

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

The Green and Just City? Discourses on urban greening in local sustainability planning

Hållbar stadsutveckling är ett viktigt och allt mer prioriterat fokus inom samhällsplanering. Inom ramen för detta har gröna lösningar (ny eller upprustad grönyta, så som parker, gröna stråk, och regnträdgårdar) på senare tid fått ökad uppmärksamhet. Grönska och naturmiljöer utgör viktiga inslag i stadsmiljön och bidrar till att göra den täta staden trivsam, levnadskraftig och attraktiv, samtidigtIn the realm of urban planning, urban greening – the creation or restoration of green spaces in cities – has risen as an attractive approach for policy-makers and planners engaged in sustainability. As the benefits of urban greening are many, from social and cultural to environmental and economic, it has become positioned as a win-win solution to several urban challenges related to sustainable dev

"Och även när man är nöjd finns det alltid någonting som kan vara lite bättre" - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga kvinnor förhåller sig till sin kroppsuppfattning

Syftet med denna studie var att utforska på vilket sätt unga kvinnor resonerar kring sin egen kroppsuppfattning och särskilt i relation till hur de ser på andras kroppar. Tre fokusgruppsintervjuer hölls med grupper av fyra till fem kvinnor i åldrarna 21 till 26. Genom en tematisk analys identifierades fyra teman i det insamlade materialet. Fynden visade på att umgås med sig själv hela tiden skaparThe purpose of this study was to explore the way young women reason about their own body image, especially in relation to how they view the bodies of others. Three focus group interviews were conducted with groups of four to five women between the ages of 21-26. Through a thematic analysis four themes were identified in the collected data. The findings showed that constantly being with oneself cre

Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: A Panel Data Empirical Analysis for South European Countries

The paper analyzes the determinants of non-performing loans in 19 European banks in Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain based on quarterly data between 2006–2018. We implement a panel data model with interactive effects, which accounts for unobserved heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. The estimation approach we employ uses an analytical and iterative bias correction based on the work of B

The impact of CEO narcissism on M&A performance – Examining on different narcissism variables

This research study uses an event study regressing cumulative abnormal returns on four different narcissism measures and additional control variables. Moreover, a regression of M&A intensity, measured by the deal size divided by the total market capitalisation of the acquirer, is regressed on the beforementioned narcissism measures and different control variables. Supplementary, the different

From Recognition to Adaptation: How does Forecasting relate to International Aid Funding in Food Security?

The importance of early adaptation to reduce the impact of recognized risks has been underlined in recent years as featured aspect of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Action. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between forecasted food insecurity levels and allocated funding directed at food security. The dataset was built by combining quantitative dat

Existerar det ett samband mellan datorisering och polarisering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden?

Den teknologiska utvecklingen går idag fortare än någonsin och allt fler funktioner och arbetsuppgifter i vår vardag datoriseras. Att teknologi både kan agera som ett substitut och komplement till arbetskraft gör det intressant att undersöka dess konsekvenser på arbetsmarknaden. Flertalet tidigare studier, publicerade av bland andra Frey och Osborne (2013) samt Autor och Dorn (2013), hävdar att nu

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The purpose of this dissertation is to study the way in which Algún amor que no mate by Dulce Chacón constructs the story of psychological abuse to create the novel’s authentic effect. In this work, we will compare the events in the novel with the strategies of psychological abuse that Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira et al. suggest. In addition, we will explore a theory put forward by Elaine J. Lawle

Det allmänna ombudet – Ett institut utan arbetsförmåga? - En undersökning av det allmänna ombudets roll i socialförsäkringsadministrationen.

I detta arbete undersöker jag det allmänna ombudets roll inom socialförsäkringssystemet och hur regeringens styrning av ombudet kan tolkas. Jag undersöker även hur detta förhåller sig till några av de problemen som existerar inom socialförsäkringsrätten idag. Jag diskuterar även hur lagstiftningen kan förändras för att göra det lättare för det allmänna ombudet att lyckas med sitt uppdrag. I undersIn this thesis I examine the role of the General Representative (allmänna ombudet) in the Swedish Social Security Insurance Administration. More specifically, I examine how the role of the general representative relates to some contemporary problems that exist within the social insurance system. Further, I discuss how the legislation can be developed in order to facilitate for the general represen

Reputational Loss Associated with Regulatory Sanctions in Scandinavia

The purpose of this thesis is to determine if there is reputational harm as a consequence to a regulatory sanction. The focus of the thesis is the Scandinavian countries after the global financial crisis. To confirm if there is reputational losses associated with regulatory violations, an event study of abnormal returns was employed. The regulator, as well as the company in violation of regulation

Hur det personliga blev politiskt. En innehålls- och begreppsanalys av Socialdemokraternas kriminalpolitik 1970-2018

Denna uppsats syfte är att analysera utvecklingen av Socialdemokraternas retorik i kriminalpolitiska frågor genom att placera den i en historisk kontext. Arbetet bygger på en studie av partiets valmanifest under perioden 1970-2018. Genom en metodkombination av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och en kvalitativ begreppshistorisk analys jämförs användningen av de fem utvalda nyckelbegreppen ”straff”,

Sport’s Specific Nature, an Excuse for Anti-Competitive Agreement and Abuse of Dominance

The development of sports within the European Union (EU) has been blooming the latest century, especially in the football sector, which has been transformed into a multi-billion industry. The development of European football has attracted investors outside the EU into heavy investing in football clubs across Europe. This has enabled purchases of new talents and high profile players for astronomica

"Vi är kreativitet" - en studie om kvinnliga låtskrivares skapandeprocesser och pedagogiska tankar

In this study we acquire an insight into the songwriting processes of eight female artists and music teachers. We investigate their creative processes, their thoughts on creativity and songwriting and the methods they use when composing. The informants share some of the challenges they face during the process and how to overcome them. Furthermore, we learn about factors enhancing the songwriting a

Raman spectroscopy for characterization of soot and other carbonaceous materials

Raman spectroscopy is well known as a method that can be used to study the structural characteristics of carbon materials such as soot and carbon black. In this work, a Raman spectroscopy setup was used to record spectra of various carbonaceous samples under different experimental conditions. The wave-number range of interest was from 900 to 3300 cm-1, which includes the first and second order Ram

Museer och politiskt ställningstagande : en undersökning av hur museer ser på ställningstagande och vilken roll de kan spela i att främja en demokratisk och humanitär samhällsutveckling

Taking a starting point in museum activism this thesis explores what it means for museums to take a political stand, which aims to work for a democratic and humanitarian development of society. The research has been done, by interviewing individuals in decision-making positions within the Swedish museum sector. The answers have been analysed by taking a starting point in museum activism, using ins

Disrupting Heritage: A Qualitative Study of how Luxury Fashion Heritage Brands are Perceived by Brand Public Members During a Rebranding

The aim of this study was to determine in what manner a luxury fashion heritage brand can rebrand from the perspective of brand public members. In line with the relativist and social constructivist stance taken in this study, a netnography of posts and belonging comments on the Instagram accounts of this study’s two example companies, Burberry and Gucci, was conducted. A thematic analysis was appl

Villain or scapegoat: New perspectives towards understanding the current management of the human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka

The conflict between humans and elephants (HEC) in Sri Lanka is severe. Due to habitat fragmentation and resource reduction elephants increasingly roam in areas with human settlements. These human-elephant interactions often lead to losses on both sides, which should be prevented. The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) holds all decision-making powers which enables them to implement solutio

Välvilliga, men okunniga : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om transinkluderande arbete inom socialtjänsten.

Benevolent, but uninformed : a qualitative interview-study on trans-inclusive behavior within the Swedish social services. The transgender community is a heterogenic group of gender diverse individuals who are at greater risk of societal oppression and maltreatment by the welfare system. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to assess the degree of trans-inclusive behavior of five social service w

Fiscal Sovereignty and State Aid in the field of Direct Taxation of EU Law

This thesis investigates if the recent decisions by the Commission on State aid in direct tax law are intruding on the EU Member States’ fiscal sovereignty. The author concludes that the Commission’s basic legal arguments of the reference system, being the corporate income tax system of the relevant Member States, as well as the arm’s length principle as a tool to assess selectivity in article 107

Trafikantbeteenden när övergångsställe saknas

Trafiksituationen vid korsningen Carl Krooks gatan – Furutorpsgatan i Helsingborg är komplicerad på grund av den svängande huvudleden och det stora flödet av trafikanter. Den svängande huvudleden har fått mycket kritik eftersom det är ett stort flöde av oskyddade trafikanter som måste korsa gatan som saknar övergångsställe. Syftet med studien är att undersöka trafikanters beteende vid interaktion The traffic situation at the intersection Carl Krooks gatan - Furutorpsgatan in Helsingborg is complicated due to the turning main road and the large flow of road-users. The turning main road has received a lot of criticism because there is a large flow of unprotected road-users who have to cross the street without a pedestrian crossing. The purpose of the study is to investigate the behavior of r