Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar
A flow model with Erlang approximation of an intelligent peripheral overload control
Antonymy in language, thought and memory
A Semiempirical model for Particle Deposition onto Facial Skin and Eyes. Role of Air Currents and Electric Fields
A semiempirical model has been developed for deposition velocity of particles on the forehead and eyes. It is based on published results of wind tunnel studies of deposition of 2-32 μm airborne particles onto the forehead and realistically-shaped eyes of a manikin. The effects of electric fields and particle charges were included in the model on a purely theoretical basis. The model was used to ca
Older People and the Adoption of Innovations: A study of the expectations on the use of social assistive robots and telehealthcare systems
Aims and objectives: The research presented investigates older people’s expectations of social assistive robots and telehealthcare systems. Methods: The empirical studies presented are based on fieldwork carried out before social assistive robots and a telehealthcare system were introduced into the domestic environment of older people. The research draws upon participatory design to explore older
New? Aesthetics of the Road : The Daughters of Thelma and Louise
Prospects of Observing the Decay B_c -> J/psi + pi and the Alignment Performance in the ATLAS Experiment
This thesis contains two main aspects of my research work towards physics in proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. First, a Monte Carlo based analysis of the event yield and the mass shape for the ground state of the B_c meson in the hadronic decay channel B_c -> J/psi + pi was studied. The selection criteria have been optimised, the total number of signal events, and the si
Gender and Sexuality in Meret Oppenheim's Performance Art
What is woman’s role in the modernist avant-garde? Feminist art historians have long criticised the dominant masculinity of modernism. The problem, as I see it, is the unreflecting way in which history is written, and the way in which women are squeezed into theoretic models that really only affirm, and cater primarily for, men. The German-Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) has been describe
Working Across Boundaries. Organizational Recovery in Human Sercives
Force, energy, and acceleration, expression and meaning from a student perspective
Whatever Happened in the 60s and the 70s. Swedish Film and Television from a Golden Age
Power and Passion: Heterosexual Masculinities in Vietnam
Analog VLSI och bildbehandling vid LTH (Analog VLSI and image processing at LTH)
Fluorescence Spectroscopy Applied to Microscopy and to Clinical Tumour Identification.
Fluorescence spectroscopy has been applied to clinical tumour detection and to rmcroscopy. The fluorescence properties of biological tissue have been investigated within two clinical projects in order to discriminate tumours from normal surrounding tissue. Clinical studies have been performed on brain tumours in collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery in Linkoping, and on urinary bladde
Nordahl, Helge, Den hellige Birgitta. Beåndet visjonær - begavet politiker, Oslo 1997; Morris, Bridget, St Birgitta of Sweden (Studies in Medieval Mysticism, vol. 1), Woodbridge 1999; Almazán, Vicente, Santa Brígida de Suecia. Peregrina, política, mística, escritora, Santiago de Compostela 2000
A review article comparing three recent biographies of St. Bridget of Sweden.
Fel mossman
Note on the right identification of the Tollund man belonging to the "bog people" cf Seamus Heaney, who confuses The Grauballe man and the Tollund man in a poem.
First results from car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure radio channel measurements at 5.2 GHz
Betydelsen av etnicitet – unga brottsoffers gestaltningar
Det paper som kommer att presenteras vid Sociologförbundets årsmöteskonferens fokuserar särskilt på hur några "etniskt svenska" unga män, som blivit utsatta för misshandel eller rån av unga män med annan etnisk bakgrund än "svensk", omtalar och behandlar etnicitet i samtal om våld och offerskap. Ett antal olika berättelser om brottet – där etnicitet i någon mening är centralt – analyseras. I den a
State-of-the-art antibody microarrays
Cooperation with Externalities and Uncertainty
We introduce a new class of cooperative games where the worth of a coalition depends on the behavior of other players and on the state of nature as well. We allow for coalitions to form both before and after the resolution of uncertainty, hence agreements must be stable against both types of deviations. The appropriate extension of the classical core concept, the Sustainable Core, is defined for t