

Din sökning på "*" gav 531934 sökträffar

Why precommercial procurement is not innovation procurement

In 2006 the European Commission introduced the concept of "Pre-Commercial Procurement" as an instrument to promote innovation and to mitigate grand challenges. One of the main motivations for the support of Pre-Commercial Procurement schemes was to use public needs as a driver for innovation. This concept was also introduced as a response to the need to reinforce the innovation capabilities of the

Analysing vegetation changes in the Sahel using sensor data from Landsat and NOAA

The semi-arid Sahel zone of Africa has suffered several periods of severe drought since about 1950. We have analyzed AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over the Sahel for the period 1982-2002, and found extensive areas of increasing NDVI. To verify these changes we have analyzed Landsat TM and ETM+ scenes from 1984-1986 and 1999-2001 for areas in the Sudan, Central African Republi

Mapping NPP for a coniferous forest in southern sweden using data from Terra/MODIS

Net primary production (NPP) is modeled for a coniferous forest in southern Sweden for 2001. The model is based on the light-use efficiency concept where NPP is calculated as a product of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) and a light-use efficiency factor (ε). APAR is estimated from the fraction of APAR (FAPAR) multiplied with the daily total amount of incoming PAR. FAPAR is obta

Variation of satellite estimated LAI due to the impact of the ground vegetation cover

The contribution of the understorey vegetation to the spectral reflectance from the top of a forest canopy was investigated by the use of a forest canopy reflectance model. Detailed field data, i.e. forest leaf area index (LAI), tree structural parameters like the height, diameter and crown length of the trees, and the composition, distribution and reflectance of the forest floor, was collected fo

High resolution mapping of vegetation dynamics from Sentinel-2

The aim of this work is to develop and test a method for generation of information on vegetation dynamics from high-spatial resolution data, such as Sentinel-2. In order to accomplish this, Sentinel-2 data were simulated from existing SPOT HRG and HRVIR scenes over Sweden. We used TIMESAT, a well-tested computer package for generating smooth seasonal profiles and generation of seasonality paramete

Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling

Summary: Geografisk informationsbehandling baseras på insamling, lagring, analys och visualisering av geografiska data. Denna indelning utgör också grunden för bokens disposition. Boken är i första hand avsedd för introducerande kurser vid universitet och högskolor men vissa delar är lämpliga även på avancerad nivå. Den är också utmärkt för yrkesverksamma inom GIS som vill öka sina teoretiska kuns

Robust residual control chart for contaminated time series : A solution to the effects of outlier-driven parameter misestimation on the control chart performance

Control charts have typically been constructed using estimators obtained under assumptions of data independence and a given distribution of data. Here, I deal with cases in which neither of these conditions are satisfied. In particular, I consider the case of data obtained from a first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) time series model that have been contaminated by outlying process observations. I fi

Screening efficiency of the mood and feelings questionnaire (MFQ) and short mood and feelings questionnaire (SMFQ) in Swedish help seeking outpatients

Background To evaluate screening efficiency and suggest cut-offs for parent and child Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ) and the short version (SMFQ) in unselected help seeking child- and adolescent psychiatric outpatients for subgroups of 6-12 versus 13-17 year olds and boys versus girls. Method Eligible for inclusion were newly admitted outpatients age 6-17 years (n = 5908) in four Swedish ch

Experiences of acute care by persons with mental health problems : An integrative literature review

Aim: The provision of acute care to persons with mental health problems is challenging due to difficulties in encountering this group and the vulnerability of these persons. Understanding this group's experiences with acute care is thus an important endeavour. The purpose of this review was to critically and systematically identify and assess previous research on experiences of acute care by perso

A pin-on-disc tribometer study of friction at low contact pressures and sliding speeds for a disc brake material combination

Disc brake creep groan is a stick-slip phenomenon which results in a low frequency noise in road vehicles that could occur at low vehicle speeds and brake torques. Simulation approaches are used predict the stick-slip phenomena for disc brakes. These approaches depend on the friction model used. Tribometers can be used to map how the local coefficient of friction (CoF) depends on the contact press

Towards a test stand for standardized measurements of the brake emissions

Brake-related particulate matter contributes considerably to the non-exhaust emissions of the transport sector in urban areas of the world. The airborne particle emissions from automotive brakes currently lack any proper regulations. Future regulations require test stands, test cycles and particle instruments to be suitable for measuring the brake emissions. This present work focuses on the design