

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Overconfidence and turnover - Evidence from the Hong Kong stock market

High trading volume is a common phenomenon in global financial markets, and it seems to go against the paradigm of classic economic theory based on rational agents and efficient markets. In this thesis, we turn to behavioral finance, as we try to explain this anomaly as a consequence of the so-called overconfidence bias. According to previous research, market return influences the level of overcon

Kvalitetssäkring av tjänstekvalitet i kunskapsföretag - en studie om de tre största bankerna i Sverige: Nordea, Handelsbanken och SEB.

Uppsatsen är av en kvalitativ karaktär där det tolkande förhållningssättet ligger till grund. Material har samlats in vid olika intervjuer med Nordea, Handelsbanken och SEB. Forskningsfrågan för uppsatsen är: Vilka utmaningar och dimensioner existerar för kunskapsföretag när de ska kvalitetssäkra sina kundrelationer? Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga vilka dimensioner och utmaningar som existe

The Journalists' Poison

Thesis Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to critically examine journalists’ work situation at SR from an identity perspective. Methodology: This thesis research concerns a case study, conducted from an interpretative, qualitative perspective. Theoretical Perspective: Previous research concerning Identity, Identity struggle and Dis-Identification provide a theoretical basis. This resear

“The Performance of Private Equity and non-Private Equity Backed Initial Public Offerings”: A Study of Underpricing and Long-Run Stock Performance on the European Stock Exchanges

The analysis shows that underpricing exists on the European market during 1999-2010 and that PE backed firms usually experience a lower underpricing than non-PE backed companies. Maturity, earnings management and company size are variables explaining underpricing for PE firms. For non-PE backed IPOs, earnings management is the only statistically significant variable explaining the underpricing. In

Turning visions into reality under limitations of financial resources

In order to turn business ideas into ventures that create value and wealth, several types of resources are required. They can be divided into social, human, organizational, technical, and financial resources. Among all of these, finance is considered one of the most essential resources to acquire because it enables the acquisition of additional human, physical and technological resources later on

Produktstrukturens betydelse för Planering och Styrning av produktionsprocessen. – En fallstudie vid Getinge Sterilization AB

Problem discussion: Getinge Sterilization AB is the supplier of columns to the customer Getinge Watersystem A/S. For Getinge Watersystem to be competitive on the market, Getinge Sterilization has agreed to shorten their delivery times. Objectives: The main objectives of this master thesis is to map the manufacturing of colums and the construction of the bill of materials (BOM). From these mappings

Structured spend analysis

In the ongoing joint venture between Ericsson and ST Microelectronics, EMP spend data needed to be extracted, consolidated and analyzed to support the ongoing joint venture. Provide an understanding what spend analysis is and how it can support the business and operations in the company. Purpose: The purpose with this master thesis was to create a foundation of spend analysis knowledge at the comp

Horan, strippan, dominan - sexualiserade karaktärstyper och deras filmdramatiska funktioner

The study examines a supporting female film character in drama film since 2006 until today. She is characterized through their work as a prostitute, stripper or dominatrix, and the lack of dramatic development that is often replaced by a contributory to the main character’s development. Where earlier studies of this character type has confirmed their role as a bad example, this essay emphasizes th

Värderingsmodell för Alfas forskningsprojekt

Theory regarding capital investments with low uncertainty is well developed, but theory concerning investments characterized by uncertainty is vainer. Valuation of investments with great uncertainty is of special interest for companies within research intensive businesses like medical technology, where the dialysis company Alfa functions. For a long time, Alfa was unique about its front edge compe

Dialektattityder : en sociolingvistisk jämförande studie mellan Japan och Sverige

Every language in the world has varieties. Attitudes towards these, so called dialects, differ from person to person. There are however stereotypical images for speakers of certain dialects, and these images influence the way we act around people. Attitudes towards the Osaka dialect in Japan and standard Japanese have been analyzed and compared to dialects of the Swedish language. The relation bet

Sou desu ne! Den satsfinala partikeln ne

Ne is maybe the most common sentence-final particle in Japanese, and is a crucial part of the spoken dialogue. Though it is sometimes compared to the English 'tag questions' it is used much more frequently than the English equivalents, and it is hard to find a translation in another language that accurately describes the many functions that ne undoubtedly have. This thesis will attempt to

Bostadsrättslagens 7 Kapitel

Detta arbete kommer i mångt och mycket handla om bostadsrättslagens 7 kapitel. Här utmönstras de rättigheter och skyldigheter som bostadsrätten är bärare av. Men även vilka möjligheter bostadsrättsföreningen har och vilka skyldigheter de har gentemot nyttjanderättshavarna i föreningens fastighet. Jämförelser kommer att göras mot hyreslagen då många av de förändringar som trädde i kraft i bostadsräThis work will largely focus on tenant owners association law, Bostadsrättslagen (1991:614) and specialize on the 7:th chapter in this regulation. In Sweden there is a specific law that regulates the purchase of an apartment in a tenant owners association. The rules are different from the purchase of a property. An apartment in a tenant owners association means that you buy a part in the associati

Tumbafallet - med hänsyn till regeringens förslag till ny sexualbrottslagstiftning

I Tumbafallet hade en kvinna under en natt sexuellt umgänge med mellan fyra och sju personer. Hennes minnesbilder från natten är fragmentariska. Åklagaren väckte åtal för sexuellt utnyttjande men alla instanser friade, dock på olika grunder. Tingsrätten och högsta domstolen ansåg inte att ett hjälplöst tillstånd förelegat medan hovrätten ansåg att kvinnan hade befunnit sig i ett hjälplöst tillstån

Theoretical Reflections & Business Plan

This thesis sets out to explore the question – How does overconfidence affect entrepreneurial ventures? To answer this question a thorough body of literature has been reviewed. It turned out that this was a fairly well-researched area and many academic researchers have published on this topic. To support the body of literature, data has been collected through an auto-ethnographic perspective utili

Using effectual reasoning to commercialize university research

The Shapeyard project was an attempt to commercialize a piece of university research by two academics at Lund University. Their algorithm that they developed together allowed for the customization of furniture using morphological patterns found in nature as a design concept. The idea was brought to a group of students completing their Masters of Science in Entrepreneurship degree in order to gain


European Union law recognizes the right to reinstitution as inherent in Community law. The foremost importance of this right makes sense among other reasons because it brings to life EU law and deters Member States from contravening it. However, EU law also allows Member States to deny refunds of taxes it illegally collected by arguing that the claimant taxpayer passed on the tax to the end consum

Implementation of Simulators at Sandvik Chile – “Practice Makes Perfect”

With a current financial crisis and a tough competitive environment, all units and departments within the companies have to keep up with the market and its demands. Every time Sandvik sells a machine to a mining company, the buyer faces the fact that they normally have to educate their operators from scratch. This, implicitly, means a period with high risks of failures and mistakes. Training with

Samspelet mellan intern & extern branding

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka sambandet mellan intern och extern branding. Till denna frågeställning är följande underfrågor kopplade: • Vilken betydelse har ledarskapet för kopplingen mellan intern och extern branding? • Hur påverkas anställda av intern branding inom organisationen? • Vad krävs för att skapa framgångsrik intern branding? Primärdata för studien samlas in genom kvalitat