

Din sökning på "*" gav 533029 sökträffar

Policy Framework for Material Resource Efficiency : Pathway Towards a Circular Economy

The strategic direction of the European Union (EU) over the past twenty years has focused on increasing resource productivity and innovation in the economy, aiming at the efficient use and secured supplies of resources, economic growth and job creation, with fewer environmental impacts. One of the basic premises of the new ‘Green Deal’ for Europe is the promotion of the circular economy. The aim o

Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and their links to depression and anxiety in clinic- and community-based pediatric samples: A network analysis

Background: Symptoms of depression and anxiety are common in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and associated with more severe OCD, greater impairment, and worse treatment outcome. Beyond twin studies showing that genetic factors contribute to the high co-occurrence, few studies have examined how OCD, depression, and anxiety are linked in youth, and current studies often fail to ac

DPS mechanism for associated cc¯ bb¯ production in AA UPCs

We discuss the associated cc¯ and bb¯ quark pairs production in the double-parton scattering (DPS) process in ultraperipheral (UPCs) AA collisions. We derive an analogue of the inclusive DPS pocket formula and the photon-energy dependent effective cross section considering an overlap between the hard SPS scatterings. We provide numerical predictions for the DPS cross sections for the cc¯ bb¯ produ

Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa : Human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present

East African landscapes today are the result of the cumulative effects of climate and land-use change over millennial timescales. In this review, we compile archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data from East Africa to document land-cover change, and environmental, subsistence and land-use transitions, over the past 6000 years. Throughout East Africa there have been a series of relatively rapid

Late Holocene wetland transgression and 500 years of vegetation and fire variability in the semi-arid Amboseli landscape, southern Kenya

The semi-arid Amboseli landscape, southern Kenya, is characterised by intermittent groundwater-fed wetlands that form sedimentary geoarchives recording past ecosystem changes. We present a 5000-year environmental history of a radiocarbon dated sediment core from Esambu Swamp adjacent to Amboseli National Park. Although radiocarbon dates suggest an unconformity or sedimentary gap that spans between

ESS commissioning plans

The ESS linac is currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, and once completed it will deliver an unprecedented 5 MW of average power. The ion source and LEBT commissioning starts in 2018 and will continue with the RFQ, MEBT and the frst DTL tank next year and up to the end of the fourth DTL tank in 2020. This paper will summarize the commissioning plans for the normal conducting linac with foc

Influence of primary tumour and patient factors on survival in patients undergoing curative resection and treatment for liver metastases from colorectal cancer

BACKGROUND: Resection of the primary tumour is a prerequisite for cure in patients with colorectal cancer, but hepatic metastasectomy has been used increasingly with curative intent. This national registry study examined prognostic factors for radically treated primary tumours, including the subgroup of patients undergoing liver metastasectomy. METHODS: Patients who had radical resection of primar

Individual Patient Data Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trials of Bivalirudin versus Heparin in Acute Myocardial Infarction : Rationale and Methodology

BACKGROUND: Individual randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of periprocedural anticoagulation with bivalirudin versus heparin during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) have reported conflicting results. Study-level meta-analyses lack granularity to adjust for confounders, explore heterogeneity, or identify subgroups that may particularly benefit or be harmed. OBJECTIVE: To overcome these limi

A bispecific IgG format containing four independent antigen binding sites

Bispecific antibodies come in many different formats, including the particularly interesting two-in-one antibodies, where one conventional IgG binds two different antigens. The IgG format allows these antibodies to mediate Fc-related functionality, and their wild-type structure ensures low immunogenicity and enables standard methods to be used for development. It is however difficult, time-consumi

Generation of ultrashort coherent vacuum ultraviolet pulses using electron storage rings : A new bright light source for experiments

We demonstrate for the first time that seeded harmonic generation on electron storage rings can produce coherent optical pulses in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. The experiment is performed at Elettra, where coherent pulses are generated at 132nm, with a duration of about 100fs. The light source has a repetition rate of 1kHz and adjustable polarization; it is very bright, with a peak power

Sub-picosecond coherent VUV source on the Elettra storage ring

Taking advantage of the storage ring free electron laser beamline at Elettra, we have implemented an experimental setup for the generation of sub-picosecond (ps) coherent optical pulses in the VUV range. The setup is based on the frequency up-conversion of a high-power external signal (provided by a Ti:Sapphire laser) and makes use of a relativistic electron bunch as resonating medium. The produce

The Impact of Cultural Diversity on International Criminal Proceedings

This article analyses the impact of cultural diversity on international criminal proceedings, and what may be done to counter the unfortunate conditions — limited (or lack of) understanding, alienation and disagreement — resulting from this diversity. Each of these conditions, if ignored, seriously undermines not merely the efficacy of international criminal tribunals, but also their worth from th

Intraneuronal β-amyloid accumulation and synapse pathology in Alzheimer's disease

The aberrant accumulation of aggregated β-amyloid peptides (Aβ) as plaques is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathology and reduction of Ab has become a leading direction of emerging experimental therapies for the disease. The mechanism(s) whereby Aβ is involved in the pathophysiology of the disease remain(s) poorly understood. Initially fibrils, and subsequently oligomers of extracell

Internalized antibodies to the Aβ domain of APP reduce neuronal Aβ and protect against synaptic alterations

Immunotherapy against β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) is a leading therapeutic direction for Alzheimer disease (AD). Experimental studies in transgenic mouse models of AD have demonstrated that Aβ immunization reduces Aβ plaque pathology and improves cognitive function. However, the biological mechanisms by which Aβ antibodies reduce amyloid accumulation in the brain remain unclear. We provide evidence tha

Conditional inactivation of presenilin 1 prevents amyloid accumulation and temporarily rescues contextual and spatial working memory impairments in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice

Accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides in the cerebral cortex is considered a key event in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Presenilin 1 (PS1) plays an essential role in the γ-secretase cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the generation of Aβ peptides. Reduction of Aβ generation via the inhibition of γ-secretase activity, therefore, has been proposed as a therapeutic