

Din sökning på "*" gav 528081 sökträffar

Weather preferences of French tourists: lessons for climate change impact assessment

Tourism has complex relationships with weather and climate, and there is consensus that tourism could be substantially affected by climatic change. While considerable research has been presented on how climatic change is likely to affect destinations and tourism stakeholders in the future, there remains limited understanding of the weather preferences of tourists. This is a research priority if th

Acute postoperative and cancer-related pain management, Patients´ experiences and perceptions in relation to health-related quality of life and the multidimensionality of pain

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vård och behandling av akut postoperativ och cancer-relaterad smärta: Patienters erfarenheter och uppfattningar i förhållande till hälsorelaterad livskvalitet och smärtans dimensioner Trots att det finns effektiva behandlingsmetoder för patienter med postoperativ smärta och cancer-relaterad smärta så lider många patienter av smärta. Denna avhandling beskriver patienterThis thesis describes patients in acute postoperative pain as well as patients with acute cancer-related pain in palliative care, and their experiences and perceptions of pain management in relation to HRQOL and the multidimensionality of pain. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was chosen. Data were collected using interviews and questionnaires; APS, SF:36 and a new developed q

Turbocharging to extend HCCI Operating Range in a Multi Cylinder Engine- Benefits and Limitations

In the last decade there has been interest in Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition- HCCI as a way to increase the efficiency of the gasoline engine. The attractive properties are increased fuel efficiency due to reduced throttling losses, increased expansion ratio and higher thermodynamic efficiency. The main drawback of HCCI is the absence of direct combustion timing control. Therefore all the

Comprehensive Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of 62Zn and Studies of Nilsson Parameters in the Mass A = 60 Region

Popular Abstract in English All ordinary matter around us is made out of atoms. In turn, the building blocks of the atoms are nowadays known to be three types of particles:electrons, protons and neutrons. The latter are called nucleons, as they together form the positively charged nucleus of the atom, around which the electrons are moving. The radius of the nucleus is about three orders of magnituComprehensive experimental knowledge of the 62Zn nucleus has been obtained from the combined statistics of four different experiments. The Gammasphere Ge-detector array in conjunction with the 4pi charged-particle detector array Microball was used to detect the gamma-rays in coincidence with evaporated light charged particles. In total twenty seven band structures have been observed in 62Zn, twent

Causal Loop Diagrams – Promoting Deep Learning of Complex Systems in Engineering Education (rev 2007-05-11)

The use of systems analysis involving tools like Causal loop diagrams and stock and flow diagrams can be shown in practical tests to greatly enhance systems insight and understanding of the dynamic behaviour of complex systems. Whereas many students may have difficulty understanding what a coupled system of differential equations really do, systems analysis creates such insights even to those with

Pereptgenetic identification of defense

The chapter presents the Defence Mechanism Test (DMT), the Meta-Contrast Technique (MCT) and new innovations within the same family of percept-genetic methods.

Modelling of molybdopterin-dependent enzymes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Molybden ingår som en viktig del i två typer av biologiska system - dels i nitrogenas, som fixerar kvävgas ur atmosfären, och dels i de enkärniga molybdenenzymerna. De senare är enzymer som innehåller endast en molybdenatom i sina aktiva säten. De enkärniga molybdenenzymerna finns i en mängd levande system, från bakterier till växter och djur och även i människan. EnzymThe thesis deals with models for molybdopterin-dependent enzymes. Several model systems containing molybdenum or tungsten have been prepared and characterised, and their reactivity with oxygen atom acceptors and donors have been investigated. Oxygen atom transfer reactions involving oxomolybdenum bis-dithiolene complexes have been modelled using density functional calculations. The first molybden

PIXE Analysis of Blood Serum Proteins, Separated by Gel Filtration

Gel filtration of blood serum was carried out with Sephadex G-200 gel and tris buffer at pH 7.8. The amount of protein in each of about 100 collected fractions was monitored using UV absorption. The fractions were concentrated and deposited onto Kimfol backing foils. From the PIXE results distributions of S, Fe, Cu and Zn were obtained in relation to the protein peaks, while elements like K, Ca an

Inventering av insekter i Benestads backar och Hagestad naturreservat

The two nature reserves Benestads backar and Hagestad in Scania, southernmost Sweden, were surveyed for insect diversity during 2011 and 2012. Because current management plans for both reserves include a size expansion to increase the protective status also of adjacent areas, the aim of this survey was to derive a measure of current insect diversity in both reserves. These estimates can then be us