

Din sökning på "*" gav 534694 sökträffar

Kundrecensioners användbarhet

Tidigare forskning har pekat på betydelsen av kundrecensioner och e-förtroendets förhållande till användandet av kundrecensioner. Det har dock varit svårt att kartlägga e-förtroendets påverkan på användbarheten och vilka av kundrecensionens egenskaper som är användbara eftersom den tidigare forskningens resultat varit delvis inkonsekvent. Syftet med denna studie har varit att förstå förhållandet m

Moderaternas policy kring invandring

Today in Swedish politics, many parties advocate for a more restrictive migration policy than ten years ago, so even Moderaterna. The purpose of this thesis is from a describing point of view, explain why Moderaterna has taken this approach. This will be done from multiple aspects, including vote maximization, parti cohesion and parliamentary influence. The method used is a motive analysis with an

Democratic Backsliding in Czech Republic and Hungary:A comparative case study of the democratic backslide in Czech Republic and Hungary

The enlargement of the EU towards the CEE pointed and leaned towards democratization. Two of the countries that were on the path of democratization was the Czech Republic and Hungary. However, as time has gone by Czech Republic and Hungary that once were on the path of democratization has now suffered a Democratic Backslide. Czech Republic with Andrej Babiš as Prime Minister followed by Viktor Orb

Access to Remedy in Colombia - Examining the nexus between transitional justice and business and human rights

Trots att det finns stora möjligheter för att finna synergier mellan övergångsrättvisa och företagande och mänskliga rättigheter har de två forskningsfälten fram tills nyligen sällan undersökts ihop. Denna uppsats har som övergripande mål att bidra till en bättre förståelse för hur de två fälten interagerar när stater rör sig från pågående väpnade konflikter till post-konfliktfaser. I synnerhet ämThe fields of transitional justice and business and human rights have until recently seldom been examined jointly, despite the fact that their approaches reflect plenty of opportunities for potential synergies. This thesis bears the overarching aim of contributing to a greater understanding of how the two fields interact when states are transitioning from active armed conflict to post-conflict pha

Kommersialisering och sportifiering av skateboardsubkulturen – ett kvinnligt perspektiv

Uppsatsen analyserar individuella kvinnliga skateboardåkares uppfattningar om kommersialiseringen och sportifieringen av skateboardsubkulturen. Kvinnorna anses vara intressanta studieobjekt på grund av deras historiska bakgrund inom skateboardsubkulturen, samt att de utvalda individerna alla innehar en position inom skateboardindustrin. Vidare undersökes även vilken påverkan kvinnornas deltagande

In accordance with its own rules?: The role of the European Court of Human Rights in developing the protection for seriously ill migrants under Article 3 ECHR

Uppsatsen undersöker, genom att använda en doktrinär forskningsmetod, Europadomstolens roll i att utveckla skyddsomfånget för svårt sjuka migranter enligt artikel 3 i den Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (4 november 1950, ETS. 5). Genom utredningen besvarar uppsatsen frågan om Europadomstolen har agerat inom de metoder och principer soThe thesis examines, through the use of the doctrinal research method, the role of the European Court of Human Rights in developing the scope of protection for seriously ill migrants under Article 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (4 November 1950, ETS. 5). Through the examination, the thesis answers the question as to whether the Court has acted withi

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att förbereda barn inför smärtrelaterade procedurer på barnakutmottagningar

Bakgrund Den barncentrerade vården utgår utifrån barnet som en egen individ med eget perspektiv, egna rättigheter och önskemål. Smärta hos barn beskrivs som något komplext som ställer krav på sjuksköterskans kompetens. Förberedelse ska vara ett moment i behandlingen vid smärtrelaterade procedurer. Ändå upplever många barn otillräcklig smärtlindring under sjukhusvistelse. Barns smärta underskattas

"Vi är ju också insatsstyrda [...] det är ju svårt med såna begrepp som ensamhet" : Tio biståndshandläggares syn på ofrivillig ensamhet bland äldre

The aim of this study was to explore care managers view on loneliness among elderly and to examine what interventions they proposed. Ten qualitative interviews were conducted with care managers from nine municipalities in the region of Skåne. The empirical material that has been collected was analyzed through Håkan Jönsons (2010) perspective analysis and Roine Johanssons (2007) theory of street-le

Transplantation of GABAergic precursor neurons generated from hESCs in postnatal day 2 mice

The World Health Organization has reported around 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder caused by abnormal brain activity that leads to spontaneous seizures. The complications that arise with epilepsy can heavily limit the quality of life for those affected and can lead to death. The seizures that occur are due to an imbalance of hyper excitatory neu

Characterization of inflammation and fibrosis in the NIF.CD2-GFP mouse model

NIF.CD2-GFP -ny musmodell för kronisk inflammation & fibros Bildandet av fibrös vävnad är kroppens normala respons då en skada uppstått. Läkeprocessen är vanligtvis strikt reglerad men kan vid upprepad kronisk skada övergå till en okontrollerad och obalanserad process i vilken kroppens egna vävnader byts ut mot ärrvävnad -fibros. För mycket ärrbildning kan i sin tur vara skadligt och leda tilFibrosis is a process characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix components and is attributed to excessive scar formation and is a common feature of many chronic inflammatory conditions. Fibrogenesis involves multiple inflammatory cells including NKT cells, which have been suggested to play a prominent role in the control of this process. Here we characterize a transgenic mouse mode

Offentlig land-för-land-rapportering – en studie av direktiv (EU) 2021/2101:s effekter i svensk rätt

Aggressiv skatteplanering har i takt med den digitala ekonomin blivit alltmer vanligt. På grund av multinationella företags globala natur har dessa en fördel i skattehänseenden genom att de kan flytta vinster mellan länder i syfte att betala mindre skatt. Både inom OECD och EU pågår ett ständigt arbete med att minska den aggressiva skatteplaneringen globalt. Genom BEPS-projektet har ett par verktyIn the more digital economy aggressive tax planning has become increasingly common. Due to their global nature, multinational corporations can move profits between countries in order to reduce their taxes. Both the OECD and the EU are continuously working to reduce the aggressive tax planning globally. Through the BEPS project several tools have been developed. One of these is country-by-country-r

Anonyma vittnen - Värna om vittnet eller den tilltalades rättigheter, en diskussion som pågått i 30 år

Sverige tillåter för närvarande inte anonyma vittnesmål. Ämnet har trots det varit uppe för diskussion i Sverige sedan 90-talet. Med anledning av den ökade gängkriminaliteten samt vittnens otillräckliga skydd ses anonyma vittnen som en alternativ lösning på problemet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda huruvida ett system med anonyma vittnen hade fungerat i svensk rätt eller inte. Undersökningen Anonymous witnesses are not allowed in the Swedish legal system, although the subject has been debated in Sweden for decades. Due to increased organized crime and inadequate witness protection, anonymous witnesses is discussed as a solution to the problem. The purpose of this essay is to straighten out if a system of anonymous witnesses would be possible in the Swedish legal system. This is done

Den nyanställdas upplevelser av onboardingprocessen - En studie om individens förutsättningar för arbetsmotivation, lärande och samhörighet

Onboardingprocessen finns till för att nyanställda ska introduceras till arbetsplatsen, arbetsverktygen, företagskulturen samt kollegorna på ett följsamt och strukturerat vis. Denna studie undersökte onboardingprocessen på ett litet- medelstort företag i en storstad i Sverige, i relation till medarbetarnas upplevelser av den. Syftet med studien var att besvara forskningsfrågan “På vilka sätt ger oThe onboarding process exists to help new employees to be introduced to the workplace, work tools, corporate culture and colleagues in a compliant and structured way. This study examined the onboarding process at a small to medium-sized company in a large city in Sweden, in relation to the employees' experiences of it. The purpose of the study was to answer the research question "In what

Environmental Impact and Stock Returns

Objective: The objective of this study is to examine whether more environmentally sustainable stocks exhibit higher risk-adjusted returns than less sustainable stocks. Method: The question is examined through two-sided significance tests, comparing daily Sharpe ratios for pairwise portfolios consisting of the top and the bottom quantiles of companies as ranked by several sustainability metrics. T

A Review of the Literature on R&D and Productivity

This paper reviews the literature on R&D and productivity to provide a guideline to readers by combining all the findings in one title. According to the results, empirical studies analyse R&D spending from different angles by considering the characteristic of such spending. The results show that return to basic research is higher than return to applied R&D. Furthermore, in order to est

Enforcing Labour Rights by Means of Global Trade. Labour Provisions in Free Trade Agreements and Generalized Systems of Preferences: A Case Study on Trade Arrangements of Ukraine

The process of globalisation, accompanied by sustainable development considerations, has turned the spotlight on ties between states’ trade interests and their commitment to upholding labour rights. With negotiations on connecting the existent multilateral trading framework to the labour rights perspective at an impasse, major world economies have introduced alternative ways of linking labour conc

Constructing sustainable development : a content analysis of the green policies on the tea industry at Jingmai Mountain region, Yunnan Province, China

Sustainable development at the local level is greatly impacted by policymaking. In China’s Jingmai Mountain region, the sustainable development policies are centred mostly around the tea industry, due to the social and environmental dynamics surrounding tea in that region. However, considering the complex interlinkages between the tea industry and local environment and society, the policies concer

Cybersecurity engagement in a remote work environment

The recent spread of COVID-19 pandemic encouraged organisations to facilitate a remote work environment for their employees. This work environment would most likely continue in the upcoming years. At the same time, this context has been followed with an increase in cyberthreats that could affect the optimal processes of organisations. Because of this, cybersecurity awareness must be cultivated to