

Din sökning på "*" gav 527127 sökträffar

Integrating Reciprocal Perspectives: On Georges Gurvitch’s Theory of Immediate Jural Experience

This paper suggests that many of Gurvitch's ideas, which were originally presented in an abstract fashion, are still highly pertinent to socio-legal analysis. They may be employed in empirical research in a revised form, which would make them receptive to operationalisation. To this end, I shall focus on some of the main theoretical ideas developed by Gurvitch, reinterpreting them critically and i

Exploring options for individual producer responsibility for waste from private households for the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive of the European Commission places the responsibility on producers to finance collection and treatment of waste deposited at collection facilities after 13 August 2005, on a collective or individual basis. The research identifies practical steps that are needed for producers to address WEEE from private households on an individual, rath

Diversity and phylogeography in Alisma (Alismataceae), with emphasis on Northern European taxa

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling berör storskalig genetisk variation och fylogeni hos arterna i växtsläktet Alisma (svaltingar). Den naturliga utbredningen för detta släkte av vatten- eller sumpväxter inskränker sig till norra halvklotets tempererade områden. Den vanligaste arten i större delen av Europa är Alisma plantago-aquatica (svalting eller kranssvalting som den ibland också kalIn the present thesis the phylogeny and patterns of genetic diversity of the plant genus Alisma (Alismataceae) were investigated by means of genetic markers (RAPDs, allozymes, and ITS and trnL sequences). Additionally, morphological studies were carried out in paper IV. All species in the genus were found to be closely related to each other and two major groups of diploid taxa were found: one cont


Artikeln introducerar bokens tematik. Några exempel: I traditionell kristen skapelsetro manifesteras Guds godhet genom ordning, medan kaos, synd och död är uttryck för onda makter. Också vetenskapen uppfattar traditionellt verkligheten som ordnad i betydelsen regelbunden. Aktuella trender i såväl vetenskap som teologi utmanar dessa tolkningar. Kaosteori visar att vår traditionella tolkning av såvä

Financial Activities in European VAT - A Theoretical and Legal Research of the European VAT System and the Actual and Preferred Treatment of Financial Activities

Value added tax (VAT) is a key part of the fiscal revenue of many countries. Yet this broad-based tax on consumer spending exempts financial services. This seems puzzling to many, particularly given the significance of that sector and the size of its value-added in today's world economy. The fact that the European Commission is currently reviewing the tax treatment of financial activities in the E

The Change from Feature Focus to Customer Focus in Packaging Development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skogs- och pappersindustrin är några av Sveriges mest betydande industrier. Mycket av det producerade pappret används till förpackningar och papper har under lång tid varit det dominerande materialet i förpackningsindustrin; en annan viktig industri i Sverige. På senare år har dock pappersindustrin utsatts för hård konkurrens från plastindustrin när det gäller material The paper and packaging industry is a major and important industry in Sweden. The industry is capital intensive with a large investment base and long cycles for renewal and replenishment of machine platforms and other production equipment. Thus, the paper/packaging industry traditionally has a technical product oriented view and product development in the industry is partly made and understood in

Dispersion and Transformation of Traffic Exhaust Particles in the Urban Atmosphere

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnet för denna avhandling är luftkvalitet i stadsmiljöer. Efter det att utsläppen till luft från industrier och produktion av värme och kraft har minskat betydligt över de senaste årtiondena framstår trafiken alltmer som en dominerande källa till luftföroreningar i städer, och utgör ett hot mot människors hälsa. De största hälsoeffekterna orsakade av trafikens utsläppUltrafine particles, their sources and fate in the atmosphere are currently key issues in atmospheric research owing to concern about their effects on human health and global climate. Traffic emissions are a dominating source of ultrafine particles, especially in urban areas. After release into the atmosphere, the particles are subjected to complex dilution and transformation processes that are of

Säkrare fordon genom integrerade säkerhetssystem - en litteraturstudie

Föreliggande litteraturundersökning om integrerade säkerhetssystem i fordon visar att system som funnits ha en positiv trafiksäkerhetseffekt är: Adaptiv farthållare, Alkolås, Automatisk lagring av färddata (svarta lådan), Antisladdsystem, Bältespåminnare, Däcklufttryckskontroll, e-Call, Hastighetsanpassare (ISA), Kollisionsvarningssystem och Körfältsstöd. System som kan ge både positiva och negati