

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Designing for equality: Conceptualising a tool for strategic territorial planning

The struggle for equality is fundamental to the reduction of poverty in Central America. Besides, one of the foremost goals of urban spatial planning, when implementing social policies, is to contribute to the reduction of poverty. This is done by producing a list of territorially-based actions and selecting those suitable for the implementation of social policies developed at national level. Howe

Analytical and numerical description of the settling process in the activated sludge operation

The secondary clarifier or settler is crucial for the whole activated sludge operation. Consequently, it is important to obtain a reliable analytical model as well as a useful numerical method, which can be used in the automatic control of the settling process. Discontinuities (shocks) appear physically, and an analytical description as well as a stable numerical algorithm must be able to handle t

Probing the linguistic encoding of placement and removal events in Swedish

This paper explores the linguistic encoding of placement and removal events in Swedish. Drawing on elicited spoken data, it provides a unified approach to caused motion descriptions. The results show uniform syntactic behaviour of placement and removal descriptions and a consistent asymmetry between placement and removal in the semantic specificity of verbs. The results also reveal three further s

The Television Studies Reader

The Television Studies Reader offers students a roadmap to contemporary issues in the expanding and dynamic field of television studies. Thirty eight cutting edge essays lay out a wide array of approaches to the study of the changing phenomenon that is 'television around the world.'

Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Activity - Predictions Using Neural Networks

This thesis shows how artificial neural networks (ANNs) can be applied to predict geomagnetic activity from solar-wind data. It introduces and summarizes five papers where development of ANN models are reported, and where predictions of geomagnetic activity are discussed. The studies cover geomagnetic disturbances characterized by global-scale indices and geomagnetic variations that are locally ob

M-ary coded modulation by Butterworth filtering

Earlier we have studied the bandwidth and distance of binary codes created by Butterworth lowpass filtering of a pulse stream. Here the work is extended to 4- and 8-ary inputs (16- and 64-ary QAM). Performance reaches into a very narrow-band part of the distance-bandwidth plane. An M-algorithm decoder is tested.

Laparoscopic or Open Antireflux Surgery - A Comparative Study with Special Reference to the Patient's Perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att opereras via titthålskirurgi eller öppen kirurgi med en operationsteknik som förhindrar sura uppstötningar och halsbränna - en slumpmässig jämförande studie från ett patientperspektiv Utdrag ur avhandlingen Laparoscopic or open surgery - A comparative study with special reference to the patient's perspective av Gunilla Nilsson Vad är problemet? Gastroesofageal reThe overall aim of this thesis was to compare the effects of laparoscopic versus open antireflux surgery in a randomized clinical trial focusing the patients' subjective and objective outcome postoperatively, from a short-term and a long-term perspective. A further aim was to describe GORD patients' experiences of illness and surgical treatment and if possible to find striking characteristics rela

Om darrningar

The first Swedish edition of Emanuel Swedenborg's manuscript in neurology from 1720

Community and food web assembly on virgin habitat islands - The nunatak saga

Popular Abstract in Icelandic Landnám á jökulskerjum Plöntur hafa lengi verið taldar nauðsynlegar til að dýr geti numið land en þessi sýn er að breytast því rannsóknir hafa sýnt að smádýr nema oft land á undan plöntum. Landnám bæði plantna og dýra getur hafist um leið og nýtt land myndast en til að landnám takist þurfa nokkrir þættir að fara saman. Þau verða að komast á staðinn og þegar þangað erThe classical view of primary community assembly is that colonisation by plants is essential before invertebrates can establish. It has been recognised, however, that invertebrates can establish before plants, and that they may be important in the first steps of community assembly. Plant succession is well studied but assembly of invertebrates and how their dispersal abilities affect the community