär traumatisk stress och kuratorers upplevelser av emotionellt arbete inom vuxenpsykiatrin

The aim of this study was to examine counselors' emotional management in their work with patients who have been exposed to trauma during their life. The chosen method to implement this study was through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six counselors who are currently working or have experience of working in adult psychiatry. Three different theories were used to analyze the results

Fy og Bi A Danish Duo: Rurality, Modernity, and Class Struggle in Three Fy og Bi Films from the Silent Era

This thesis analyses three Fy og Bi films from the silent era: Tyvepak (1921), Vester-Vov-Vov (1927) and Filmens Helte (1928). The theoretical framework that is utilized in this thesis comes from ideological criticism as well as the concept of representation in film. The method used is textual analysis. The historiographical significance of the thesis fits into the broadly social approach to the s

Supply Chain Collaboration within the Automotive Industry: An Exploration of Factors influencing Supply Chain Collaboration between Importers and Dealerships

The rise of global and alternative distribution channels in the automotive industry puts pressure on importers and dealerships, as they face the threat of substitution when it comes to the downstream distribution activities in the automotive supply chain. Thus, to attain a competitive advantage automotive importers and their respective dealerships must strive for a high degree of collaboration in

A digital tool for mathematical calculations with focus on interaction design

Efterfrågan av digitala verktyg i skolor har ökat de senaste åren och idag är det enligt Skolverket ett krav att använda digitala verktyg i matematik. Digitala matematiska verktyg kan förse elever med automatisk återkoppling och lärare kan anpassa sitt sätt att undervisa, baserat på elevernas progression. Trots att det finns flera fördelar med att inkludera digitala matematiska verktyg, finns det The demand for digital tools in schools has increased over the years and today it is a requirement from the Swedish National Agency for Education to use digital tools in mathematics. Digital mathematical tools can provide students with automated feedback and teachers can adapt their teaching strategy based on data from their students’ progress. Even though there are multiple advantages of includin