Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar
Latitude, socioeconomic prosperity, mobile phones and hip fracture risk.
Introduction Epidemiological observations suggest that sunlight exposure is an important determinant of hip fracture risk. The aim of this ecological study was to examine the relationship between latitude and hip fracture probability. Methods Hip fracture incidence and mortality were obtained from literature searches and 10-year hip fracture probability computed from fracture and death hazards. Re
Phenotypes in three Swedish families with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa caused by different mutations in the RPGR gene
PURPOSE: To assess the clinical phenotypes in three Swedish families with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa caused by different mutations in the RPGR gene. METHODS: Three families from different parts of Sweden, including nine patients with retinitis pigmentosa and six female carriers of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa, were examined clinically. Ophthalmologic examination included kinetic perimetry with
“Vem säger ni att jag är?” Om Jesusdebattens teologiska sammanhang
Artikeln utgör en kommentar till den så kallade kristologidebatten som ägde rum i Svenska Dagbladet under 2003.
National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures
Most people hold beliefs about personality characteristics typical of members of their own and others' cultures. These perceptions of national character may be generalizations from personal experience, stereotypes with a "kernel of truth," or inaccurate stereotypes. We obtained national character ratings of 3989 people from 49 cultures and compared them with the average personality scores of cultu
On existence and existential perception
Unsaturated Solute Transport in a Semiarid Catchment - Nonlinear Analyses and Modelling
Unsaturated solute transport is highly variable and therefore difficult to predict. In semi-arid areas, where water resources are limited, the presence of macropores is of great importance for crop production. The bromide ion (Br-) and dye tracers are useful for studies of water movement. One approach to describe the heterogeneous solute transport is to apply the concept of fractals to a dataset.
Adherence to guidelines in the clinical care for adults with congenital heart disease: The Euro Heart Survey on adult congenital heart disease
Aims To investigate the role of guidelines in structuring the clinical care for adult patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), and to assess adherence to the guidelines in Europe. Methods and results A selected number of current guidelines were chosen pertaining to operative procedures, investigations, and the use of medication ('interventions'). The source for this analysis was the database
Dispersive effective material parameters
The author studied how effective material parameters call be defined for Maxwell's equations when taking dispersion into account. The reasoning is based oil the concept of dispersion relations, and is consequently primarily concerned with lossless media. The author essentially required that the effective material parameters should produce the same dispersion relations as the heterogeneous problem,
Peak power reduction for OFDM systems with orthogonal pilot sequences
In this paper, a novel peak-to-average power reduction approach for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been addressed. Two-dimensional pilot-symbol assisted modulation (2D-PSAM) is employed in coherent OFDM for channel estimation, and it is based on inserting known symbols spread throughout the 2D time-frequency grid. These pilot symbols are employed to simultaneously perform di
A replicated quantitative analysis of fault distributions in complex software systems
To contribute to the body of empirical research on fault distributions during development of complex software systems, a replication of a study of Fenton and Ohlsson is conducted. The hypotheses from the original study are investigated using data taken from an environment that differs in terms of system size, project duration, and programming language. We have investigated four sets of hypotheses
Four or more species of Cladosporium sympatrically colonize Phragmites australis
A collection of Cladosporium has been recovered from common reed growing at Lake Constance (Germany). High-resolution cryo-scanning electron microscopy revealed that Cladosporium isolates from reed are diverse. Morphologically, we distinguished three species, viz. C. herbarum, C. oxysporum, and Cladosporium sp. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence analysis supported these results and, moreov
Cecil B Demented (2001) (film review)
Cross section measurements of charged pion photoproduction in hydrogen and deuterium from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV
The differential cross sections for the gamma n ->pi(-)p and the gamma p ->pi(+)n processes were measured at Jefferson Lab. The photon energies ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV, corresponding to center-of-mass energies from 1.7 to 3.4 GeV. The pion center-of-mass angles varied from 50(degrees) to 110(degrees). The pi(-) and pi(+) photoproduction data both exhibit a global scaling behavior at high energi
Immigrant Consumption of Sickness Benefits in Sweden, 1981-1991
The myth of "Che"
Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on terrestrial ecosystems
Elevated solar UV-B radiation associated with stratospheric ozone reduction may exert effects on terrestrial ecosystems through actions on plants, microbes, and perhaps on some animals. At the ecosystem level, the effects are less well understood than at the molecular and organismal levels. Many of the most important, yet less predictable, consequences will be indirect effects of elevated UV-B act
Fiktion som genererar verklighet, som genererar fiktion, som genererar verklighet... : Lars Nilsson intervjuad av Gertrud Sandqvist
Kaernefeltia, a new lichen genus in the Parmeliaceae.
The new cetrarioid genus, Kaernefeltia Thell & Goward is described to accommodate Cetraria californica and C. merrillii, both of which are characterized by small, broadly clavate asci, slightly capitate paraphyses, disc-bar-shaped pycnoconidia and several distinctive fatty acids.
No title
Recension av Magnus Bergquist & Carina Kullgren; Två sekelslut. 1897 och 1997.