

Din sökning på "*" gav 535384 sökträffar

Manlighet Under Hot: Kommer män att ändra beteende under maskulinitetshot?

Tidigare forskning har visat att när mäns manlighet ifrågasätts genom ett så kallat maskulinitetshot, så kommer de tillfälligt att bete sig mer stereotypt manligt (Vandello, Bosson, Cohen, Burnaford & Weaver, 2008). Detta för att försöka visa inför andra män att de tillhör ingruppen män. I denna studie undersökte vi om maskulinitetshot kommer att få män att bli mer risktagande och mer intresse

The Challenge of Component Purchasing Excellence – a Case Study at Nahoj Nim

Nahoj Nim has for a long time been very successful at developing, producing and selling packaging solutions for the food industry. Today, however, Nahoj Nim faces a new challenge as competitors are gaining market shares. The purchasing unit Component & Technical Consultant Purchasing (hereafter referred to as C&TCP), involved in sourcing, contracting and managing the supplier base for comp

Hur väl svarar produktionen mot de krav marknaden ställer? – Framtagande av strategiska riktlinjer för produktionen på Procordia Food AB

Problem description To develop strategic guidelines for the production that are in line with the vision and marketing strategies of the company. Purpose The purpose is two folded. The first part aims to facilitate future strategic decisions concerning manufacturing. The second is to illuminate why the company should take the manufacturing strategy into consideration when taking other strategic dec

Vad Influerar Guldpriset? En studie on råvarors influens

Denna studie är baserad på att förstå om det finns en influens från andra ädelmetaller, industrimetaller och vätskor på variationen i guldpriset. Studien ger ytterligare ett alternativ på forskning om vad som influerar guldpriset och tordes vara unik. Regressionsanalys används för att se om några av metallerna eller vätskorna kan förklara något av variationen på guldpriset. Av samtliga testade, vi

En jämförelse mellan SPOT- och Landsatdata för vegetationsklassning i Småland

Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra terrängtypsklassningar baserade på data från satelliterna Landsat och SPOT. Resultatet utgör underlaget för de slutsatser som dras angående de olika klassningarna, och om de fördelar respektive nackdelar som finns vid användande av de olika scenerna baserade på data från respektive satellit. Klassningarna sker digitalt med maximum-likelihood metoden, och som The aim of this work is to examine the quality of digital terraintype classification using 3-bands multispectral data from the Landsat and SPOT satellites. The resulting classifications are compared with each other using different verification methods based upon ground truth data from field studies and infrared aerial photographs. The results from the verifications indicates that it is possible to

Water harvesting in Bakel, Senegal

This is the result of a field study performed during July -September 1990 in Bakel, eastern Senegal. The village Bakel is in a semi-arid region with low agricultural productivity as a result of drought, degraded soils and excessive rainwater runoff. The thesis presents environmental conditions of the region and the water harvesting techniques introduced by a Swedish funded reforestation project. A

Ungdomskriminalitet - En kvalitativ studie om förklaringsmodeller och riskfaktorer

It is hoped that this study would point out the underlying causes of criminality of teen agers. This study is mainly based on the views and appreciation of four social workers involved in the study of these causes. It displays the findings of previous studies of these causes, comparing them with the social workers' findings. It also compares the social workers findings with reference to the im

The Effect of Firm-Specific Variables and Macroeconomic Condition on Capital Structure-Evidence of Non-Linear Behaviors

This paper models the dynamics of capital structure listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ during 1995 to 2010. The subsamples classified by given leverage level and specified periods of time are tested. The main contribution is that macroeconomic conditions and firm characteristics are incorporated regressed for non-linearity test. We provide the evidence of non-linear patterns among low leverage and high

Decoding Insider Information on the Swedish Stock Market

This study aims to classify insiders of firms listed on the OMX Stockholm stock exchange into two groups, one group whose trading contain strong predictive power of the future returns of the firms stock and one group whose trading contain as little predictive power as possible. The abnormal returns of these two groups of insiders are then compared. The abnormal returns are estimated using an event

Fördel DHL Storage Att leda med skräddarsydd standard.

Over the last few decades the increase in globalised trade has forced industrial companies all over the world to undergo major organisational reconstruction work, specifically in areas such as logistics and transport. Activities, that used to be managed within the company business model, are being outsourced to third parties to achieve flexibility and more efficient cost management systems. In tod

Grön-IT Vision eller Verklighet? En fallstudie i svenska organisationer

Grön-IT är ett relativt nytt begrepp inom IT-sfären och i denna uppsats behandlas problematiken kring vilka definitionerna är, hur arbetssättet baserat på definitionerna går tillväga och identifieringen av olika faktorer som bidrar till vad Grön-IT består utav. I min uppsats har jag valt att undersöka den svenska regeringen, Malmö stad och Lunds kommun och deras förhållningssätt till begreppet gen

An analysis of the interaction between new construction and pricing of housing in Sweden 1991-2009

This thesis analyses the effect of new construction of housing on housing prices in Sweden from 1991 to 2009. This is done by analyzing the links between house prices, net migration, supply of housing, income, unemployment rate and new construction of houses in 288 Swedish municipalities from 1991 to 2009. A quantitative approach using a Heckman Sample Selection model and panel-data from Statistic

VD-ersättning och ägarstrukturer - Ägarförhållanden och ersättning till VD i svenska börsnoterade företag på NASDAQ OMX Large och Mid Cap 2005-2009

Syfte: Uppsatsen ämnar bidra till den internationella ”Corporate Governance”-litteraturen genom att analysera samband mellan den totala ersättningen till VD och ägarförhållandena i företagen mellan åren 2005-2009. Metod: Metoden som används är kvantitativ och har ett deduktivt förhållningssätt eftersom den baseras på tidigare forskningsresultat och teorier. Vidare analyseras relationerna mellan in

Brandsäkerhet - Grundläggande kunskap om brandskydd i småhus

Back in the days it was considered that it was your own problem if your property burned down. It continued to the 1950 when the department of housing came out guides to building code which are the foundation of the new Swedish building code. 1960 came the first collected building code that contained laws and rules about firesafety. In 1987 they accepted PBL and in 1994 it was drastically changed b

International Companies’ Perception of Digital Marketing Strategies and Their Implementation

The purpose of the study was to investigate how well international companies have adapted to the digital revolution and find the reasons behind implementing or neglecting certain digital marketing strategies. The study also looked at the impact such strategies have on the brand. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were applied during this study. A web asset audit developed by The Du

Transitional Justice Strategies in Kenya - a risk for hijacked justice?

In this study the transitional justice strategies implemented in Kenya are analysed from the perspective of transitional justice. Kenya is currently undergoing a transition process in which measures have been implemented in order to address past human rights violations. This includes an official inquiry, a truth commission, and criminal investigations. According to the theory of ”hijacked justice”

Other-named private label brands - How consumers perceive them and how they influence store image.

The purpose of this thesis is to understand how consumers perceive the introductions of other-named private brands and how adding such products affect store image. A case study has been used together with semi-structured interviews have been done in order to understand consumer perceptions, using qualitative analysis. The main theories that the study are based upon are theories concerning store im

Export processing zones, zoner med egna regler för handel

Uppsatsen har som utgångspunkt att ta reda på vilken roll EPZ har i ekonomi och utveckling, kvinnors självbestämmande och fattigdom, boende, säkerhet, miljö och hälsa, och teknologi i ett antal länder i Centralamerika och Asien som är värdar åt export processing zones. Teorierna som användes som grund tillsammans med empiriskt material var ekonomiska teorier om frihandel, komparativa fördelar, eko