

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Modeling Value-at-Risk(VaR) in a Small Sized Emerging Financial Market: Evidence from Botswana

Aim of the study: The objective of this study is to model VaR in a small sized rapidly developing financial market in Sub-Saharan Africa which has not only served as a haven for a number of foreign investors, but also has provided the best inflation adjusted returns. This market is of profound interest given that it has received limited attention from policy analysts and previous studies. Method

"Som att leva i ett parallellt universum". En studie om upplevelsen av depression ur ett klientperspektiv

Authors: Emelie Stagge and Malin Sandung Title: Like living in a parallell universe: A study of the experience of depression from a client perspective [translated title] Supervisor: Karin Kullberg Mental illness is one of the most expansive and contemporary social problems. Depression, as part of mental illness, is one of the most prevailing public health problem. Even though the amount of people

The New Welfare State. Experiences in the Everyday Work Life of Swedish Employment Agency Officers

During the past decades, the Swedish welfare state has been transformed in profound ways. Many important changes are related to the labour market, particularly the organisation of the unemployed. The unemployment insurance, as well as the health insurance system has changed dramatically, resulting in implications for the organisation of work at the Swedish National Employment Agency, Arbetsförmedl

The Unbalanced Public Contract - between dumping strategies, simulated state aid, antitrust effects and criminal offenses

The proportion of public procurement is nowadays more than substantial; it amounts to all the goods and services that the State, perceived as both: central and local administrations, demands in order to assure the effective and sustainable functioning of the society. Moreover, as the procurement procedures aim at simultaneously achieving best value for money and high standards in non-financial mat

Tegelbeklädda betongbalkar

With todays up-to-date architectural style, there are commonly occuring complications with masonry construction. This architectural style and a growing demand for illuminated space require buildings to be designed with larger facade openings. The diculty with this is that the masonry superstructure will be loaded by large shear forces, while at the same time its shear capacity is limited. To handl

Betongs hållfasthet vid moderata temperaturbelastningar

Reactor vessels in nuclear power plants are contained by a large prestressed concrete structure, which is subjected to elevated temperatures during operation. According to the American standard ACI 349, which is also used in Sweden, two limits should be carefully considered. These temperature limits are 66°C (150°F) and 93°C (200°F). Previous studies usually focus on concrete subjected to fire, th

Operationssalens hygieniska rutiner med fokus på dörröppningar, mössor och munskydd. -En observationsstudie

Bakgrund Vårdrelaterad infektion kan leda till både morbiditet och mortalitet, förlängd vårdtid och försämrad ekonomi för sjukvården. Det kan få förödande konsekvenser för patienten på operationsbordet om operationsmiljön brister vad gäller ventilation och operationspersonalens hygieniska rutiner. Syftet med studien var att jämföra operationspersonalens följsamhet av hygieniska rutiner, med foku

Realistic Modeling of Thermal Effects in Concrete Bridges

Thermal actions have a signicant eect on bridge structures and can at some sections account for more than 20% of the reinforcement. Such actions are especially important in certain types of concrete bridges, e.g. portal frame bridges. Thermal actions dier from other load types considered during bridge design through being a constraining load. A temperature prole can be divided into a uniform part

Det Flippade Klassrummet

Sociala medier är ett fenomen som har påverkat organisationers angreppsätt för att nå publiken, då mediet är ett effektivt kommunikationsverktyg. Undervisningsinstitutioner berörs av frågan, dock finns det forskare inom fältet som anser att undervisningsinstitutioner inte hänger med i den digitala utvecklingen, vilket är beklagligt, då sociala medier tillhandahåller kommunikationsmöjligheter mellaSocial media is a phenomenon that affects organizations’ approaches to reach the public, whereas the medium is an effective communication tool. Schools are also concerned by the issue, however they don´t necessarily take part in the develop-ment, even though social media provides for communication opportunities between teachers and students. This study presents interpretations of students’ experie

Modeling and Observer Design of a Nonlinear LCL Filter for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Voltage Source Converter

This work presents an observer design for grid current and capacitor voltage of voltage source pulse-width modulation (PWM) converters with LCL filter. Theoretical aspects including the mathematical LCL filter system observability, observer placement strategy and practical discretization implementation. It gives insight to mathematical modelling of the line filters dynamics. By the limitations of

Försäkringsavtalsrätt - Biförpliktelser och försäkringspremien

Denna kandidatuppsats i handelsrätt behandlar försäkringsavtalslagen efter de nya ändringarna som trädde i kraft den 1 januari 2006. Lagen ersatte den gamla försäkringsavtalslagen och konsumentförsäkringslagen, som numera utgörs av en gemensam försäkringsavtalslag. Uppsatsen behandlar i första hand försäkringsavtalets rättsliga reglering och har syftet att fungera handlingsdirigerande för försäkri

North vs. South : En litterär studie av den sociala geografin i 1800-talets England

North and South är en socialrealistisk roman av Elizabeth C. Gaskell som undersöker klassdistinktionen mellan arbetstagare och kapitalägare. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella klasskonflikter som karaktärerna i romanen ställs inför och hur de speglar de historiska motsättningar som fanns under 1800-talets industrisamhälle. Med hjälp av marxistisk littera

Stat eller kommun? En analys av ansvarsfördelningen i frågan om barnfattigdom

Child poverty is a growning issue in the Swedish society today. Research in the area demonstrates differences in support and intervention work around Sweden, which appose the principle of equality that underpin Swedish welfare policy. Combating child poverty is a shared concern between different political actors. It does not in itself constitute a specific policyarea. But it is linked to activitie

Energieffektivisering med hjälp av EnergiDirigent på Tetra Pak Packaging Material Lund AB

Ett verktyg som kallas EnergiDirigent installerades år 2000 på Tetra Pak Packaging Material Lund AB (TPPM) med avsikten att användas som internmätsystem. Än så länge har systemet bara använts i viss omfattning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur EnergiDirigent på TPPM kan användas på bästa sätt. Exempel på tillämpningar av EnergiDirigent föreslås, genomförs och diskuteras. Aspekte

Experimental determination of shielding factor for a Swedish farmhouse

The protection that different types of buildings can provide against gamma radiation from radioactive fallout has been investigated since the late 1950s. The DCPA Standard Method has served as the basis to determine this protection, which is given by the so called “protection factor”. Several studies in the U.S. have utilized enclosed sources of radioactive nuclides to simulate fallout and test th

Child Gender and Parental Allocation of Time and Health Investments in Ecuador: Are Boys and Girls Treated Differently?

This research empirically investigates differences in parental allocation of resources between boys and girls in Ecuador for 2012. For this task, using the ENSANUT (2012) and the TUS (2012) surveys, a novel identification strategy, that takes advantage of the fact that child’s gender at conception is random in the absence of sex selective abortion, is used. The results suggest that families do not

Gemenskap, mening, utveckling och stimulans. Sex kvinnor om drömjobb.

Arbetet utgör en stor bit av det pussel som bildar våra liv, därför är arbetets mening en central del i våra liv. En människas självidentitet är nära kopplat till hennes yrke eller en speciell titel. Giddens (1999) visar hur vår definition av självidentiteten i det moderna västerländska samhället, går ifrån att vara traditionsbundet till att kravet på livsval blir för stora och till slut omöjliga


The United States (US) and European Union (EU) both have preferential trade agreements with least developed countries with the aim of increasing trade volumes in order to catalyse development. The US implemented their system, the “African Growth and Opportunity Act” (AGOA) in 2000 and the EU followed with “Everything But Arms” (EBA) in 2001. Since these preference systems have the goal of increasi