

Din sökning på "*" gav 535448 sökträffar

Structural guarantees for the state aid field. The community's last best hope against national arbitrariness

In line with current tendencies of ‘new modes of governance’, this essay introduces judicial tools, which strike a balance between the respect for national autonomy in individual assessments and the effective implementation of Community law. The balance is struck through the demands of structural guarantees; administrative safeguards, which weed out arbitrary national decision-making. These admini

Political Reform in Sweden

The development of political reform in Sweden during the 'long' 19th century (1780-1920) was not straightforward. While the ties between church and state were in many ways successively loosened, they were simultaneously also tightened in some other areas. This article deals with The end of the Medieval Parliament, The Church Assembly and the Bishops' Conference, A New Constitution and a Reduced Na

Tissue reactions to biomaterials

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det blir allt vanligare att man ersätter förlorade och skadade kroppsdelar med ett biomaterial (vanligtvis ett metall eller polymer implantat). Exempel på vanliga användningsområden är; suturer, kärl, hjärtklaffar, pacemakers, katetrar, ledproteser, fixationsskruvar för skelett och konstgjorda tänder samt kapslar för långsam frisättning av medicin. Trots det rutinmässigThe biological response to different implanted biomaterials vary. The relative importance of factors in the material and host for this variation are at present incompletely known. The variation in the cellular response to specific proteins and the rapid adsorption of proteins to surfaces exposed to biological environments has created the hypothesis that the cellular interactions with biomaterials

A low complexity threshold detector making MLSD decisions in a multiuser environment

We present a pipelined implementation of an iterative threshold detector, which makes the same decisions as a maximum likelihood sequence detector (MLSD) on some, but not necessarily all, bits. We apply this as a first stage detector in a direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) interference-limited multiuser system. In combination with the single-user matched filter (MF) detector w

Evolution from spherical single-particle structure to stable triaxiality at high spins in Nd-140

The level structure of Nd-140(60)80 has been established up to spin 48 by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy by use of the Zr-96(Ca-48, 4n) reaction. High-fold gamma-ray coincidences were measured with the EUROBALL spectrometer. Twelve new rotational bands have been discovered at high spins. They are interpreted as being formed in a deep triaxial minimum at epsilon(2) approximate to 0.25 and gamma app

Sustainable Urban Transformation and the Green Urban Economy

This chapter explores the connections between the concepts of sustainable urban transformation and the green urban economy, proposes a framework for understanding how these concepts “fit” together, and makes some practical suggestions for local governments (and national and international policy).


Anaerobic digestion (AD) offers considerable potential in the production of energy from renewable sources, and is being increasingly recognised as a sustainable technology for the treatment of waste. The production of energy from waste such as municipal solid waste (MSW), lipid-rich waste, and agricultural biomass and waste may play an important role in the production of renewable energy given the

Theoretical studies of porphyrin proteins

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hemoglobin, det protein som transporterar syre i blodet är förmodligen det mest välkända proteinet. Det är ett av många exempel på porfyrinproteiner, dvs. proteiner med en porfyrinring i det aktiva centrat. Porfyrinen kan binda en metalljon i mitten av ringen. När en järnjon är bunden kallas strukturen hem. Det är denna molekyl som finns i hemoglobin. I denna avhandlingDifferent aspects of porphyrin proteins have been studied with theoretical methods. For example, we have studied: - The importance of hydrogen bonds for the discrimination between carbon monoxide and molecular oxygen by myoglobin, the oxygen carrier in muscles, modelling the active site both in vacuum and in the protein matrix - The inner-sphere reorganisation energy during electron transfer for

Follower-Power: A follower-centric approach to the social construction of prophetic leadership

This article addresses the follower-centric examination of the social construction of prophetic leadership roles. The central questions are: In what ways can key follower figures potentially exert independent agency and influence within the charismatic relationship?; What role might they play in the establishment and maintenance of the social construction of prophetic leadership roles? To these en

End-user challenges to security digitalisation and integration: a retail perspective

With the assumed digitalisation happening on the end-user side, progressive systems integrators stress the importance of changing the business concept from being installers to being service and solution providers. However, less is known about the details of this process on the end-user side. Based on an online survey of loss prevention managers it can be stated that security digitalisation and fur