

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Välvilliga, men okunniga : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om transinkluderande arbete inom socialtjänsten.

Benevolent, but uninformed : a qualitative interview-study on trans-inclusive behavior within the Swedish social services. The transgender community is a heterogenic group of gender diverse individuals who are at greater risk of societal oppression and maltreatment by the welfare system. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to assess the degree of trans-inclusive behavior of five social service w

Fiscal Sovereignty and State Aid in the field of Direct Taxation of EU Law

This thesis investigates if the recent decisions by the Commission on State aid in direct tax law are intruding on the EU Member States’ fiscal sovereignty. The author concludes that the Commission’s basic legal arguments of the reference system, being the corporate income tax system of the relevant Member States, as well as the arm’s length principle as a tool to assess selectivity in article 107

Trafikantbeteenden när övergångsställe saknas

Trafiksituationen vid korsningen Carl Krooks gatan – Furutorpsgatan i Helsingborg är komplicerad på grund av den svängande huvudleden och det stora flödet av trafikanter. Den svängande huvudleden har fått mycket kritik eftersom det är ett stort flöde av oskyddade trafikanter som måste korsa gatan som saknar övergångsställe. Syftet med studien är att undersöka trafikanters beteende vid interaktion The traffic situation at the intersection Carl Krooks gatan - Furutorpsgatan in Helsingborg is complicated due to the turning main road and the large flow of road-users. The turning main road has received a lot of criticism because there is a large flow of unprotected road-users who have to cross the street without a pedestrian crossing. The purpose of the study is to investigate the behavior of r

Unemployment in the 21st Century: The Interaction between Macroeconomic Shocks and Institutions

This paper analyses the driving factors of youth- and adult unemployment in the OECD-countries during the 21st century. Focus is on both macroeconomic shock variables, such as the GDP-gap, the real interest rate and total factor productivity-growth, and institutional variables, such as union density, active labour market policies, the tax wedge, the replacement rate and the share of temporary empl

China’s geo-economic gambit in Pakistan An investigation on the strategic implications of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

States are increasingly applying economic means of power to pursue political objectives. The Chinese geo-economic mega-project the Belt and Road Initiative is the worlds foremost example of this trend. At the heart of this strategy, both geographically and strategically, is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This infrastructure project, worth approximately $62 billion, is expected to revitalise

Har alla elever möjlighet att lyckas? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare beskriver sitt tolkningsutrymme av kunskapskraven

Author: Jessica HauschildtTitle:Have all students the opportunity to succeed? -a qualitative study on how teachers disclosestheir interpretation space of the knowledge requirements[translate]Supervisor:Maria Bangura Arvidsson The purpose of the paper was to investigate whether there were similarities and differences between how teachers described their interpretation space of the knowledge requir

Museum Visitation under Charged and Free Admission - An Analysis of Vertical Product Differentiation

The issue of museum entrance fees is widely debated. Traditionally, it has been commonly agreed that museums should be free, however nowadays charged admission is the norm. Although economic analysis is a relevant tool in order to understand the impact of a given admission policy on museum demand the notion of congestion has been previously overlooked. In this essay, I analyze how museum visitatio

Kortsiktiga lösningar på långsiktiga problem: om ansvar vid automatiserad körning

This thesis analyzes and illustrates the legal prerequisites for liability regarding self-driving vehicles, with the objective to contribute with new knowledge, an understanding of how technology impacts on the content of Swedish Criminal Law. By applying a perspective of sociology of law this study problematizes the legal constructions of responsibility and how its principles and concepts are aff

The Impact of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on Listed European Football Clubs

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and shed light on the critical success factors for investors, management and academia for listed European football clubs. This paper is the first of its kind in that it analyses the Key Performance Indicators and their respective impact on the stock price for 23 listed European football clubs. The quantitative methodology approach utilised the FGLS regre

Transformational Leadership and Management Students: A study of the leadership style in relation to personality traits and perceived stress

The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the leadership style of future leaders, their personality, as well as their perceived stress level. The Full Range Leadership model with a focus on the transformational leadership dimension, as well as the Five-Factor personality model were used as a theoretical basis. The study was conducted with eighty- seven participants enrolled in a Mast

Disability and the “art” of interpretation: Treaty interpretation methods followed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador case

This study is focused on the relationship between treaty interpretation methods and the protection granted to the plaintiffs by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in its judgment of Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador. Based on a case law analysis of the Courts jurisprudence, this study explores judicial interpretation and the possible consequences of this landmark judgment in the protection of

Myndigheters möjligheter att ändra sina beslut – legalitetsprincipen som komplement till principen om gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft

I denna uppsats undersöks gällande rätt avseende myndigheters ändring av sina egna beslut, och huruvida den förvaltningsrättsliga legalitetsprincipen innebär några begränsningar för myndigheters möjligheter att ändra sina beslut till nackdel för enskilda, utöver de begränsningar som följer av principen om gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft. Den förvaltningsrättsliga legalitetsprincipen enligt This essay is about the opportunities for authorities to change their decisions. The aim is to investigate the extent to which authorities can change their decisions, and to examine whether the principle of legality restricts the opportunities to change decisions to a greater extent than what is followed from the principle of legitimate expectations. The principle of legality in administrative l

Säker köttbullsproduktion

The Swedish legislation regulates that food producers provide safe food from a microbiological perspective. One way to ensure the foods´ quality, is to control the microbiological levels by combining the measures of different time durations and temperatures during cooking. The elimination of microorganisms in food depends on both temperature and time. The higher the temperature, the shorter the ti

Sub-Saharan migration in Morocco : Mobility and perceptions of migration management

Sub-Saharan migration towards Europe is an increasing concern amongst politicians and citizens in Europe. While migration to Europe across the Mediterranean generally has decreased since 2015, the number of people transiting through Morocco to Europe has increased significantly during these same years. This paper explores the experiences of sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco and how their mobility is

Volatility forecasting for cryptocurrencies under a heavy-tailed distribution

In the recent years, cryptocurrencies have gained popularity and have experienced high price volatility. This essay pretends to examine how the multivariate GARCH models predict the volatility of these digital currencies and what implications exist if we consider the correlations among them to forecast their volatility. Using a bivariate Diagonal VECH and bivariate Diagonal BEKK this thesis checks

Development of Spectroscopic Measurements for Raman and Thomson Scattering Diagnostics ——Applications in Combustion and Plasma

This thesis work concerns methods for improved spectroscopy including stray-light suppression, dynamic range improvement and signal enhancement. These methods were applied in Raman and Thomson- scattering spectroscopy in combustion and plasma. First, the stray-light suppression method Periodic Shadowing (PS) is implemented in an experimental setup with a high-power high repetition rate laser syste

Understanding the Process of Memory Politics in Västra Hamnen’s Redevelopment

The research aims to understand and explore the process of memory politics that has underpinned the redevelopment of Vӓstra Hamnen’s built environment, and the extent to which these considerations have actively shaped the urban design of the area, for better or worse, in relation to the values Malmö Stad have sought to express through the area’s narrative shift. The research has endeavoured to ach

Overcoming obstacles to Lund University’s sustainability goals: a case study on the use of behavioral insights in canteen settings

Universities are in a unique position to lead society through a sustainability transition. Still, there is an unexploited potential, even of low-effort, low-investment measures, for improving environmental sustainability at Lund University. This raises the question of what obstacles lead to suboptimal environmental management in universities. Through a literature review, I identified thirteen obst