

Din sökning på "*" gav 533753 sökträffar

The Effect of Changing Gender Roles on Fertility-An analysis of two European country groups

This thesis aims to test the effect of changing gender roles on fertility. Previous literature has suggested that moving towards gender equality in the household sphere can increase fertility. I test whether a more equal division of housework or gender-egalitarian attitudes affect fertility. Two country groups are analysed that are at different levels regarding fertility and female labour force pa

Analysis of polyfunctional thiols in beer : Developing a novel method of extraction and analysis using GC-FID

In this project, attempts were made to identify and quantify two polyfunctional thiols – 4-mercapto-4-methyl-pentanone and 3-mercaptohexyl acetate – and three monoterpene alcohols – linalool, geraniol, and β-citronellol – in beer samples. In order to avoid the use of hazardous compounds such as dichloromethane and hydroxymercuriobenzoate, common in traditional methods, two novel techniques were te

The Unicorn Ecosystem - An Exploration of the External Domains Supporting the Growth Journey of Unicorns

Unicorns – privately-owned companies with a market valuation upwards of $1 billion – develop at an explosive growth rate. This hypergrowth forces unicorns to attract external partners enabling and supporting their development. Therefore, the right compilation of external growth domains allows unicorns to remain healthy and self-sustaining. To investigate external domains, a recent surge in literat

Korrelation som förbättrad detektionsmetod vid magnetomotoriskt ultraljud

This report discusses the use of magnetomotive ultrasound (MMUS) as a diagnostic imaging method using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) as a contrast agent. With a focus on rectal cancer. Rectal cancer is a disease which complications often affect the quality of life to a large extent for the affected. The principle of MMUS is based on applying a time-varying magnetic field that e

Avgifter för spår i naturen - Är det tillåtet och hur vanligt är det?

Spåravgifter - Är det tillåtet och hur vanligt är det? En promenad i naturen, en cykeltur i skogen eller en skidtur på fjället - ja allt detta har vi rätt att utföra helt gratis tack vare allemansrätten. Men under senare år har det blivit allt vanligare att man tvingas att betala för skidspår och cykelspår i naturen. Är denna utveckling verkligen förenlig med allemansrätten? I det nyligen preseThe right of public access, in Swedish called allemansrätten, gives people the opportunity to roam freely in nature. Whether one prefers to explore nature by foot, on a bike or on a pair of skis is up to the individual since the right of public access includes all the above-mentioned types of transportation. Today there seems to be a trend that the usage of cross-country skiing tracks and mountain

Use of Psychological Knowledge in Schools

The aim of this study was to explore the usage of psychological knowledge in primary school teaching in Sweden. The study is based on APA’s theoretical framework “Top 20 principles from psychology for prek-12 teaching and learning”, and is part of an EU research project aiming to improve the supportive role of psychology and psychologists in school. To answer the research questions of this study a

The Social and Environmental Costs of the Water Management System of Chile: Inequalities in a Context of Scarcity

The purpose of this thesis is to present a more complete picture of Chile’s water management system in terms of the three pillars of sustainable development, namely regarding the social, environmental, and economic outcomes of the 1981 Water Code. The contribution of this research relies in the understanding of the law’s reproduction of socio- ecological inequalities and in the investigation of a

Storskalig solkraft i Arktis - vilka förutsättningar finns på 69°N?

Norge behöver utöka sin elproduktion för att möta ett framtida ökat elbehov. Vattenkraften i Norge uppskattas endast ha 23 TWh kapacitet kvar att bygga ut och vindkraft har mött starkt motstånd på senare tid. Solkraft finns fortfarande bara på liten skala i landet men uppskattas öka kraftigt i närtid. Solkraft installeras hela tiden längre norrut men än finns ingen storskalig solkraft i norra NorgNorway needs to increase its power production to meet the future increase in electricity use. Hydro power is estimated to only have 23 TWh of additional available capacity and wind power has met strong resistance lately. Solar power is still only implemented on small scale in Norway but is predicted to increase rapidly in the near future. It is steadily being implemented further north, however the

Frekvens av infektioner och djup ventrombos hos patienter efter en dags trombosprofylaxbehandling jämfört med tio dagar efter elektiv höftprotesoperation: en retrospektiv registerstudie

Bakgrund: En lindrande åtgärd för patienter som drabbats av artros är höftprotesoperation. En höftprotesoperation är inte riskfri utan flera komplikationer kan uppstå för patienten och några av dessa är infektion och djup ventrombos (DVT). Förebyggande åtgärder mot infektioner efter höftprotesoperation är antibiotika vilket det finns klara direktiv för. I förebyggande mot DVT efter höftprotesoBackground: A hip replacement surgery is a major surgery with several complications that can occur to the patient such as infection and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Preventive measures against infections after hip replacement surgery are antibiotics for which there are clear directives. In prevention against DVT after hip replacement surgery, thrombosis prophylaxis is given. Thrombosis prophyla

Predicting Enuresis Treatment Outcomes with the Help of AI

15% of all five year olds and 5-10% of all 7 year olds struggle with bedwetting, a condition medically known as enuresis. Current treatment methods rely primarily on the family to carry out an 8 week treatment. In order to involve healthcare providers in the process and create an opportunity for individualized treatments, Pjama AB has developed an enuresis alarm system. This system directly shares

They ain't One of Us: Anit-Immigration Sentiment and Labor Market Assimilation of Central American Immigrants

This thesis investigates the impact of rising resentment against immigrants on the labor market assimilation of Central American Immigrants in the United States from 2014 to 2019. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump made anti-immigration rhetoric a core part of his campaign. A likely correlated rise in hate crimes against immigrants could be observed in the aftermath. Since immigra

Predicerar relationen till ens ledare och personlighet arbetstillfredsställelse? En empirisk studie.

Människor spenderar en betydande del av sitt liv i arbete. I relation till detta är arbetstillfredsställelse viktigt för anställda och organisationer. Denna studie ämnade undersöka hur personlighet och relationen till ledare predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse. Personlighet mättes utifrån teorin om de fem personlighetsfaktorerna (Big Five), medan relation till ledare mättes genom Leader-member excPeople spend a substantial amount of their life at work. In relation to this job satisfaction is important for employees and organizations. The study’s aim was to examine if employee’s job satisfaction is predicted by personality and relationship to one’s leader. Personality was measured through the theory of five personality factors (Big Five), whilst relationship to one’s leader was measured thr

Comparing characterizations of Carmichael numbers for computation

This paper examines the properties of Carmichael numbers with the aim of constructing an algorithm for computation. This includes a recently published characterization, whose applications in computing are studied. The resulting algorithm is then described and a run time comparison with an older algorithm is presented.

Sowing the Seeds of Growth: Swedish Natural Capital Growth Accounting from 1850 to 2010

Exploring the contributing factors of economic growth is a long-standing research field in economic study. However, natural capital stock has been widely excluded from this investigation. This thesis attempts to include natural capital stock in an augmented Solow growth model utilizing Swedish national accounts from 1850 to 2010. The model found that Swedish natural capital stock played a limited

Hur hjälper vi de unga männen? Behandlares upplevelse av att underlätta behandling och hjälpsökande för unga män med psykisk ohälsa

Syftet med studien var att undersöka behandlares subjektiva upplevelse av hur behandling och hjälpsökande kan underlättas för unga män med psykisk ohälsa. Data genererades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med elva deltagare. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom en kritisk-realistisk och reflexiv tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades. Det första temat “Har unga män särskiThe aim of this study was to examine counselors’ subjective experience of how to facilitate psychological treatment and help seeking among young men with mental illness. Data was generated through semi-structured interviews with eleven participants. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a critical-realist and reflective thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified. The first t

Employee perceptions post-M&A and why it is important

Purpose: This study aims to examine changes in the acquired company’s MCS post-M&A and how the employees perceive this change. Further, the purpose is to investigate how employees' perceptions affect the employees’ motivation and identity. Methodology: This study follows a qualitative research approach by analyzing an acquired company in the logistic industry. Data was collected through s

Viskleken slutar aldrig bra

Examensarbetets titel: “Viskleken slutar aldrig bra”: En studie om hur medarbetare uppfattar intern kommunikation under samhällskriser. Seminariedatum: 2 Juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Ebba Hoffenback, Emily Ludvigsson, Fredrik Rothstein, Thea Wadell Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Intern kriskommunikation, Medarbetare, Samhällsk

Enhancing community flood resilience in Lusaka's unplanned settlements: A case study of multi-stakeholder perspectives

In Lusaka, 70% of the residents live in unplanned settlements. Here, they are regularly exposed to flooding events which exacerbate existing development challenges and have adverse social and economic impacts. Climate change will likely increase the frequency, magnitude, and variability at which such flooding events occur. Therefore, Lusaka City Council has declared the building of community flood

Du, jag, vi på Instagram - En kvalitativ undersökning av kvinnors berättelser om sitt användande av Instagram

Den här studien handlar om att öka förståelsen för den interaktion som sker på Instagram. Instagram är en applikation och social plattform där miljontals bilder, videos och texter publiceras varje dag. Det finns en pågående debatt om vad detta får för påverkan, positiv såväl som negativ. Instagrams alla funktioner innebär nya tillvägagångssätt för hur vi människor interagera med andra. För att få