

Din sökning på "*" gav 526629 sökträffar

Bypassing modern sandbox technologies

Malware (malicious software) is becoming an increasing problem, as it continuously grows both in numbers and complexity. Traditional, signature based anti-virus systems are often incapable of detecting new, sophisticated malware, which calls for more advanced tools. So called sandboxes are tools which automate the process of analyzing malware by actually running them in isolated environments and o

The effects of cash benefits on poverty - a panel study of 18 OECD countries

Methods of poverty eliminations are some of the most researched subjects in development, as well as, public economics. Procedures in which poverty is believed to be best fought have, and will continue to, deviate across countries. In this thesis, the linkages between poverty, elementary macroeconomic variables and cash benefits will be examined. To explore the direct as well as indirect effects on

Income Growth and Import Competition: The Case of Swedish Municipalities

Income inequalities in developed nations are increasing and the issues of cause, effect and long run implications are currently being discussed and explored by economists and policymakers around the world. This thesis adds to the discussion by exploring income growth in Sweden; a country known for its equality and egalitarian society, yet has become one of the countries where income inequality is

Where to go when nobody´s home? - Adaptation to climate change and migration in Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö.

This study has investigated the adaptation ability among Swedish public institutions with the intention of contributing with an understanding of the governmental and institutional approach on how they are supposed to manage potential larger-scale relocation due to climate change in the not so far reaching future. My specific research objective was to study the case of adaptation ability among ins

The Quality of Financial Disclosure and its Implications on Stock Prices for Credit Downgraded Firms

Over the last decade, financial disclosure and its impact on equity markets has increasingly become an area of interest. Firms suffering from poor operating performance have been shown to disclose bias earnings estimates as a means of evading negative market reactions. In this thesis, we attempt to discern whether managers purposefully bias their earnings estimates in periods of credit quality det

On PGC1alpha and mitochondrial status in parental and chemoresistant ovarian cancer cell lines

Epithelial ovarian carcinoma is a gynecological cancer with the highest death incidence worldwide. It is treated with surgery and chemotherapeutic drugs: platinum or taxane. However, around 80% of patients have disease progression into more aggressive and chemoresistant cancer. Mitochondria are structures inside both normal and cancer cells which are central to the cell´s metabolism by supplying e

Job Search Assistance in Sweden: The Role of Mentorship and Support & Matching Programs in Migrant Women’s Job Searches

Currently, there are different programs based on job search assistance to provide career guidance and job match for foreign-born unemployed individuals in Sweden. Regarding job search assistance programs, this study examines the roles of mentorship programs and support & matching programs in Malmö and Lund, Sweden, where one of the program goals is to increase participation of foreign-born wom


The project began with the thought of how humans will be able to adapt to impending climate change. I sought to create a tool that encourages self-reliance, because this will be extremely beneficial in times of crisis. Sea level rise is particularly disastrous result of global warming, and has the potential to displace millions of people from their homes. How will we be able to cover our most bas

Lenient Entry, Stringent Exit: A Political Economy of Foreign Exchange Reserve Demand and Policy in the People's Republic of China

This thesis explores the links between China’s demand for foreign exchange reserves and the political economy aspects of China’s monetary policy framework since the start of reforms in 1978. In a single-country approach focused on China, this study combines an assessment of the politico-economic factors that may have influenced China’s demand for foreign exchange reserves with a cointegration anal

‘Hell Joseon’ - Tales from a South Korean Youth Trapped Between Past and Present

This thesis takes its outset in the newly coined expression ‘Hell Joseon’ used by the youth in South Korea. ‘Hell Joseon’ is a comparison between today’s society and the pre-modern Joseon Dynasty. By asking “what are the main characteristics of life in ‘Hell Joseon’ from a youth perspective?”, I arrive at the following conclusion. Life in ‘Hell Joseon’ is highly characterized by discrepancies betw

Fastighetsägarens subsidiära avhjälpandeansvar - Hur ansvarsfrågan hanteras vid kommersiella fastighetsförvärv

Naturvårdsverket uppger att antalet potentiellt och bekräftat förorenade områden i Sverige under 2016 uppgick till 85 000. Siffran visar på att problemet med kontaminerad mark är tämligen omfattande. En grundsten i den svenska miljörätten är principen om att förorenaren, i detta fall verksamhetsutövaren, betalar. Vad händer om den som orsakat en föroreningsskada inte finns tillgänglig och kan stäl

The Lost Ethnic Group - Afro-Latinos in Latin America. A comparative study of the negotiation and reconstruction of ethnic boundaries of Afro-Latinos in Brazil and Colombia

This thesis examines the exclusion and socioeconomic marginalization of Afro-Latinos in Latin America. This population has historically been put in the ambiguous position of continuous inclusion and alienation within Latin American societies, which serves as the foundation for their marginalization and social exclusion. One way to investigate this unique position is to analyze the negotiation and

Hypotyreos: Lyssna på mig! En intervjustudie med sex personer som har kvarvarande symtom

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att få en fördjupad förståelse av hur det är att ha hypotyreos. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och för tolkningen användes tematisk analys. Sex deltagare intervjuades med lindriga till mycket svåra symtom. Studiens resultat har funnit områden där vårdens bemötande brister gentemot sköldkörtelsjuka med kvarstående symtom. Råd baserThe goal of this study was to reach a deeper understandig of what it is like to have hypothyroidism. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and interpreted using thematic analysis. Six participants with minor and severe symtoms were interviewed . The study found areas in which professional health care, recieved by patients with hypothyroidism who are experiencing residual symtoms, w

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In recent years, several leftist movements have achieved success in national elections in Europe, mainly in Spain and Greece. Something that all these parties have in common has been their ability to mobilize a large number of young voters. One of the most successful politicians in this regard is French politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of left-wing party La France Insoumise, who was the most

Subjective well-Being and environment : a GIS-Based analysis

Subjective well-being is how individuals experience their quality of life, happiness, and life satisfaction; essentially, how people think and feel about their lives. Many variables influence subjective well-being. This study explores the relationship between environmental factors and a reputable subjective well-being index. Previous research which correlates well-being with environmental influe