

Din sökning på "*" gav 536351 sökträffar

Aspects of the Impact of Technology Integration on Agility and Supply Chain Management - the Potential of Digital Packaging Printing

Shorter product life cycles (Ottosson, 2004) and more diversified offers of products (Olsmats, 2002) are market trends in the present day. Companies have to deal with customers with rapidly changing demands, who are looking for high-quality products at low costs. The ability to rapidly respond to such demands can be referred to as a company’s agile manufacturing abilities. Nagel and Dove (1991) su

Modeling of room fire growth - Combustible lining materials

A computational procedure has been developed to correlate the room fire test process and results from the proposed IS0 small scale laboratory tests. The analysis assumes that the full scale room fire test follows the proposed ASTM method, implying that the lining material covers ceiling and walls. The procedure requires that the heat release measurement response time of the test room is evaluated

Benchmarking e-learning in higher education and beyond

Benchmarking is a powerful strategic tool used to assist decision makers to improve the quality and effectiveness of organisational processes. Even in Higher Education nowadays, benchmarking is used as a tool for quality enhancement. This paper explores the results from a study on international benchmarking on elearning in higher education. The study explicitly showed the value and impact of the m

Design of resonant tunneling permeable base transistors

We evaluate the performance of resonant tunneling permeable base transistors (RT-PBTs) by numerical simulations. Since the current is limited by the barriers, a design with a low doping level around the embedded gate wires is chosen to improve the transconductance. We evaluate the influence of the various geometrical parameters, to optimize the design for high frequency operation. We obtain a perf

Gender and Programming: A Case Study

Our study highlights the effects of gender-related learning styles on a computer programming course at introductory level of engineering education. It was triggered by the observation of statistically relevant under-achievements among female students over the years. We try to identify concrete differences in motivation/learning styles between genders and prove that lack of previous relevant comput

Negotiating Asylum. The EU acquis, Extraterritorial Protection and the Common Market of Deflection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur tillgängligt är EU för asylsökande? Står Unionens rättsregler i strid med folkrätten? Om så är fallet, hur löser vi konflikten dem emellan? Besitter vi alls medel för att lösa grundläggande konflikter om hur långt rätten skall skydda "utomstående"? Denna avhandling söker svar på frågorna genom att kombinera formaljuridik med statsvetenskapliga förklaringsmodeller. MHow are access to asylum and other forms of extraterritorial protection regulated in the European Union? Is the EU acquis in these areas in conformity with international law? What tools does international law offer to solve conflicts between them? And, finally, is law capable of bridging the foundational oppositions embedded in migration and asylum issues? This work combines the potential of legal

Smugglingsbrott som ekonomisk och organiserad brottslighet - Rättspolitik, rättsregler, rättstillämpning

The point of departure of the dissertation is crime committed when doing cross-border transactions concerning otherwise legal products. The crimes in focus are such which can be described as more organised than everyday crime – but not as organised as required by the widely used and discussed concept of organised crime. From there, a discussion, based on criminal politics, criminal law, crime and

Ideation and ability: When actions speak louder than words

We present an approach and examples of design artefacts from on-going work on how children with profound disa-bilities can participate in formative design processes. It involves the pedagogical use of digitally interactive mul-tisensory environments. Rather than mimic participatory design from more symmetrical contexts, we address po-tentials in the situation at hand as well as the key issues of v

Reactors and biosensors for improved microbial degradation of acetonitrile

Biodegradation is becoming an attractive mode of operation for eliminating toxic chemicals released from industrial processes or already present in the environment. One needs, however, not only to identify organisms capable of degrading such chemicals, but also to address the issue of whether these chemicals, after being degraded, will be toxic to the degrading organisms if present in high concent

Preussiska anarkister. Ernst Jünger och hans krets under Weimar-republikens krisår

Boken innehåller en bred skildring av Ernst Jünger och hans närmaste vänkrets under slutfasen av Weimar-republiken. Bland de arbeten av Jünger som diskuteras återfinns "Das abenteuerliche Herz" (1929, "Die totale Mobilmachung" (1930) och "Der Arbeiter" (1932). Till persongalleriet hör Carl Schmitt, Ernst Niekisch, Friedrich Georg Jünger, Friedrich Hielscher med flera. Historien om Ernst Jünger och