

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Betydelsen av social kompetens för ett projektledarskap - en kvalitativ studie

Syftet med studien var att undersöka yrkesverksamma projektledares och projektdeltagares tolkning av begreppet social kompetens och vidare deras erfarenheter kring betydelsen av social kompetens för ett framgångsrikt projektledarskap. Frågeställningen undersöktes utifrån en kvalitativ ansats med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem projektledare respektive fem projektdeltagare på projekto

Om konsten att samverka - En fallstudie av samverkan mellan AIC och Försörjningsenheten i Södra Innerstaden i Malmö.

We wanted to use this paper to something important, something real that someone needs and wants to read. After having sent a request to all social services in the City of Malmö, we had contact with a section that had an idea that we would look at their collaboration. This study concerns how collaboration may look like and how it might change to achieve results. Social Services exist to help the c

Språkförändring i ortnamn

Den här uppsatsen handlar om språkförändring i några utvalda bebyggelsenamn i socknarna Allerum, Kattarp och Kropp i Luggude härad. Syftet är att undersöka vilka strukturellt respektive socialt betingade orsaker till förändring som förekommer i bebyggelsenamnen med utgångspunkt från namnens tidigaste skriftliga belägg, vilka ordelement som ingår, analys och tolkning av dessa samt hur de utvecklats

Inget problem, problem eller socialt problem? Pojkars utsatthet i hedersstrukturer och det sociala arbetet omkring dem i Malmö.

Author: Karin Hansson Title: No problem, a problem or a social problem? The exposure of boys in honour structures and the social work surrounding them in Malmoe (Translated title) Supervisor: Annika Capelán Assessor: Katarina Jacobsson The purpose of this study was to examine the situation of the boys in honour stuctures. More specifically the aim was to find out how the context of Malmo, with i

”Hav mod att göra bruk av ditt eget förstånd” – Kritiskt tänkande i det sociala arbetets vardag"

Författare: Helena Lampic-Aaltonen och Björn Söderström Titel: ”Here be dragons” – kritiskt tänkande i det sociala arbetets vardag Handledare: Gunilla Lindén Examinator: Katarina Jacobsson Uppsatsens syfte var att skapa en förståelse för hur socionomer upplever kritiskt tänkande och vilket utrymme som finns för detta i det sociala arbetets vardag. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistruktAuthors: Helena Lampic-Aaltonen and Björn Söderström Title: “Have the courage to make use of your own mind” – critical thinking in everyday social work Supervisor: Gunilla Lindén Examiner: Katarina Jacobsson The purpose of this essay was to investigate how social workers experience critical thinking and to analyze the boundaries that exist for critical thinking in everyday social work. This study

" Det gäller att jämka så alla blir lite nöjda." En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggaren hanterar krav och förväntningar i sin yrkesroll.

The purpose of this study was to examine how care managers handle the expectations and damands of their profession. More specifically its aim was to find out how they handle the demands from the elder and his och hers relatives. The aim was also to study how the care managers related to laws and municipal guidelines and how the organizational factors affected their work. I chose to do six semi con

Tvärprofessionella team -en kvalitativ studie om teammedlemmars upplevelse av tvärprofessionellt teamarbete inom vård och omsorg

Abstract Authors: Åsa Jönsson and Johanna Vedefors Title: Cross-professional teams: a qualitative study of team members working experience in a cross-professional team, in the health and social care area. [Translated title] Supervisor: Staffan Blomberg Assessor: Håkan Jönsson The purpose of this paper was to examine how team members within the health and social care area experience working

En öppen dörr - Enhetschefer om ledarskap och tillgänglighet inom äldreomsorgen

Abstract The media sometimes give a dark image of Swedish elderly care. Responsibility for the care of the elderly is put on the managers. Apart from budget matters, they are responsible for staff as well as care-takers. The aim of this study was to examine the manager role at homes for the elderly from the point of view of the managers themselves. The material consists of six semi – structured in

"Det som inte hörs, syns inte..." - En studie om kvinnors våld mot män

The main goal with our paper was to examine women's violence against men in relationships, and if the subject is taboo. The study we used is qualitative based on eight interviews with professional personnel which in their work have been in contact with abused men in the region of Skåne. We also interviewed one man who has been a victim for abuse by his partner. To be able to analyze our quali

Preservation and Progress in Cranford

The threat of change and the loss it can incur creates the need to preserve a detailed version of the past. Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford can be interpreted as a piece looking backwards as a means of looking forward; acknowledging and commemorating the existence of a rich and detailed past allows for the closing of its chapters, and thus eventual movement into a new future. In this paper I will

”Det brinner i knutarna”- En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet med gravida missbrukare.

The purpose of this study was to find out how social workers handle and experience working with substance abusing women who are pregnant. We were interested in finding out how they experience their role as social workers in their professional relationship with the woman and how they look at the pregnancy in relation to motivation. Further on, we wanted to know their thoughts of how collaboration b

Frihet under ansvar - en studie av socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme gällande boendefrågor i Malmö stad

In the last couple of years the lack of housing and homelessness has increased in Malmö. At the same time there has been a discussion about the importance of housing as a part of the aftercare related to social work. Malmö has a goal stating that people that have stayed in hospital, treatment or served a prison sentence shall be offered a drug-free housing with a personalized support. We were inte