

Din sökning på "*" gav 529995 sökträffar

Academic papers and theses - to write and present and to act as an opponent

An educational method that is becoming all the more common at colleges and universities is that of the seminar. In the seminar, students write academic papers and reports, present them, and act as opponents on each other’s work. The book covers all the sections that are normally included in the seminar. The learning environment of the seminar is based on a scientific way of thinking and on scienti

Gehörsspel för piano [Musiktryck]. D. 2, Rock & jazz

Detta är en fortsättning av Gehörsspel 1 med tyngdpunkt på rock och jazz. Boken, som inkluderar 2 CD-skivor, vänder sig i första hand till studerande på musikhögskolor, gymnasieskolor och folkhögskolor. Den kan också användas vid undervisning inom musik- och kulturskolor samt i fortbildningssyfte. Man behöver dock vissa grundkunskaper i piano — materialet är alltså inte avsett för rena nybörjare.

An elliptical analytic link loss model for wireless propagation around the human torso

A simple analytical model for the link loss between two very low profile wireless body area network transceivers located at the same level on the human torso is presented. The model is based on the attenuation of the creeping waves on an elliptical approximation of the human torso. A good agreement between the model and the FDTD simulations on realistic heterogeneous phantoms of different age and

RNA in model lipid membranes - interactions in bulk and at surfaces

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla levande celler omges av membran, som reglerar dess kontakt med omgivningen. Cellmembran består av flera sorters lipider men även av kolhydrater och ett stort antal proteiner med olika funktion. Lipider är en grupp av molekyler som har ett hydrofilt (vattenälskande) huvud och en hydrofob (vattenavstötande) svans. I en omgivning lik den i kroppens celler d.v.s. beståThe work presented in the thesis “RNA in model lipid membranes- interactions in bulk and at surfaces” aims to characterize the interaction between RNA and model membranes with different properties as well as to determine if ssRNA associate with model membranes in different ways. Several techniques have been used to characterize these systems, including quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation

Celestial Orientation in Dim Light

Popular Abstract in Swedish HIMMELSKOMPASSEN En orienterare förlitar sig på karta och kompass för att finna sin väg genom skogen. När solen börjar gå ner blir det allt svårare att urskilja den röda kompassnålens riktning och detaljerna på kartan. Orienteraren slår slutligen på sin pannlampa och fortsätter springa mot sitt mål. Han är inte ensam. Många andra varelser har också ett mål att nå under The polarization pattern of skylight offers many animals a reference for visual compass orientation. In those cases when this optical compass is identified, the receptors involved are often confined to a small part of an eye built predominantly for other visual tasks. This thesis reports the discovery of a unique compass organ in the spider Drassodes cupreus, where a pair of specialised secondary

Enabling design

Designed to meet the diverse needs of therapists, this book presents a new approach to rehabilitation that integrates ergonomics concepts to address the wide range of problems commonly encountered by professionals. The first section addresses general concepts such as anthropometry and tissue mechanics. The next section explores whole body biomechanics, demonstrating the ergonomic effects of physio

Observing binaries with Gaia - the global picture

ESA's Gaia mission will observe huge numbers of binaries with a largerange of periods. The present contribution presents results from somelarge-scale simulations, based on a simplified population synthesismodel Galaxy consisting mostly of binaries. The results are 'typical'solution-numbers and -types, for stellar samples at different distancesfrom the sun. As in previous studies, there are marked

Optimal lead configuration in the detection and subtraction of QRS and T wave templates in atrial fibrillation

An in-house written software package was used to generate templates of QRS complexes and T waves using self-similarity techniques, and leave a residual signal representing only atrial activity. The templating performance differences between individual ECG leads were tested. The mean number of templates in each of the 3 ECG leads was 8±4, 2±1, 7±5 for the QRS complexes, and 11±5, 11±8, 10±5 for the

Ischemic and Hypoglycemic Brain Damage, Involvement of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore

Popular Abstract in Swedish Swedish summary Stroke, hjärtstopp, skallskada och drunkningstillbud drabbar varje år tusentals människor i Sverige. Dessa åkommor leder snabbt till obotliga hjärnskador om de ej behandlas. Hjärnans nervceller är speciellt känsliga för brist på syre och socker, vilket bland annat beror på att ämnesomsättningen är extremt hög i hjärnan och på att energireserverna är myckBrain damage from ischemia-reperfusion and hypoglycemia are major causes of morbidity and mortality. Therapeutic strategies include hypothermia, glutamate-receptor blockade, immunosuppression and lately treatment aiming at preserving mitochondrial integrity and function. Mitochondria are the main producers of cellular energy but mitochondria also participate in cell signaling and take an active pa