

Din sökning på "*" gav 535444 sökträffar

Kommunikation kring Lean

Inom förändringskommunikation finns det ett behov av att förstå hur mottagaren deltar i och uppfattar kommunikation. Vi har valt att studera mellanchefer dels för att de är mottagare och dels för att de håller en nyckelroll för förändringsarbete. Ett förändringsarbete som Universitetssjukhuset i Lund (numera SUS) driver är ”Lean”. Hur ledningen kommunicerat kring Lean står i fokus i vår uppsats.

Perceptions of Leadership in Chinese Heavy Industry A Case Study

Abstract Title Perceptions of Leadership in Chinese Heavy Industry: A Case Study Course Master‟s thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Author Xiaoyan Zhang Supervisor Martin Blom Keywords Chinese culture, Western culture, leadership, emotional attachment, conflict resolution, motivation Purpose The g

Creating a cross-language application

This thesis is a report from a project where an application connecting Java and native code was made. The question answered by this report is how integration between Java and native code can be achieved. The application was made specifically for SAAB Training Systems who specialize in training simulations for military purposes. The application, which is called a driver was written partially in C++

Company Risk-Taking -A Study of How Gender Diversity and Employee Representation on Board of Directors Influence Companies’ Risk-Taking

The purpose of this thesis is to study possible correlation between companies’ risk-taking and the board composition factors gender diversity and employee representation. The study is examining the following two issues; How does gender diversity and employee representation on board of directors influence companies’ risk-taking? We do not find any clear evidence that gender diversity and employee r

Forest damage assessment in the Black Triangle area using landsat TM, MSS and forest inventory data

The main objective of this work was the evaluation of TM (Thematic Mapper) and MSS (Multi Spectral Scanner) data of Landsat 1 and 5 for a large scale forest damage assessment in the black triangle region. The area covers the Krusne Hory and neighboring mountain areas (border area of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. A temporal comparison of land use of 1975 and 1989 of a sub area and a class

A 3 m Class Telescope with Active and Adaptive Optics. With special regard to the Iranian National Observatory

A 3m ground-based optical telescope, with active and adaptive optics, is a powerful and versatile research tool. This type of telescopes is affordable and manageable also for communities with limited previous telescope experience. While there are many scientific and technical reports regarding modern 3m class telescopes, there is no document giving a comprehensive description. This paper is an att

Så blir du trendig och attraktiv!

I många år har massmediala fenomen såsom modetidningar haft oerhörd läsarpopularitet. Särkilt i kretsar om yngre kvinnor ser man ideligen att just modetidningar är väldigt eftertraktade. Mina ambitioner med den här utredningen var främst att titta närmare på orsaker som ligger bakom denna popularitet, och dessutom att försöka belysa hur en konsument påverkas genom att läsa tidningar av den här typ

Där cyborgerna finns - en studie av feministisk science fiction från 70- och 80-talens Nordamerika

Projektet rör sig runt att undersöka science fiction som en särdeles användbar genre för feministisk politik och agenda. Detta är en genreövergripande studie som undersöker tre feministiska science fiction-romaner från 70- och 80-talets Nordamerika. Jag undersöker hur den feministiska kritiken belyses genom texterna men även vilka alternativa verkligheter som verken gör gällande. För att göra dett

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Sollentuna centrum

This report is written as a part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation at Lund University. The purpose of the report is to evaluate the fire safety of Sollentuna centrum. Sollentuna centrum is a mall north of Stockholm that has 18 000 to 19 000 customers per day. The focus is mainly on evacuation and human safety. Other aspects, such as structural stability and property damage, have not been evalua

En fredligare lösning? – En undersökning av kvinnors deltagande i fredsprocesser och den svenska implementeringen av FN-resolution 1325

In today's conflicts women are especially exposed. The UNSC-resolution 1325 recognises this and also that women’s participation in the process of establishing a stable peace, is crucial. Despite an increasing awareness of the resolution and its importance, the implementation is lagging behind and women are continually under-represented. Thus this thesis aims at analysing the implementation of

WikiLeaks and the Enforcement of Transparency - Classification and Consequences of Disclosed Diplomatic Correspondence

WikiLeaks‘disclosure of US diplomatic correspondence is an active enforcement of transparency, and is at the same time challenging the fundamental norm of diplomatic secrecy. Since WikiLeaks has disclosed unsorted material, the purpose of this research is to classify the material. A classification is thus proposed, but I do not have the ambition to sort material into the respective classes. Actcon

Equal citizenship for everyone? - Towards the inclusive society, a cross-national comparative study of active citizenship and activation policies for persons with disabilities in Sweden and Japan -

This thesis problematizes the exclusion of disabled people in society and their rights. The emphasis of the research is on persons with severe or/ and multiple disabilities who tend not to have capabilities to politically interact with society. They are one of the most marginalized groups among disabled people in numerous aspects while most of them are already excluded in society. This research es

Teaching the third tone in Standard Chinese: Tone representation in textbooks and its consequences for students

The goal of this paper is to examine various representations of the third tone in Standard Chinese, both in academic literature and textbooks for beginners, and then evaluate what consequences the choice of representation has for tone instruction. It was found that linguists primarily prefer two models, even though slight deviations were found: either a traditional approach describing the third to

The Environmental Consequences of Demographic Change

This paper finds that an increase in population size had a disproportionately large effect on carbon emissions for OECD countries between 1990 - 2007. A 1% increase in total population increased carbon emissions by 1.3%. As the relationship is non-unitary, this suggests that as population size increases, so do emissions per capita. Moreover, countries with higher population densities produced less

Brown and Levinson Online - On the implications of politeness strategies and the Japanese desu/masu-form in a massively multiplayer online game

Politeness in Japanese has been the subject of many linguistic inquiries. Overarching these is Brown and Levinson's (1987) influential but also criticized (see Matsumoto, 1988; Ide 1992) theory on politeness as a cross-linguistic factor. By looking into the desu/masu-form and how it contrasts the so called plain form in Japanese, I will show that some of the criticism is misplaced, partly due

The International Legal Framework for Prevention of Vessel-source Pollution and Its Implementation in Chinese Legislation

Vessel-source pollution is regarded as one of the major sources that harm marine environment. It has become an issue of public concern since 20th century due to a series of oil pollution incidents on the sea. Fortunately, international law has been developed to control this source of pollution taking consideration of the importance of protection and preservation of marine environment and sustainab

Deliberativ demokrati – vägen mot ökat inflytande för EU:s medborgare

Europeiska unionens demokratiska grund har länge debatterats. Det har ifrågasatts om det finns en legitimitetsbrist inom EU då medborgarna anses ha svårt att ta del av den politiska processen. Även intresset för EU sjunker och det finns en negativ trend gällande valdeltagandet till europavalet. För att stävja den negativa trenden reformerades EU:s fördragsordning. Lissabonfördraget blev gällande u

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Göteborgs stadsbibliotek

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Gothenburg’s public library. It includes a visit of the library where the writers of the report control and evaluate the existing fire safety procedures and equipment. Focus lies on the human safety in the means of evacuation and critical conditions during that time. The goal is that no critical conditions occur during the time it takes to evacuate the li