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UR:s Skrivglappet är ett magplask : Anekdotisk bevisföring räcker inte
Kritisk kommentar till UR-dokumentären Skriv-glappet, som hävdar att unga i Sverige skriver sämre idag än tidigare.
The Inherent Politics of Managing the Quality of Urban Green Spaces
Although the term ‘quality’ has a universal positive connotation and typically is framed by a focus on improvements, its application includes as well as excludes the access, values and world views of particular actors and interests. In this article, we highlight the relevance and implications of such ‘inherent politics’ through a case study of a widespread approach to operationalizing quality in u
An Integrated Simulation-Based Methodology for Considering Weather Effects on Formwork Removal Times
This paper presents an integrated simulation-based methodology for considering the effects of weather on formwork removal times. An expert tool for estimating formwork removal times and weather data with high resolution are integrated into a discrete-event simulation model containing a process model of in-situ concrete wall operations. In addition, operational measures (denoted as curing strategie
Speckle-based compressive imaging in ultrafast spectroscopy
We present a straightforward implementation of compressive imaging in femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. By using laser speckles as random patterns we built a single-pixel camera experiment capable of imaging processes with temporal resolution
Reporting frequency of radiology findings increases after introducing visual rating scales in the primary care diagnostic work up of subjective and mild cognitive impairment
Objectives: Study the effect of introducing a template for radiological reporting of non-enhanced computed tomography (NECT) in the primary care diagnostic work up of cognitive impairment using visual rating scales (VRS). Methods: Radiology reports were assessed regarding compliance with a contextual report template and the reporting of the parameters medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA), white matt
Small bowel enteroclysis with magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in patients with failed and uncertain passage of a patency capsule
Background: Video capsule enteroscopy (VCE) has revolutionized small bowel imaging, enabling visual examination of the mucosa of the entire small bowel, while MR enteroclysis (MRE) and CT enteroclysis (CTE) have largely replaced conventional barium enteroclysis. A new indication for MRE and CTE is the clinical suspicion of small bowel strictures, as indicated by delayed or non-delivery of a test c
Increased expression levels of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules in lipopolysaccharide‑induced acute inflammatory apoM‑/‑ mice
apolipoproteinM(apoM)mayserveaprotectiverole inthedevelopmentofinflammation.Nuclearfactor‑κB(nF-κB) and its downstream factors (including a number of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules) are essential for the regulation of inflammatory processes. In the present study, the importance of apoM in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‑induced acute inflammation and its potential underlying mechanisms, we
Remissyttrande: Utkast till lagrådsremiss Vissa ändringar i skattelagstiftningen till följd av resolutionsregelverket
Asymmetric ring-opening of epoxides catalyzed by metal–salen complexes
The asymmetric ring-opening of epoxides is an important reaction in organic synthesis, since it allows for the enantioselective installation of two vicinal functional groups with specific stereochemistry within one step from a highly available starting material. An effective class of catalysts for the asymmetric ring-opening of epoxides is metal–salen complexes. This review summarizes the developm
Genetic causes and prediction of hypertension and cardiovascular disease
Audiences Assemble : becoming an audience and produser in mixed media environments
How can we understand the patterns and contours of audiences in a mixed media environment? I’m curious about the tracks people make as they become aware of themselves as constituting an audience. These tracks include the way we listen to a soundtrack and relate this to the narrative in a drama; listening can help us find our way through storytelling, signposting how we relate to broader themes and
Meniscus or Cartilage Injury at the Time of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear Is Associated With Worse Prognosis for Patient-Reported Outcome 2 to 10 Years After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury : A Systematic Review
OBJECTIVES: (1) To assess prognostic factors for patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and physical activity 2 to 10 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) or anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, and (2) to assess differences in prognostic factors between patients treated with ACLR and with rehabilitation alone.DESIGN: Prognosis systematic review.LITERATURE SEARCH: Sy
Traditional or modern peasants? : Odelsrett and Bördsrätt in Parliamentary Debates, 1810 – 1860
Under the influence of the Enlightenment, civil legislation was transformed throughout Western Europe in the first half of the 19th century. As part of this, property rights changed, and a more individualized ownership emerged. Since property rights in Sweden and Norway had been characterized by a strong bond between land and family, the legal changes were subject of much political debate in both
Consuming place, contesting spatial imaginaries
The last few years has seen the emergence of anti-consumption narratives (Chatzidakis and Lee, 2012; Cherrier, 2009), which contest the marketisation of places, and the way that property and space are currently organised by their exchange values, rather than use values (cf. Visconti et al., 2010). Anti-consumption acts disrupt key social imaginaries of places and are apparent in demonstrations and
Clues to galaxy evolution from spectroscopic observations of Galactic centre stars
In this work we present results from spectroscopic observations of Galactic centre stars. High resolution stellar spectroscopy can be used to determine accurate stellar metallicities and abundances. Observing stars in the Galactic centre is challenging due to extreme extinction. However, observing bright M giants in the K band is viable with 10 m telescopes, which is what has been carried out in t