

Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar

Utveckling av driven hjulplog till betupptagare

This report is a result of a Master Thesis project in mechanical engineering by Niklas Henriksson. It was done at Edenhall from September 2010 to May 2011. Edenhall has the past fifty years developed and manufactured bet harvesters. Vibrat-ing plows have long been the most common plow type as it can handle the most working condition. However this plow type has always been expensive in mainten-ance

The Replication of the Brazilian Ethanol Model in Developing Countries: A General Feasibility Assessment.

Brazil is the only country that has managed to successfully implement an economically viable large-scale biofuel program. In 2008, locally produced ethanol derived from sugarcane replaced more than half of the domestic gasoline market, without the aid of any government subsidies. Ethanol in Brazil represents an economically lucrative industry that also contributes to national energy and environmen

Brands in Bad Company

Springing from the relatively newco-creation paradigm, this article is based on the fact that consumers have asignificant influence on the brand building process. However consumers cannotbe understood as a sound and compact group of buyers with homogeneous values. Insteadvarious societal developments, and in particular the emergence of consumertribes, support the existence of a multiplicity of con

The Uppsala Model’s Applicability on Internationalization Processes of European SMEs, Today - A Case Study of Three Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

In principal our empirical findings confirm the applicability of the Uppsala Model on SMEs. However we believe the Uppsala Model to be very general. This is the reason why it fails to explain some complexities in the real world. Simultaneously the model’s general approach is also its biggest strength. Since it focuses on explaining the fundamental elements of internationalizing firms it is possibl

The Impact of Smoothing on Firm Value - An Industry Analysis

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of smoothing on firm value in the US Electricity, Oil & Gas Producers, Pharma & Biotechnology, Retail and Leisure & Tourism Industry. We find that investors value smooth earnings in the Oil & Gas, Electricity & Alternative Energy and Leisure & Tourism Industry. In the Pharma & Biotechnology and Retail industry we do not

Extrema lufttryck i Europa och Skandinavien 1881-1995

An enhanced greenhouse effect could possibly result in frequency changes of extreme events. Observations of variations and changes in the frequency of extreme air pressure is an example of such events. Extreme air pressures are here defined as pressure lower than or equal to 990 hPa or higher than or equal to 1036 hPa. A gridded dataset from UKMO (United Kingdom Meteorological Office) with a spati

Beskattning av förtäckta förmåner

SKV har sedan en lång tid tillbaka varit av uppfattningen att ägare till fåmansföretag ska förmånsbeskattas för dispositionsrätten till rörelsefrämmande egendom oavsett faktiskt nyttjande. När det gäller rörelsetillgångar i fåmansföretag anser SKV att sådan egendom som huvudregel endast ska förmånsbeskattas i de fall där faktiskt nyttjande ägt rum. I de fall där rörelsetillgångar på olika sätt kanSKV has a long held the view that owners of closely held companies should be taxed for the benefit outline the rights of the non-operating property, regardless of actual use. As regards the operating assets of closely held companies believe SKV to such property as a general rule should only benefit is taxed in cases where actual use took place. In cases where the operating assets in different ways

A vegetation map and a digital elevation model over the Kapp Linné area, Svalbard : with analyses of the vertical and horizontal distribution of the vegetation

En vegetationskarta och en digital höjdmodell har gjorts över ett 54 km2 stort område beläget på Svalbards västkust, vid Isfjorden. Vegetationskartan är baserad på flygbilder och en undersökning gjord i fält under juli månad 1994. Systemet som användes vid klassificeringen av de olika vegetationstyperna är utarbetad av Elven et al. (1990) för en liknande studie i Gipsdalen på Svalbard. Vår vegetatA vegetation map and a Digital Elevation Model has been generated over a 54 km2 area situated at the western coast of Svalbard, at the Isfjorden fiord. The map is based on aerial photographs and a field survey made during the summer of 1994. The classification system used is described by Elven et alia (1990), for a similar study in Gipsdalen in the inner part of Isfjorden. The classification of th

User Perceptions of Information Quality in Business Intelligence for the Masses

The use of business intelligence is getting more and more widespread. The next step in many cases is to enable a vast amount of employees to utilize this information and tools. This approach is generally described as business intelligence for the masses. By doing so, problems arise when casual users, who are not familiar with advanced business intelligence tools, are supposed to use these in their

Att hålla sig på sin plats - Makt och utanförskap i Kurt Salomonsons roman Mannen utanför

I min uppsats har jag studerat hur makt och utanförskap skildras i Kurt Salomonsons roman Mannen utanför, såväl språkligt som innehållsmässigt. Jag har först definierat maktbegreppet, utifrån de teorier som Fredrik Engelstad presenterar i boken Maktens uttrykk. Jag har sedan försökt peka på hur de olika former av makt som Engelstad diskuterar skildras i romanen. Alla typer av makt som teorin disku

”Valet av mellanbjälklag”

Today's housing needs promotes an increased number of housing constructions. This in turn means that it is interesting to find a construction method which provides shorter building time while the final result should be perceived attractive. Prefabricated components in the project offer a shorter building process and when they also are made of concrete it provides the opportunity for durable an

En GIS-tillämpad studie av vattenerosion i sydsvensk jordbruksmark

Water erosion on arable land has since the beginning of the 80's been studied frequently in Sweden because it to a high extent contributes to losses of nutrients from fields. This study discusses water erosion on arable land in a study area in southern Sweden, with an emphasis upon its relations to topographical factors, soils and land use. In the study area another investigation of water eros

Vinterklimat och vårbakslag : lufttemperatur och kådflödessjuka hos gran i södra Sverige

The rapidly developing and widely distributed resin flow syndrom in Norway spruce (Picea abies) in southern Sweden has an unknown cause. One suggestion for its cause is the occurence of six "abnormally" mild winters from 1987/88 to 1992/93. This situation, together with hard spring frost is supposed to pose an unfavourable climatic combination for spruce. Daily temperature data (mean, ma

Company Risk-Taking -A Study of How Gender Diversity and Employee Representation on Board of Directors Influence Companies’ Risk-Taking

The purpose of this thesis is to study possible correlation between companies’ risk-taking and the board composition factors gender diversity and employee representation. The study is examining the following two issues; How does gender diversity and employee representation on board of directors influence companies’ risk-taking? We do not find any clear evidence that gender diversity and employee r

Blogger Communications - Att skapa produktpublicitet via bloggar

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Blogger Communications, Att skapa Produktpublicitet via Bloggar Seminariedatum: 2011-05-31 Ämne/kurs: FEKK01, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Robin Falkowski, Vincent Myers, Marcus Ottosson, Björn Persson Handledare: Professor Magnus Lagnevik Fem nyckelord: Blogg, Public Relations, Kommunikationsprocessen, Media Relationer, Fyra modell

The Euro, Theoretical Expectation versus Economic Reality?

The euro was launched to great fanfare as a physical currency in 2002 but the very idea of European Economic & Monetary Union (EMU) was and continues to be a controversial and hotly debated topic. Nine years since that date, this paper revisits the debate that took place in the lead up to the Euro and the theoretical benefits and costs that were highlighted at that time. It aims to critically

Kommunikation kring Lean

Inom förändringskommunikation finns det ett behov av att förstå hur mottagaren deltar i och uppfattar kommunikation. Vi har valt att studera mellanchefer dels för att de är mottagare och dels för att de håller en nyckelroll för förändringsarbete. Ett förändringsarbete som Universitetssjukhuset i Lund (numera SUS) driver är ”Lean”. Hur ledningen kommunicerat kring Lean står i fokus i vår uppsats.

Perceptions of Leadership in Chinese Heavy Industry A Case Study

Abstract Title Perceptions of Leadership in Chinese Heavy Industry: A Case Study Course Master‟s thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Author Xiaoyan Zhang Supervisor Martin Blom Keywords Chinese culture, Western culture, leadership, emotional attachment, conflict resolution, motivation Purpose The g

Creating a cross-language application

This thesis is a report from a project where an application connecting Java and native code was made. The question answered by this report is how integration between Java and native code can be achieved. The application was made specifically for SAAB Training Systems who specialize in training simulations for military purposes. The application, which is called a driver was written partially in C++