

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Radioanalytical determination of Fe-55 and Ni-63 in the environmental samples

The radioanalytical procedures for the determination of neutron activation isotopes (Fe-55 and Ni-63) in environmental samples (water, sediment, sail and biological material) are described. The procedures are based on the coprecipitation of Fe-55 with iron hydroxide in natural and reactor water, ashing and mineralization of sediments, soil and biota samples, and the sequential separation and purif

Can genital-tract human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer be prevented with a vaccine?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the cause of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. This causative relationship has provided the rationale and incentive for development of a prophylactic vaccine. Such a vaccine, if found to be effective, could reduce the need for cervical cancer screening and have a profound effect on the incidence of cervical and other anogenital cancers. This rev

Den rationella inbrottstjuven? : En studie om rationalitet och rationellt handlande i brott

Popular AbstractStudien behandlar temat rationalitet och bostadsinbrott. Ett syfte har varit att undersöka rationalitet och rationellt handlande. Rationalitetsbegreppet är komplext och diskuteras och definieras olika i litteraturen. Den teoretiska referensramen har utgjorts av rationalitetsteorier, främst de s.k. Rational Choice-teorierna. Den grundläggande betydelse som rationalitet fått i detta Rationality as purposive action among burglars is the theme of this study. Various theories concerning rationality, Rational Choice Theory especially, are discussed. The first purpose of this thesis is to highlight the concept of rationality. Rationality is a complex concept and it is defined in various ways in the literature. The basic definition is to act in a purposive way towards a defined goa

Requirements of Fire Resistance Based on Actual Fires (Swedish Approach)

A rational, analytical approach to a fire engineering design of load bearing steel structures is described. The method of design is directly based on the natural compartment fire concept and on strictly defined functional requirements and performance criteria. The method is permitted to be generally applied in Sweden, as one a1ternative;since more than ten years. For facilitating the practical app

Costing fixed assets in Swedish municipalities: Effects of changing calculation methods

When pricing public utility services Swedish municipalities are not allowed to charge more than their full cost. A dominant cost component in operations such as energy distribution or handling water and wastewater is the cost of fixed assets-depreciation plus interest, here referred to as "capital service cost" (CSC). The maximum acceptable price for the services is the full cost, i.e., variable c

Earlier Apgar score increase in severely depressed term infants cared for in Swedish level III units with 40% oxygen versus 100% oxygen resuscitation strategies: a population-based register study.

OBJECTIVES. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a resuscitation strategy based on administration of 40% oxygen influences mortality rates and rates of improvement in 5-minute Apgar scores, compared with a strategy based on 100% oxygen administration. METHODS. A population-based study evaluated data from 4 Swedish perinatal level III centers during the period of 1998 to 2003. During this

Central processing of sex pheromone stimuli is differentially regulated by juvenile hormone in a male moth

In the male moth, Agrotis ipsilon, the neuronal basis for juvenile hormone (JH)-linked modulation of sex pheromone responsiveness was investigated following stimulation of the antenna with i) an extract of female pheromone gland, ii) the synthetic pheromone blends from A. ipsilon and a closely related species, A. segetum, and iii) single components of the A. ipsilon blend. Response characteristics

Superdeformed and Highly Deformed Bands in 65Zn and Neutron-proton Interactions in Zn Isotopes

Superdeformed and highly deformed rotational bands were established in Zn-65 using the Ca-40(Si-29,4p)Zn-65 reaction, and averaged quadrupole moments were measured for two of these bands. The configurations of these bands were assigned based on Hartree-Fock calculations. One of the three bands exhibits at low (h) over bar omega a rise in the J((2)) dynamic moments of inertia that is similar to the

Lateralized Word Recognition: Assessing the Role of Hemispheric Specialization, Modes of Lexical Access, and Perceptual Asymmetry

The processing advantage for words in the right visual field (RVF) has often been assigned to parallel orthographic analysis by the left hemisphere and sequential by the right. The authors investigated this notion using the Reicher–Wheeler task to suppress influences of guesswork and an eye-tracker to ensure central fixation. RVF advantages obtained for all serial positions and identical U-shaped

C-reactive protein levels following standard neurosurgical procedures

Background. The aim of the present study was to establish the magnitude and time-course of C-reactive protein increases following routine neurosurgical procedures in the absence of clinical and laboratory signs of infection. Method. C-reactive protein levels were studied daily following ventriculo-peritoneal shunt implantation, anterior cervical fusion, vestibular schwannoma operation, supratentor

Export diversification and intra-industry trade in South Africa

This paper uses cumulative export experience functions to explore the structural dynamics of South Africa's exports for the period 1990-2003. It finds a large spread of emerging non-traditional accelerating export products across industry clusters of different factor intensifies, steadily increasing their proportion in total exports and her main markets. Shift-share and correlation analyses show t

Your Cradle Is Green : The Islamic Foundation and the Call to Islam in Children's Literature

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie avhandlar den internationellt välkända Brittisk-muslimska organisationen Islamic Foundation och dess nyförståelse och tillämpning av da‘wa, d.v.s. ’kallet’ eller ’inbjudan’ till islam. Da‘wa är en ungefärlig motsvarighet till de kristna missions- eller evangeliseringsbegreppen. Avhandlingen ägnar särskild uppmärksamhet åt organisationens förlagsverksamhet, This thesis deals with the conceptualisation of da‘wa, ‘the call to Islam’, of the British organisation the Islamic Foundation, and focuses its 25 years of publication of Islamic-English children’s literature. In order to analyse the implications of the new modalities of da‘wa in the late modern Muslim minority context, the present study applies a genealogical perspective. The study explores the

Approaches to increasing yield in evaporation/condensation nanoparticle generation

With the recent interest in the chemical, electronic and optical properties of nanometer scale metal particles, there is now interest in manufacturing these materials in larger quantities. Since both small particle size and high particle number concentrations are sought, there is a need for improved. particle generation reactors that can realize both goals. Here, results are presented for the synt

Patch testing with serial dilutions of budesonide, its R and S diastereomers, and potentially cross-reacting substances

BACKGROUND: Budesonide, a marker for corticosteroid allergy, is a 1:1 mixture of 2 diastereomers, the R and S, present in all commercial formulations. Budesonide is said to cross-react with group B substances through the R and S diastereomer and some group D substances only through the S diastereomer. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cross-reactivity pattern between the R and S diastereomers and 4 po

The Moral Life of the Party : Moral Argumentation and the Creation of Meaning in the Europe Policy Debates of the Christian and Left-Socialist Parties in Denmark and Sweden 1990-1996

This thesis analyzes moral argumentation and meaning creation in the process of programmatic policy formulation in the Christian People's Party and Socialist People's Party in Denmark, and the Christian Democratic Party and Left Party in Sweden, focusing specifically on their policy deliberations about the European Community and the European Union from 1990-1996. The primary emphasis is not on pol

Latitude, socioeconomic prosperity, mobile phones and hip fracture risk.

Introduction Epidemiological observations suggest that sunlight exposure is an important determinant of hip fracture risk. The aim of this ecological study was to examine the relationship between latitude and hip fracture probability. Methods Hip fracture incidence and mortality were obtained from literature searches and 10-year hip fracture probability computed from fracture and death hazards. Re

Phenotypes in three Swedish families with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa caused by different mutations in the RPGR gene

PURPOSE: To assess the clinical phenotypes in three Swedish families with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa caused by different mutations in the RPGR gene. METHODS: Three families from different parts of Sweden, including nine patients with retinitis pigmentosa and six female carriers of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa, were examined clinically. Ophthalmologic examination included kinetic perimetry with