

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

Effect of High-Pressure Homogenization and Heat Treatment on the Emulsification Properties of Oat Protein Concentrate

This master thesis project was performed in collaboration with an agricultural cooperative Lantmännen Oats AB, who has developed a dry protein powder concentrate PrOatein™. The powder consists of oat proteins, dextrins, lipids and β-glucans. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the powder’s functionality in a liquid emulsion and see if it can be improved by pre-treating it with thermal heating

"Hot hand" in Esports: Quiet Eye Does Not Generalize to Multiple Targets in a Computerized Task

The effect of ”Quiet Eye” (QE), an oculomotor behavior predicting improved performance, has been identified in a variety of sports studies in the past 30 years. Most commonly, longer QE durations and earlier QE onsets results in higher accuracy of the participants. Recently, Dahl et al. (2021) have shown that these findings can be generalized to esports, a newly emerging field of performance psych

Branding in the Metaverse: Exploring established brand management perspectives and the advent of decentralized branding on Web 3.0

Purpose: The purpose of this exploratory qualitative research is: First, to explore what brands understand by metaverse and how they perform branding in this new context. Second, to investigate how established constructivist approaches to branding are performed within the metaverse. And finally, to define what decentralized branding is and how it is linked to a decentralized metaverse. Additionall

The impact of “To Err Is Human” on patient safety in anesthesiology. A bibliometric analysis of 20 years of research

Background: Patient safety gained public notoriety following the 1999 report of the Institute of Medicine: To Err is Human – Building a Safer Health System which summarized a culminated decades' worth of research that had so far been largely ignored. The aim of this study was to analyze the report's impact on patient safety research in anesthesiology.Methods: A bibliometric analysis was performed

Structural Transformation and Productivity Growth in Egypt - Disentangling Heterogeneous Services and Identifying Drivers of Growth: A Structural Change Approach

Premature deindustrialization and a shift to services at early stages of economic development raise concerns about growth prospects of low-income and emerging economies. Within the manufacturing- vs. service-led growth debate, this thesis analyzes the contribution of hetero-geneous services vis-à-vis manu¬facturing to productivity growth, focusing on the role of modern services which are charac¬te

Varför har vi inte löst klimatkrisen?

Följande uppsats ämnar utreda varför den nuvarande svenska klimatpolitiken inte utlöser nödvändig handlingskraft för att åtgärda klimatkrisen. Analysens övergripande frågeställning är – Varför har vi ännu inte löst klimatfrågan? Utgångspunkten är följande tre förklaringsmodeller och infallsvinklar som vardera appliceras på frågeställningen: (1) det mänskliga psyket och normer kring handlingskraft

Natural(izing) Capital: An Ideological Response to Environmental Degradation

Natural capital has emerged as the dominant response to revaluing nature in the context of deepening ecological degradation. The belief is that we make the contribution of nature to our well-being visible by seeing it as a form of capital alongside human-produced capitals. This would, it is assumed, help correct the observed imbalances between the capitals and prevent further ecological destructio

Looking for shrubs in an alvar: Investigating classification of orthophotos as a way of mapping shrub species Juniperus communis and Dasiphora fruticose on Stora Alvaret, Öland

Kartlägga buskar på Öland för att rädda den biologiska mångfalden. På södra delen av Öland finns ett område som kallas Stora Alvaret som har mycket höga naturvärden. En minskning av betande djur under 1900-talet har dock gjort att den biologiska mångfalden hotas av buskar som sprider sig och utkonkurrerar andra växter. I examensarbetet Looking for shrubs in an alvar undersöker Jorun Westman metodeLoss of biodiversity is an immediate threat to the planet and if no actions are taken it is expected to accelerate. The highest species richness on smaller scale is found in semi-natural temperate grasslands, with one of the documented records from Stora Alvaret on Öland, Sweden. The area is protected under the Natura 2000-network and Länstyrelsen Kalmar are responsible for monitoring while local

Den hotade kvinnligheten eller om konsten att stävja en kropp. Diskurser om klimakteriet i svensk media 2019.

År 2019 slår svensk media rekord i antal rapporteringar om klimakteriet. Men när det gäller hur klimakteriet ska definieras eller hur länge det pågår, går experternas åsikter isär. Enligt WHO och Socialstyrelsen är klimakteriebesvär en diagnos, som graderas utifrån 11 olika symptom av psykisk och fysisk karaktär. Symptomen är dock ganska vaga och liknar diagnoskriterierna för depression och utmatt

Att mäta ätande: Hur kan ätrelaterade bekymmer hos personer med obesitas mätas? En systematisk litteraturöversikt.

Antagandet om att personer med ätstörningar är smala är fortfarande utbrett, trots att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan ätstörningar och obesitas. I linje med detta finns en kunskapslucka avseende skattningsformulär riktade mot att fånga ätstörningar och subkliniska besvär hos personer med obesitas. En systematisk litteraturöversikt genomfördes med syftet att hitta tillgängliga formulär, mThe assumption that people with eating disorders are skinny is still widespread, even though there is a co-occurrence between eating disorders and obesity. Despite this co-occurrence, there is a gap in the knowledge regarding questionnaires aimed at assessing eating disorders and subclinical symptoms for people with obesity. Therefore, a systematic review was conducted with the purpose of finding

Brand meaning and brand relationship in the context of a contradictory brand extension - A consumer perspective on ORGANICS by Red Bull

Companies have increasingly launched brand extensions in recent years while building on the credibility of the parent brand. Early brand extension research led to conservative statements about brand extensions and most research around them focuses on success factors from a quantitative perspective. Far less research addresses the brand meaning and the role of brand relationships in the context of

Optimizing the locations of bike-sharing stations using GPS-based trip data: A Spatio-temporal demand coverage approach

Shared micro-mobility services are increasingly embraced by cities around the world in recent years. Their benefits over other transportation modes in certain frames encourage traffic/urban planners, public authorities to establish such systems in urban areas. However, planning the placement, size and operation of such beneficial micro-mobility mode is a vital issue that concerns designers. Severa

Can supply chain disruptions explain the high inflation levels during Covid-19?

In countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused the highest level of inflation since several decades. Explanations are sought after and disruptions of supply chains have been labeled the cause by many politicians. However, the empirical literature regarding the topic is limited. Hence, in order to extend the literature, this paper aims to investigate

Youth Preparedness in the United States: Assessing the Impact of the American Red Cross’s “Prepare with Pedro!” Program

Home fires are the most prevalent and preventable disaster in the United States. It is notoriously difficult to teach disaster preparedness skills to adults. But, when their children are taught this material, households are more likely to make changes. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of the American Red Cross’s “Prepare with Pedro!” youth disaster preparedness program on studen

Production of 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid from 5-Formyl-2-furancarboxylic Acid using resting cells of Gluconobacter oxydans and finding the responsible enzyme(s).

2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) is a promising bio-based chemical that may serve as a green alternative to polyethylene terephthalate as a raw material in manufacturing plastics. A novel method to produce FDCA from the oxidation of 2-formyl-2-furancarboxylic acid (FFCA) using resting cells of Gluconobacter oxydans was tested in this project. The different subspecies of G. oxydans including DSM 2

Environmental impact assessment of bike trailers. A comparative study of product-oriented and use-oriented product service systems using lifecycle assessment (LCA)

Linear business models which focus on growth and profitability have been deemed to be destructive to the environment, leading to generation of vast volumes of waste and contributing to environmental impacts. As a solution to this problem, a system wide change in the form of circular economy has been proposed. Circular economy focuses on regeneration of materials, keeping resources in use as long p

Libraries of Things: Exploring business model configurations and dominant archetypes

As part of both the sharing and social economies, libraries of things (LoTs) can play a role in reducing consumption in a socially sustainable way. They have the potential to overcome key sustainability and service shortcomings of other circular and sharing business models (BMs), but research on LoTs is sparse. Because of this potential, this research aims to improve the understanding of LoT BMs t

Intersektionell förståelse av Sveriges feministiska utrikespolitik

Denna uppsats syftar att analysera de bakomliggande maktstrukturer som skapas eller reproduceras av den svenska feministiska utrikespolitiken genom en kritisk diskursanalys som informeras av intersektionell feminism. Som grund till undersökningen ligger tre officiella dokument som producerats av den svenska regeringen och som ämnar att antingen etablera initiativets ramverk eller utvärdera politik