

Din sökning på "*" gav 526466 sökträffar

Framställningen av ECT- behandling för depression i massmedia

The debate about ECT- treatment for depression has got a lot of attention in the media during the past 10 years. There are several actors involved in the debate, but we have chosen to look more closely at how patients' and the professionals' arguments look like. Our intention of writing this work was to investigate how patients' and professionals' views on electroconvulsive therapy

HIV/AIDS and Stigma in Vietnam

HIV/AIDS puts people in many disadvantages such as losing health, losing income and reducing life expectancy. However, another grave problem of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs) is HIV-related stigma. Stigma makes their lives worse in many aspects materially, physically and mentally. This serious matter, unfortunately, exists and requires great efforts to deal with. This essay aims at providing

Motives for Multinational Investments &Taxation Incentives in Turkey and China

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the motives for investments with special focus on the impact of taxation and implementation of tax incentives in tax systems of Turkey and China depending on the related literature of books , articles , the laws of the both countries and empirical results.

CSR in the Public sector - Illustrated with four case studies in Swedish municipalities

The purpose of our thesis is to describe how CSR is anchored in the public sector, and further to analyze how this work is organized throughout municipal organizations. We have applied a mixed methods approach conducting both a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative approach involves a document study made on all 33 municipalities in the County of Skåne, while the quantitative appro

Varför online-volontär? : en kvalitativ studie om motiven för att engagera sig och arbeta gratis på ett konstinriktat Community

People, today, use the Internet more and more for everything and there are courses on different aspects of our Internet use: social media, leadership, and networks. However, there is not much said about volunteering online, despite many active online volunteers who work several hours each day. It is relevant to know what inspires and motivates a person to volunteer to keep him or her motivated to

Maritime Arbitration: Law and Practice in the People's Republic of China

Since the China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC) was established in 1959, it has been more than 50 years for both China and CMAC in developing China’s Maritime Arbitration. From the basic point of view, it would be easily expected that the arbitration institutions of China could accept and hear a lot of maritime cases every year due to its advantages in coastal geography and developed intern

The Business Judgment Rule - Finns det en svensk motsvarighet?

ABL 2005 är i sin nuvarande lydelse en omfattande och i många hänseenden detaljerad lag. Regleringen om skadestånd är dock relativt begränsad genom sitt ursprung i allmänna skadeståndsrättsliga principer. Ett aktiebolag och de spörsmål som hanteras där är unika. Detta kräver därför en skadeståndsreglering som är anpassad efter aktiebolagets karaktäristik. Frågan är om den konventionella culpanormeThe Swedish corporation law is an extensive and detailed regulation as it appears in its’ present meaning. However, the regulation regarding damages is relatively limited through its origin in general regulations of damages. The questions raised within a corporation are in many ways unique, and should therefore qualify for a specially customized regulation regarding damages. The question is whethe

Income gaps between natives and immigrants in Sweden: Are there differences in labor market sectors?

Earning gaps between natives and immigrants in Sweden have been a widely discussed issue in the literature. The previous studies that examined the wage gaps mostly focused on educational attainment, tenure, generation of immigrants and ethnic origins. The distribution of immigrants’ income within different labor market sectors is almost unexplored. The paper analyzes several determinants of income

Based on a true story

This paper consists of an analysis of two film adaptations, the documentary Lasermannen- dokumentären (Tamas/Dixelius,Sweden,2005) and the TV- series Lasermannen (Maricimain,Sweden,2005) based on the documentary novel Lasermannen - En berättelse om Sverige by Gellert Tamas. Its purpose is to find out in which ways the written text is translated into film and how these translations effect the repre

Time, Rationality and at least three kinds of Reason

Alltför ofta väljer vi ett mindre gott istället för ett större gott, enbart på grund av att det mindre goda ligger närmare i framtiden, och alltför ofta skulle vi föredra att ett större ont inträffat oss i det förgångna än att behöva uppleva ett mindre ont i framtiden. Detta kallar filosofer för tidspartiskheter, den första benämns som partiskhet mot det nära i framtiden, och den andra benämns somAll too often we find ourselves choosing a lesser good instead of a greater good, due to the mere fact that the lesser good is closer in the future, and all too often we find ourselves preferring that greater suffering has happened in the past rather than us having to experience small suffering in the future. Philosophers call this phenomena time biases, the first bias is called the bias towards t

Utnyttjande av handelsalgoritmer – faller det nya fenomenet inom otillbörlig marknadspåverkan?

Värdepappersmarknaden har idag stor betydelse för samhällets ekonomiska tillväxt och utveckling. På börserna världen över sammanlänkas olika aktörer och investerare för att omfördela risk och kapital. På värdepappersmarknaden återfinns också det brott som kallas för otillbörlig marknadspåverkan. En del aktörer försöker nämligen att manipulera och missbruka marknaden av olika anledningar. För att f

A tax advantage contrary to the purpose of VAT provisions

One of two conditions for establishing abuse of European law in the area of VAT is that in spite fulfillment of the literal meaning of a VAT directive and national provisions, a tax advantage is gained which is contrary to the purpose of those provisions. First, a comparison of ten examples illustrating different conditions shows that whether it is advantageous or not to be taxed and allowed to de

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö: Upplevda skillnader mellan generation X och Y

Syftet med studien var att se om det finns någon skillnad i upplevd psykosocial arbetsmiljö utifrån företagets värdegrunder och mellan de demografiska variablerna generation (generation X födda mellan 1961-1981 och generation Y födda 1982-2002), kön samt befattning. En internetenkät skickades ut till 130 anställda vid IKEA. De anställda var slumpmässigt utvalda från olika bolag inom IKEA belägna iThe purpose of the study was to discover a noticeable relationship between the psychosocial working habitat, seen from the employing company’s values, between sex and function among two variable demographical generations (generation X born between 1961-1981 and generation Y born between 1982-2002). An Internet based survey was sent out to 130 employees at IKEA. The employees had been chosen at ran

Ödmjukhetens Makt : en studie av maktspråk på företag i manga

A substantial part of modern Japan’s workforce consists of men and women employed at corporation offices. These are the Japanese that are known as “sararîman” (“salarymen”) in case of being male, or OL (“Office Ladies”) in case of being female. As one such, it is crucial that one can wield one’s language abilities skillfully in order to be able to make other members of staff fully appreciate and r

Estimating and Testing Risk Approaches: A Technical Analysis using Affine Term Structure Models, Monte Carlo Simulation and GARCH Method

This paper investigates if the Log-Normal Mean-Reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck spot price (LNMROU) and the Vasicek (1977) process can forecast Value-at-Risk (VaR) using the Monte Carlo method. The results from LNMROU are validated against Delta-Normal-GARCH (DNG) and Historical Simulation (HS) which are well known approaches for VaR estimations. The backtested results indicated that HS and DNG are go

Försäkringsbehov? En studie av operationella fordonsleasingbolag

Problem definition: Companies competing in a market environment are trying to improve their competitiveness. A widespread company strategy is to focus on the core operations and competencies and outsource non-core activities. Managing companies’ vehicle fleets is often considered non-core operations which have led to the creation of the operational vehicle leasing industry. It means that the leasi

Autistic traits in a Swedish clinical sample of children with ADHD

The occurrence of autistic traits measured by the social responsiveness scale, SRS, in a Swedish clinical sample of children age 8-12 diagnosed with ADHD was analyzed and found significantly elevated in comparison with a demographically similar control group. 28 children 4 girls and 24 boys diagnosed with ADHD were included in the ADHD group. 25 children 4 girls and 21 boys acted as controls. A me

Determinants of Adolescent Fertility

This thesis examines determinants of adolescent fertility with a particular focus on the possible association between adolescent fertility and idea diffusion. A sample of DHS data consisting of 6591 Nigerian female adolescents in the age of 15-19 in 2008 is used for analysis. The logistic regression shows a clear significant association between adolescent fertility and socio-economic determinants