

Din sökning på "*" gav 526785 sökträffar

Small States and The European Union

This study considers the small states and state like entities of Europe, defined as those with a population of fewer than 2 million, and their relationship with the EU. It focuses on Andorra, Iceland, Luxembourg, Jersey and Åland and is conducted using interviews with ‘non experts’ in each of these states. This data is supplemented with expert interviews in each state to establish the nature of th

European Parliament, EU Budget and CFSP

This master’s thesis examines how the European Parliament (EP) has used its budgetary powers to influence the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU) during the legislative period 2004-2009 of the EP. Theoretically it is based on theories of power, most notably that of Keith Dowding’s including the notions of outcome power and social power. Its data consists mainly of

Does Candidate Status Matter? “ Unpacking the Relationship Between Europeanization and Conditionality in Turkey and Serbia”

Europeanization as a crucial insrument for democrtatization process in target countries requires gradual complaince with EU membership conditions where conditional positive incentives (ultimately EU membership) in return are offered as rewards to acceding countries. Provoked by conflicts at domestic level, the current setbacks in Europeanization proceses of several countries (here is Turkey and Se

The Migration in the post-enlargement European Union

The issue of CEEC migrations to the EU-15 is a continuous topic since the preparations of the 2004 enlargement. It is common acknowledged that all the EU-15 members will benefit from the CEEC migration in a long term. However, the asymmetrical migrants will make the natives who are experiencing the high risk of unemployment more nervous and it is uneven to ask one country to afford the burden of e

Bemötandet av elevers olikheter i musikundervisning - Musiklärares berättelser om hur de individanpassar musikundervisningen.

Title: The managing of students' differences in music education - Music teachers’ stories of how they adapt the music-teaching to individuals. The curriculum of the Swedish school express that the education should be adapted to each individual’s own conditions and needs. As a music teacher, it is common to have large classes’ small areas to use and pupils with different conditions and needs. T

Heritage and Government Participation: A Study on the Disproportionate Palestinian-Jordanian Representation Within the Jordanian State Apparatus

Jordan is the only Arabic country that has granted full citizenship to all its Palestinian residents, who now constitute half the population and dominate the private sector. Although a reasonable expectation would be that Palestinian-Jordanians hold half of all governmental positions, a 1997 survey reported much lower representation. This thesis attempts to investigate current (early 2009) Palesti

The (inter)national self - negotiating the Japanese narrating China

Unpacking and reconstituting different aspects of the Japanese narrative on China within the context of the Yasukuni controversy between 2001 and 2006, this thesis concludes that the constitution of China is an inherent part of the negotiating processes of the “Japanese we”. With a methodological framework comprised of grounded theory and narrative analysis; in its merged form referred to as groun

Globaliseringens påverkan på nationalstaten; En studie om den moderna demokratins möjligheter i en kosmopolitisk världsordning

The aim of this study is to understand whether globalization has any effects on modern democracy and if so to see whether it can be replaced by something else – something larger than democracy within the nation-state. The aim was also to find out whether a cosmopolitan democracy is possible among nation-states with the help of cosmopolitan theory. In order to receive this information the author ha

Miljösäkerhetspolitik ett arbete som ifrågasätter den givna sammankopplingen mellan bistånd och miljö

The issue of global warming has escalated and is a big subject of today, and it has more and more become incorporate with development assistance policy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the debate between Al Gore and Bjorn Lomborg, for the reason that it is between them the color of the debate is most seen. And then further discuss and question the fact that global warming and development a

Äktenskap för alla

Sexual orientation is one basis for discrimination that is not mentioned in any UN declaration or treaty, and therefor neither is the right to marry a person av the same sex. This essay is an analysis of the most important threats to this possible development to ensure the right to marry irrespective of sex in international human rights. By using contemporary research and UN treaty documents along

Att be om ursäkt - En komparativ studie om att be sin ursprungsbefolkning om ursäkt

In February 2008 Australia´s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered a national apology to the indigenous peoples of the land for the pain and suffering the foreign government put them through. This historical apology is a world-known event that has raised the question of redress and reconciliation among people in counties where discrimination and exclusion has been a phenomenon against indigenous peopl

When lesser bad equals good

The purpose of this work is to address key factors that should be included when creating an effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/CR) system. By analysing the connection between different systems fundamental problems in the close relationship contemporary systems have today, the problems of CSR/CR mainstreaming will be shown. It also shows how hard it can be to brake old patterns. One pro

European Union's Gas Supply Issue. To Securitize or not to Securitize?

This study examines the European Union (EU) gas supplies, particularly those coming from the Russian Federation. The increasing EU dependency upon Russian gas and recent gas disruptions make European leaders think about securitizing gas supplies issue. The aim of the thesis is to analyse consequences of securitization of the gas supplies in the EU through scrutinizing Russian foreign policy in th

Tillgänglighet i den fysiska miljön i

Medelåldern ökar i vårt samhälle vilket innebär att gruppen äldre blir större. Den svenska policyn är att människor ska kunna bo kvar hemma så länge som möjligt. För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs en tillgänglig miljö. Syftet med studien var att med bedömningsinstrumentet Housing Enabler undersöka hur tillgängligheten såg ut för två personprofiler, Beroende av gånghjälpmedel respektive Synnedsät

Hur ska en träffpunkt för äldre utformas för att attrahera fler besökare?

Antalet äldre ökar i Sverige. Regeringens policy är att äldre ska bo hemma så länge som möjligt. Kommunerna ska verka för äldre människors möjlighet till en aktiv och meningsfull tillvaro. Satsningen på träffpunkter är ett led i denna strävan. I samband med praktik inom kommunal hälso och sjukvård fick vi se att många äldre som upplever ensamhet har tendens till social isolation och passivitet. Sy

Job-hopping - Arbete som konsumtionsvara

Författare: Therése Stråle Titel: Job-hopping – Arbete som konsumtionsvara Uppsats SOCK01, 61-90 hp Handledare: Birgitta Ericsson Lunds universitet, sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2009 Problem/bakgrund: Vad är job-hopping? Vad beror fenomenet job-hopping på och vad får det för effekter på den svenska arbetsmarknaden? Vilka eventuella långsiktiga effekter kan rörelser på arbetsmarkna

Aktivitetsbegränsningar i dagliga livet hos personer med reumatoid artrit

Reumatoid artrit (RA) drabbar ca 1 % av befolkningen, de flesta är över 45 år och kvinnor. Inflammatoriskt angripna leder med smärta och svullnad är klassiska symtom vilka oftast kommer i samband med stelhet och utmattning vilket kan leda till inskränkningar i aktivitetsutförandet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka aktivitetsbegränsningar personer diagnostiserade med RA upplever i de

Att motivera klienter

Motivation hos klienter upplevs vara en viktig faktor för en lyckad intervention. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter upplever att de motiverar sina klienter. Vald metod var fokusgrupp varpå två grupper sammanställdes med fyra respektive fem yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter per grupp. Resultatet visar att arbetsterapeuterna motiverar sina klienter genom att skapa förtro

Samernas situation i Sverige: De internationella organisationernas betydelse för samernas relation till den svenska staten

Ursprungsfolk är idag en av de mest utsatta folkgrupperna i världen men den problematik de möter förknippas främst med förhållandena i u-länder och inte med förhållandena i ett i-land som Sverige. Samerna i Sverige har genom historien och i nutid utsatts för grov diskriminering och gör idag anspråk på självbestämmande och förbättrade förhållanden enligt internationell rätt. Denna uppsats ska därfö

Homosexuality in Ethiopia

Abstract This paper analyses the concept and the construction of homosexuality in relation to the issue of gender and feminism in Ethiopia. While Female homosexuality is simply overlooked, male homosexuality has been criminalised under Ethiopian law with imprisonment up to three years. The media and the elite has been creating homophobia in discourse and linguistic terms; however, it is the church