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Central nervous system targets for micturition control
Popular Abstract in Swedish Urininkontinens utgör ett stort socialt problem, framför allt hos den äldre befolkningen. Kliniskt är urininkontinens iakttaget i större omfattning hos kvinnor än hos män, men studier antyder männen är mer drabbade än vad nuvarande statistik gör gällande. Grundat på symptombild kan urininkontinens indelas i trängningsinkontinens, ansträngningsinkontinens samt överrinninNormal urine storage and bladder emptying are controlled by the central (CNS) as well as the peripheral nervous system. Dysfunction of these mechanisms can lead to urinary incontinence. Urinary tract dysfunctions have symptomatically been treated mainly with drugs acting peripherally. However, in the CNS, drug targets for pharmacological intervention may be found. The present study deals with effe
The earliest stages of language learning
Quo vadis, metamaterials?
The EGF-like Modules of Anticoagulant Protein S. Studies of Ca2+ binding and module interactions
Popular Abstract in Swedish I samband med en kärlskada startar en kaskad av reaktioner som leder fram till bildandet av ett blodkoagel. Det är viktigt att bildandet av blodkoagel begränsas till det skadade området. Blodkoagulationen är därför reglerad av antal antikoagulanta system av vilka det viktigaste är protein C systemet. I detta system samverkar aktivt protein C (APC) tillsammans med ett anProtein S functions as a cofactor to activated protein C (APC) in the degradation of factors Va and VIIIa. In plasma protein S circulates in two forms; 30-40 % circulates as free protein S molecules while the remaining 60-70 % exists in a 1:1 complex with C4b-binding protein (C4BP). Only the free form of protein S functions as a cofactor to APC. Protein S is a mosaic protein composed of four discr
Sverige i EU
Selenoproteins in the Bovine Mammary Gland. Regulation of mRNA and Protein Expression
Popular Abstract in Swedish Selen är ett essentiellt näringsämne som behövs för att upprätthålla flera viktiga funktioner i kroppen, huvudsakligen genom en speciell grupp proteiner som heter selenoproteiner. Det finns minst 25 stycken olika selenoproteiner i människan och flera av dem skyddar kroppen mot oxidation medan vissa andra sköter regleringen av sköldkörtelhormoner. Många selenoproteiners Selenium is a micronutrient that is essential for many important life processes due to the action of the specific selenoproteins containing one or more of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine. Twenty-five selenoprotein genes have been found in the human genome but the function of many of them is not yet known. Some of the characterised selenoproteins have, however, antioxidant properties. Selenium
Fadderprojektets ledare: Allt får inte hänga på eldsjälar
Towards a square-kilometer optical telescope: the potential of intensity interferometry
Acute reactions to trauma and psychotherapy: A multidisciplinary and international perspective
This unique single source combines cutting-edge research analysis with practical advice for clinicians and researchers dealing with reactions to trauma. In this well-referenced book, seasoned researchers and clinicians share their expertise on diagnosis and evaluation, risk and process factors, and prevention and early intervention. In addition to an essential overview of the state of the literatu
Några kommentarer som komplement till: Hearing angående forskning om ohälsa i arbetslivet
The mode of action of the radiosensitizing analogs metoclopramide and nicotinamide
This thesis provides the first attempt to study the nicotinamides and benzamides from a mode of action point of veiw. Understanding the effects on DNA repair, cell cycle control (proliferation) and cell death from these agents and in combination with ionizing radiation, provides a new opportunity to logically develop better approaches to sensitize already existing therapies via for example inducti
Social Media and Parliamentary Infighting: Digital naturals in the Swedish Riksdag?
Research on the use of social network sites by elected politicians has often been narrowed down to behaviour during election campaigns and using social media as a way of reaching voters and journalists. This chapter studies the way that members of parliament in the Swedish Riksdag use social media as a tool for intra-party competition. The analysed data consist of interviews with 37 parliamentaria
Maize circulation within family based networks - a case study of Lugari District, Kenya
Russian Nationalism, Antisemitism, and the Ideological Use of History
The article analyses how the Holocauast is represented among Russian nationalists, writing on web-sites.
Reducing complexity of customized prefabricated buildings through modularisation and it support
Many companies in Sweden using prefabricating strategies are currently meeting the ever increasing customer requirements with ad-hoc solutions that do not fit their production system. This is causing bottlenecks and lower profit margins as a consequence. One solution to the problem is to re-engineer their building systems according to modularization principles used in the manufacturing industries,
Servicemötet – multidisciplinära öppningar
Abstract in Undetermined Mötet mellan organisationer och kunder, det så kallade servicemötet, är av central betydelse för såväl förståelse som för ledning av tjänsteverksamheter. Att tjänster utgörs av de interaktioner som uppstår under servicemötet har sedan länge uppmärksammats, inte minst av forskare som Christian Grönroos, Evert Gummesson och Richard Normann och den Nordiska skolan inom servic
Verification of a blind mismatch error equalization method for randomly interleaved ADCs using a 2.5V/12b/30MSs PSAADC
A 2.5V/12b/30MS/s randomly time interleaved ADC system has been implemented. Using this circuit an earlier presented [6] blind gain error equalization method has been verified. It is verified that the gain in each ADC unit can be found and equalized by using the blind estimation method, since the randomization assures that there is no correlation between the ADC unit used and the input data. It ha
Augmenting L1 Adaptive Control of Piecewise Constant Type to a Fighter Aircraft. Performance and Robustness Evaluation for Rapid Maneuvering
An L1 adaptive controller of piecewise constant type has been applied to a fighter aircraft by augmenting it to a linear state-feedback controller. Angle of attack and sideslip as well as velocity vector roll rate is demanded and controlled. It is relatively easy to design a controller augmentation this way; few parameters need to be tuned. To design an L1-controller for roll/pitch/yaw-motion of a